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3 Basic plate count techniques

for the enumeration

of microorganisms

3.1 Introduction Clostridium perfringens. The basic procedure consists

in inoculating the homogenized sample (and its dilu-
Most of the recommendations and guidelines contained tions) on a solid culture medium (with agar), contained
in this chapter are taken from American Public Health in Petri dish, and followed by incubation of the plates
Association (APHA), as described in the Chapter 6 of the until visible growth occurs. The versatility of the tech-
4th Edition of the Compendium of Methods for the Micro- nique derives from the principle underlying the con-
biological Examination of Foods (Swanson et al., 2001). cept of microbiological counts, and which is based on
When different from or complementary to those of the the premise that, when placed on an appropriate solid
Compendium, they were complemented with informa- medium, each microbial cell present in the sample will
tion and recommendations from ISO 6887-1:1999 and form an isolated colony. By varying the type of culture
ISO 7218:2007, recommended for performing tests medium (enrichment medium, selective medium, dif-
using methods developed by the International Organi- ferential selective medium) and the incubation condi-
zation for Standardization. tions (temperature and atmosphere), it is possible to
Microbiological examination of foods is predomi- select the group, genus or species to count. Since micro-
nantly based on culturing techniques, to detect and bial cells often tend to aggregate into groupings of dif-
enumerate living microorganisms. In view of the huge ferent shapes and sizes (pairs, tetrads, chains, grape-like
variety and multiplicity of groups, genera and species clusters), it is not possible to establish a direct relation
that may be present, a great number of tests are used, between the number of colonies and the number of cells.
and which can be of one of two types: qualitative tests, This correlation is between the number of colonies and
which are aimed at detecting the presence or absence the number of “colony forming units” (CFU), which
of the target microorganism(s), without quantifying, may be either individual cells or clusters of a specific
and quantitative tests which determine the quantity of size-shape-number configuration that is characteristic
the target microorganism(s) in the sample, generally of certain microorganisms.
per unit of weight or volume. Each of these tests fol- The procedures used to homogenize the samples and
low differentiated procedures, which in turn depend on prepare sample dilutions are described in Chapter 2.
the target microorganism(s), but most of them utilize With regard to inoculation in a solid culture medium
the same basic microbiological culturing techniques. (called plating) four basic procedures may be utilized:
These techniques are the detection of presence/absence a) pour plate (deep plating), b) spread plate (surface
(Chapter 5), the Most-Probable-Number counts (MPN) plating), c) drop plate and d) membrane filtration.
(Chapter 4) and the standard plate counts, described in
this chapter.
Standard plate counts are used both for quantifica- 3.2 Pour plate technique
tion of large microbial groups, such as aerobic mes-
ophilic microorganisms, aerobic psychrotrophiles, The standard procedure for pour plating, described
yeasts and molds, sulphite-reducing clostridia, entero- below, has a detection limit of 10 CFU/g for solid prod-
cocci and lactic bacteria, but also particular genera and ucts or 1 CFU/ml for liquid products. This procedure
species, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and may be adapted, if necessary, to achieve a detection limit

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24 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

