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Human and Social Biology

Grade: 11
Time: 1:15– 2:00 p.m. (Thursday)
Week 5: 3rd – 7th Oct, 2022
Date: 6th Oct, 2022
Using tables, charts and Graphs to represent Nutrition Data
Nutritional data can be represented in tables, charts and graphs. It is important to remember that

we need a balance of all nutrients. Too little of any nutrients can result in a deficiency disease

and too much can result in obesity, diabetes and hypertension.


Teeth in babies develop over the first few years, starting with the incisors, followed by the

canines and finally the molars. At about age 7, the baby teeth begin to fall out and are replaced

by permanent adult teeth. Again, it starts with the incisors, followed by the canines and then the

molars. By age 21, most people have all their adult teeth.

Importance of Teeth in Digestion

The teeth are responsible for the mechanical breakdown of food. The teeth cut, tear and grind up

food. This aids in the process of digestion by:

1. Food is broken down into smaller pieces to make swallowing easier

2. Food is mixed with saliva and this contains enzymes to start the chemical digestive


3. The surface area of the food increases

Parts of the tooth

Draw the tooth and include these parts

Human and Social Biology

1. Enamel

2. Dentine

3. Pulp cavity

4. Cement

5. Root opening

6. Crown

Part of the tooth Components Function

Enamel Non-living layer of hard Protects the dentine and

calcium salts forms a hard biting surface

Dentine Soft bone-like layer Acts as a shock absorber

Pulp Cavity Contains tooth cells, nerves Supplies food and oxygen to

and blood capillaries cells

Cement Thin layer of bone-like Covers the dentine of root

Human and Social Biology

material and holds root in the socket

Root opening Pathway for blood capillaries Blood supply, growth and

and nerves replacement of tooth and

nerves carry messages to and

from the brain

Tooth structure and Function

Mastication is the process of chewing food to break it down into smaller pieces. As such, it

makes it easier to swallow and increases the surface area to speed up the rate of digestion.

Types of teeth

Types Number Function

Incisor 8 Used to cut off pieces of


Canine 4 Used to rip and tear food

Pre-molar 8 Used to grind and chew food

Molar 12 Used to crush and chew food

Causes of Tooth Decay

Plaque is a sticky substance that contains bacteria. Tooth decay is caused by the production of
aids by bacteria living in the plaque of the mouth. The acid reacts with enamel and forms holes.
Sugary foods are a major cause of tooth decay.

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