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Flourenze Faye J. Sanin March 28, 2022

Grade 12- SJGP

SEARCH ENGINE Search for: “Needle” Search for: “Space needle”
Google 881,000,000 HITS 294,000,000 HITS
Excite 4,070,000 HITS 1,850,000 HITS
Webcrawler 834,000 HITS 556,000 HITS
Yahoo! 15,300,000 HITS 6,210,000 HITS

1. Which search engine would be the best if you were looking for something very
- If you're looking for anything obscure, Google is the ideal search engine to use
because it's one of the most up-to-date search engines nowadays, well-known for its
ease of use, and has over a hundred million results for whatever you're looking for.

2. Did searching for "Space Needle" always result in more hits or fewer hits than
searching for needle? Why?
- Searching for "Space Needle" rather than "needle" yields fewer results, owing to the
fact that the topic is narrower and precise.

3. Which search engine seemed to display the result fastest?

- In my experience it would be Google that gives you the display of results fastest
among the other three.
4. Try another search. This time, look for sites that contain all of these words: needle,
sleeping, and beauty. (Hint: On many of the search engines you can specify that
certain words MUST be included by adding a + in front of the word: +needle +sleeping
- Telling Stories Through the Needle's Eye: Stories and Stitching by Kara Mason and
Teri Young
- Disney Wiki: Compilation of Stories containing +needles + beauty +sleeping.
- Fairy Tale Cribs: Sleeping Beauty

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