of 1 CFU/g for solid products. The main applications for net or in the proximity of the flame of a Bunsen
the pour plating technique are total aerobic mesophilic burner. Deposit the inoculum off-centre in the
counts, Enterobacteriaceae counts, enterococci counts Petri dish, since this will later on facilitate mixing
and lactic acid bacteria counts. There are some limita- with the culture medium. Position the pipette at
tions to this technique, the main one being the need to an angle of about 45° touching the bottom of the
melt the culture medium before use. Some media sup- plate. Use a different pipette for each dilution,
plemented with heat-sensitive components after sterili- with a maximum holding capacity of 10 ml. The
zation may not be reheated to melt the agar before use. uncertainty of the volume measurement must not
exceed 5% (ISO 6887-1:1999). Observe carefully
whether the plate used actually corresponds to the
3.2.1 Material required for the sample and dilution that are being inoculated.
analyses Change the position of the plates as they are being
inoculated, to avoid the risk of inoculating the
• Material for preparing the sample and serial dilu- same plate more than one time, or to leave a plate
tions, described in Chapter 2. un-inoculated.
• The culture medium recommended for the test to Note b.1) Select the dilutions as a function of the estimated
be carried out, described in specific chapters. contamination level of the sample, so as to obtain
plates containing 25 to 250 colonies. If the expected
• Sterile, empty 20 × 100 mm Petri dishes.
contamination level of the inoculum falls in range
• Laboratory incubator set to the temperature speci- from 2.500 to 25.000 CFU/g or ml, for example,
fied by the test to be performed, described in spe- the recommended dilutions are 10−1, 10−2 and 10−3,
cific chapters. which correspond to 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 g or ml
of sample. If the contamination level is expected to
exceed this range, higher dilutions must be inocu-
lated. If the contamination is expected to be below
3.2.2 Procedure this range, it is possible to start inoculating 1 ml of
the sample without any dilution for liquid prod-
Before starting the procedure, observe the precautions ucts. In the case of solid products it is not possible
and care described in Chapter 2, to ensure that all activi- to inoculate samples without dilution, but it is pos-
sible to inoculate up to 2 ml of the initial dilution
ties will be carried out under aseptic conditions. Prop- in one and the same plate, or a greater volume, dis-
erly identify the tubes and plates that will be inoculated tributed or divided over several plates (2 ml/plate).
by labeling them with the sample code, the dilution, If it is not possible to previously estimate the level
and the standard abbreviation of the culture medium. of contamination of the sample, it is recommended
Melt the culture media in a boiling water bath, main- to inoculate more than three dilutions, made from
the initial dilution.
taining the boiling for only the time necessary to soften
Note b.2) For the analysis of certain foods, the recommended
and liquefy the agar. Cool immediately in cold water and initial dilution is greater than 1:10 (see Chapter 2).
keep at a temperature of 44 to 46°C until the time of use If the counts in these products are expected to be
(in a temperature-controlled water bath or incubator). low, the inoculated volume of the initial dilution
should be increased, in the same way as described
a) Preparation of the samples and serial dilu- in Note b.1. When using this technique, the inocu-
lation of 0.1 g of solid product or 1 ml of liquid
tions: For the preparation of the samples and product should be maintained, if possible.
serial dilutions follow the procedures described in Note b.3) To increase the accuracy of the counts, it is recom-
Chapter 2. mended not to use pipettes with a holding capacity
b) Inoculation: In general, inoculation is done for greater than 2 ml to dispense volumes of 1 ml. It is
several tests at the same time. For each test that is also possible to inoculate two plates with the same
being conducted, select three adequate dilutions dilution (duplicate).
Note b.4) ISO 7218:2007 does not require the inoculation of
of the samples (see the notes below) and inocu-
three dilutions of the sample, nor that of two plates
late 1 ml of each dilution in separate, sterile and for each dilution. It establishes two successive dilu-
empty Petri dish, opening the plates only enough tions, without duplicate, or with a duplicate if only
to insert the pipette. Work in a laminar flow cabi- one dilution is to be used. However, the way to cal-

