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Rabies Prevention and Control Program

This program of DOH seeks to prevent and control rabies infection through
the distribution of affordable vaccines and the promotion of rabies
education and awareness among the general public. Humans contract the
rabies virus when an infected animal, such as a dog or cat, bites or
scratches them transdermally. It can spread when an infected substance,
typically saliva, comes into touch with a victim's fresh skin sores. It is one of
the most quickly lethal illnesses that kills at least 200 Filipinos every year,
making it an important public health issue in the nation.

For its scope of service, the program has implemented:

- Post Exposure Prophylaxis
- Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Health Education and advocacy campaign
- Training/Capability Building
- Training on National Rabies Information System (NaRIS)
- Establishment of ABTCs by Inter-Local Health Zone
- DOH-DA joint evaluation and declaration of Rabies-free areas/provinces

Rabies prevention and control program benefits the country by lowering the
cases of rabies infection throughout the years and its mission is to totally
eliminate rabies by the year 2027.
Advocacy Campaign:
Rabies awareness and advocacy campaign is a year round activity
highlighted on 2 occasions: March – the Rabies awareness month and
September 28 – World Rabies Day. The campaign focuses on three target
audiences; pet owners – to have their dog/s registered and vaccinated;
animal bite victims- to practice immediate washing of bites with soap and
water for at least 10 minutes and receive appropriate Post-Exposure
Prophylaxis (PEP)if need from trained health workers and not from
traditional healers; and lastly Legislators, Local Chief Executives (LCEs),
NGO’s Pos and other stakeholders to implement (LCEs) and support a
comprehensive rabies prevention and control program.

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