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 25

culate the results is somewhat different (see item of medium, add 0.5 ml of a 1% aqueous TTC solu-
3.7). tion, previously sterilized by filtration.
c) Addition of the culture medium: For each test d) Incubation: Wait until solidification of the culture
that is being conducted, withdraw the culture medium is completed, invert the plates (if required
medium from the water bath or incubator at by the method being used) and incubate at the
44–46°C and, if the flask is wet, dry with a paper conditions of temperature, time and atmosphere
towel taking care to avoid spattering onto the specified for each test. The culture medium should
plates at the moment of plating. Avoid agitation reach the incubation temperature within a maxi-
and abrupt movements to prevent the formation mum time interval of two hours. Avoid excessive
of bubbles. Pour 12 to 15 ml of the medium into stacking of the plates and do not place an exces-
the inoculated plates, observing whether the iden- sive number of plates in each incubator, to ensure
tification of the plates corresponds to the culture even distribution of the temperature. Within the
medium used. Mix the medium with the inocu- first 48 h of incubation, the plates may not lose
lum, moving the plates gently on a flat surface, in more than 15% of their weight caused by drying
movements forming the number eight or in cir- out. Excessive moisture is also undesirable, since it
cular movements, 8–10 times clockwise and 8–10 increases the risk of spreading. Depending on the
times counter-clockwise. The plates should be temperature, humidity control of the incubator
moved about with utmost care, to avoid droplets may be necessary.
of medium from spattering onto the rims or lids of e) Counting the colonies and calculating the results:
the plates. To facilitate this step of the operation, Follow the guidelines and instructions described in
prefer using high plates (20 × 100 mm). The plates item 3.6.1.
can be stacked one on top of the other during the
addition of the growth medium and homogeni-
zation with the inoculum, but they must subse-
3.3 Spread plate technique
quently be evenly distributed over the cold surface
of a bench, to accelerate cooling and solidification
The main difference between surface plate and pour
of the medium.
plate is that the sample and/or its dilutions are inocu-
Note c.1) When several tests are being conducted simulta-
neously, the activities and teamwork should be
lated directly onto the surface of a solid medium, previ-
organized and programmed so as to satisfy the fol- ously distributed over a certain number of Petri dishes.
lowing conditions, established by the Compendium Surface inoculation is considered advantageous in some
(Swanson et al., 2001): the time between deposit- aspects, since it does not expose the microorganisms
ing the inoculum in a plate and the addition of to the high temperature of the melted medium, allows
culture medium should not exceed 10 minutes,
visualization of the morphological and differential char-
to prevent the inoculum from drying out and to
adhere to the plates. Mixing the culture medium acteristics of the colonies, facilitates the transferring of
with the inoculum should be done immediately colonies, allows to use media that may not be re-heated
after adding the medium, in order to avoid the to melt the agar, and does not require that the culture
risk of solidification of the agar. Furthermore, the media be transparent or translucent. Its main disadvan-
Compendium recommends that the complete pro- tage is the volume to be inoculated, which is limited to
cedure, from the preparation of the first dilution
until finishing the inoculation of all the culture
the maximum liquid absorption capacity of the culture
media, should not take longer than 20 min- medium (0.5 ml per plate). The standard procedure is
utes. ISO 6887-1:1999 recommends not exceed the inoculation of 0.1 ml/plate of each dilution, with
45 minutes. a detection limit of 100 CFU/g for solid products or
Note c.2) For foods containing or consisting of particles 10 CFU/ml for liquid products. This procedure can be
(meals and flours, for example) the distinction adapted, if necessary, to a detection limit of 10 CFU/g
between colonies and particles may be difficult
for solid products or 1 CFU/ml for liquid products.
in the first dilution. To avoid this problem, TTC
(2,3,5 triphenyltetrazolium chloride) may be added Its main applications are total aerobic psychrotrophic
to the culture medium since most bacteria form red counts, yeast and mold counts, S. aureus counts and
colonies in the presence of TTC. For each 100 ml B. cereus counts.

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26 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

3.3.1 Material required for the surface of the medium as fast as possible, using
analyses glass or plastic spreader (Drigalski), and continue
until all excess liquid is absorbed. Utilize a differ-
• Materials for preparing the sample and serial dilu- ent spreader for each plate or, alternatively, flame-
tions, described in Chapter 2. sterilize the spreader after each plate, starting with
• Petri dishes containing the medium recommended the greatest dilution plate and going to the smallest
for the test, described in specific chapters. dilution plates.
• Glass or plastic spreaders (Drigalski) immersed in Note b.1) When several tests are being performed simulta-
ethanol 70%. neously, the activities and teamwork should be
organized and programmed so as to satisfy the
• Laboratory incubator with the temperature set at the
following conditions, established by Compendium
temperature specified by the test to be performed, (Swanson et al., 2001): the complete procedure,
described in specific chapters. from the preparation of the first dilution until
finishing the inoculation of all the culture media,
should not take longer than 20 minutes and the
3.3.2 Procedure inoculum spreading should be started immedi-
ately after depositing the three dilutions onto the
As recommended for pour plate, observe the precautions medium surface. ISO 6887-1:1999 recommends
and care described in Chapter 2 before starting the pro- not exceed 45 minutes.
cedure, to ensure that all activities be carried out under Note b.2) As described for pour plating, select the dilutions
as a function of the estimated contamination level
aseptic conditions. Identify all the tubes and plates that
of the sample, so as to obtain plates containing 25
will be inoculated with the sample code, the dilution to 250 colonies. However, it should be taken into
and the standard abbreviation of the culture medium. account that the inoculated volume is ten times
Prepare the plates on beforehand and dry them in a lam- smaller. In the case of samples with a low level of
inar flow cabinet for 30–60 min with the lids partially contamination, a greater volume of the first dilu-
open or in an incubator at 50°C/1.5–2 h with the lids tion may be inoculated, distributing this volume
over several plates. A distribution commonly
partially open or in an incubator at 25–30°C/18–24 h used is inoculating three plates with 0.3 ml and
with the lids closed. one plate with 0.1 ml. The spreading of 0.3 ml
onto the plates requires a longer time of absorp-
a) Preparation of the samples and serial dilu- tion of the liquid, thus care and precautions must
tions: For the preparation of the samples and be taken to avoid that moisture films remain on
the surface, with the consequent formation of
serial dilutions follow the procedures described in
spreading zones.
Chapter 2. Note b.3) For the analysis of certain foods, the recom-
b) Inoculation: In general, inoculation is done for mended initial dilution is greater than 1:10 (see
several tests at the same time. For each test that Chapter 2). If the expected counts in these prod-
is being conducted, select three adequate dilu- ucts are low, the inoculated volume of the initial
tions of the sample to be inoculated (see note b.1). dilution should be increased, in the same way as
described in Note b.1. When using this technique
Using a pipette with a maximum holding capac-
the inoculation of 0.01 g of solid products or
ity of 1 ml (and 0.1 ml graduation markings), 0.1 ml of liquid products should be maintained,
inoculate 0.1 ml of each dilution onto the surface if possible.
of previously prepared plates. Verify whether the Note b.4) To increase the accuracy of the counts, it is rec-
identification of the plate actually corresponds to ommended not to utilize pipettes with a capacity
the sample and dilution that are being inoculated greater than 1 ml to dispense volumes of 0.1 ml.
and whether the plate contains the correct culture Note b.5) ISO 7218:2007 does not require the inoculation
of three dilutions of the sample, establishing only
medium. Change the position of the plates as they
two successive dilutions, without duplicate, or with
are being inoculated, to avoid the risk of inocu- a duplicate if only one dilution is to be used. How-
lating the same plate more than one time, or to ever, the way to calculate the results is somewhat
leave a plate un-inoculated. Work in a laminar flow different (see item 3.7).
cabinet or in the proximity of the flame of a Bun- c) Incubation: Follow the same instructions and
sen burner. Spread the inoculum onto the entire guidelines as those described for pour plating.

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 27

d) Counting the colonies and calculating the results: a) Preparation of the samples and serial dilu-
Follow the guidelines and instructions described in tions: For the preparation of the samples and
item 3.6.2. serial dilutions follow the procedures described in
Chapter 2, but prepare the diluent supplemented
with 0.1% agar, to make it easier to fix the droplets
3.4 Drop plate technique later on onto the surface of the culture medium.
b) Inoculation: Divide the plate into nine sectors,
The drop plate method is a surface inoculation tech- marking the bottom with a glass-marking pen (trac-
nique that has the same advantages as the spread plating ing three horizontal lines and three vertical lines). For
technique. The main difference is that the inoculum is each test that is being conducted, select three adequate
not spread, but deposited onto the surface of the cul- dilutions of the sample to be inoculated (see note b.1
ture medium in the form of 0.01 ml-droplets. Since below). Before collecting the volume of each dilution
the droplets occupy a minimum amount of space, it is to be inoculated onto the plates, vigorously agitate or
possible, on one and the same plate, to inoculate three shake the dilution tubes, by inverting them 25 times
dilutions in triplicate, three drops per dilution. This in an 30 cm-arc or with the aid of a vortex shaker.
makes this technique extremely cost-friendly, with Using 0.1 ml (and 0.01 ml graduated) pipettes or
a detection limit 1,000 CFU/g for solid products or pipettes with disposable tips, deposit three 0.01 ml
100 CFU/ml for liquid products. Although the drop drops of each dilution in three adjacent quadrates
plate technique is not routinely used for the micro- of the plate (triplicate). This procedure must be per-
biological examination of foods, it can be very useful formed with care, to avoid any droplets from running
in situations that require the inoculation of a large out of their respective quadrate. Do not spread the
number of dilutions. drops. Keep the plates placed on a flat surface, wait
until all the liquid is absorbed by the culture medium,
which will require approximately 30 minutes.
3.4.1 Material required for the Note b.1) Select the dilutions as a function of the estimated
analyses contamination level of the sample, so as to obtain
drops containing 30 colonies, at most. Take into
• Materials for preparing the sample and serial dilu- account that drop plating cannot be used with
tions, described in Chapter 2. samples with a contamination level lower than
103 CFU/g or 102 CFU/ml, except when the pur-
• Sterile 0.1 ml graduated pipettes or pipettes with
pose of the test is not to quantify, but rather to
disposable tips to dispense the droplets. show or prove that the count is below this limit.
• Petri plates containing the medium recommended c) Incubation: Wait until the liquid of the drops is
for the test, described in specific chapters. completely absorbed by the culture medium and
• A laboratory incubator with the temperature set incubate under the same conditions recommended
at the temperature specified by the test to be per- for pour plating.
formed, described in specific chapters.
d) Counting the colonies and calculating the results:
Follow the guidelines and instructions described in
3.4.2 Procedure item 3.6.3.

As recommended for pour plate, observe the precau-

tions and care described in Chapter 2 before starting 3.5 Membrane filtration
the procedure, to ensure that all activities be carried out
under aseptic conditions. Identify by labeling all the The procedure of membrane filtration is limited to
tubes and plates that will be inoculated with the sam- the examination of limpid or crystal-clear liquid sam-
ple code, the dilution and the standard abbreviation of ples, without solids in suspension, and which may
the culture medium. Prepare the plates with the culture be filtered through a membrane with a pore size of
medium on beforehand and leave to dry in an incubator 0.45 μm. The main advantage of this technique is
for 24 hours at 25–30°C with the lids closed. that it makes it possible to inoculate larger volumes

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28 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

of the sample, concentrating in the membrane the cup is held in place by a clamp. The lower part
microorganisms present in the inoculated quantity. of the filter holder is coupled to the kitasato flask,
The detection limit is 1 CFU per inoculated volume, which, connected to a vacuum pump, collects and
which makes it the technique of choice for examining retains the filtered liquid. Before beginning the
samples containing counts lower than the detection analyses, the filter holder must be coupled to the
limit of the other procedures. Its main applications kitasato, wrapped in kraft paper and sterilized in
are total aerobic mesophilic counts, yeast and mold an autoclave (121°C/30 min). The filtration cups
counts, lactic acid bacteria counts, enterococci counts must be wrapped separately in kraft paper and
and counts of total coliforms, fecal coliforms and also sterilized in an autoclave (121°C/30 min).
E. coli in water, carbonated soft drinks and other liq- Alternatively, disposable sterile cups may be used,
uid products, in addition to solid products, provided which are especially useful when a large number of
they can be transformed into a limpid solution, such samples are to be filtered. At the time of use, the
as salt and sugar. two parts must be unwrapped in a laminar flow
cabinet or, when such equipment is not available,
in the close proximity of the flame of a Bunsen
3.5.1 Material required for the burner. The membrane filtration set is prepared
analyses by adjusting the sterile membrane onto the filter
holder (graph side up) and the filtration cup on the
• Material for preparing the sample and serial dilu- membrane. Next, the kitasato flask is connected to
tions, described in Chapter 2. the vacuum pump to start filtration. Another pos-
• A previously sterilized filtration set. sibility is to use manifolds fitted with various filter
• A vacuum pump. holders and which allow to filter several samples
• Membrane-filters, 47 mm in diameter, porosity of simultaneously.
0.45 μm. b) Preparation of the plates: The most commonly
• Petri dishes containing the culture medium recom- used plates to perform the membrane filtration
mended for the test, described in specific chapters. technique are 50 mm in diameter and 9 mm in
• Sterile empty Petri dishes and sterile pads, optional height. If a solid culture medium is used, the plates
for use with broth media. must be previously prepared, in the same way as
• A laboratory incubator with the temperature set recommended for spread plating. It is also com-
at the temperature specified by the test to be per- mon practice to utilize broth medium, a situation
formed, described in specific chapters. in which no previous preparation of the plates is
necessary. At the time of analysis, a sterile absorb-
ent pad is placed inside the sterile plates and soaked
3.5.2 Procedure with 2 ml-portions of the culture medium in liquid
As recommended for pour plating, observe the precau- c) Homogenization of the sample and withdraw-
tions and care described in Chapter 2 before starting ing the analytical unit: Homogenize the sample
the procedure, to ensure that all activities be carried out following the procedures described in Chapter 2.
under aseptic conditions. Identify by labeling all the Measure 100 ml in a sterile measuring cylinder and
tubes and plates that will be inoculated with the sample pour the content into the cup of the filtration set,
code, the dilution and the standard abbreviation of the avoiding spattering. If the cup of the filtration set is
culture medium. graduated and the graduation scale has a marking
that matches the required volume, the volume of
a) Preparation of the filtration set: The membrane the sample may be measured directly without using
filtration set is composed of a membrane filter the measuring cylinder.
holder, a kitasato flask and a filtration cup. The d) Serial dilution of the sample: Since the filtration
filter holder is a kind of funnel the upper part method is a technique that concentrates the micro-
of which is plane, to accommodate the filtration organisms in samples with low counts, serial dilu-
membrane and onto the top of which the filtration tions of the samples are generally not made. The

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 29

usual procedure calls for filtering total quantities of contained in the medium. In case of bubble for-
100 ml, which may divided into two portions of mation, the edge of the membrane that is closest
50 ml, 4 portions of 25 ml or 3 portions of 70, to the bubble(s) should be gently lifted up and
25 and 5 ml, respectively. Selecting the volume to replaced in a way so as to eliminate the bubble(s).
be filtered, however, will depend on the estimated Incubate the plates under the conditions recom-
level of contamination of the sample, so as to obtain mended for the test (described in specific chap-
plates containing a number of colonies within the ters) in an inverted position (if indicated by the
20 to 200 range. method) and, preferably, placed inside bags or
e) Filtration: Turn on the vacuum pump and start the trays covered with moistened paper towels or filter
filtration process. After passing the sample through paper, to avoid dehydration.
the filter membrane, and with the vacuum pump g) Counting the colonies and calculating the results:
still running, rinse off the sides of the cup with 20 to Follow the guidelines and instructions described in
30 ml of the diluents recommended in Chapter 2, item 3.6.4.
to collect contaminants that may have adhered to
the sides. Repeat this procedure one more time.
Turn off the pump before the membrane begins to 3.6 Counting colonies and calculating
dry out. When the volume to be filtered is smaller results
than 20 ml, add about 20–30 ml of the diluent
to the cup of the filtration set, before adding the The instructions contained in this item are applicable
sample itself. Accurate measuring of the volume of to the tests in which all the colonies that developed on
diluent is not necessary, since its function is limited the plates, after the incubation period, are counted and
to merely increasing the volume to be filtered and considered in any further calculation(s). In the case of
facilitate obtaining a more even distribution of the tests that use differential media – performed to distin-
microorganisms on the membrane. guish the target microorganism(s) from accompanying
microbiota (i.e. other microorganisms that may grow
Note e.1) Between one sample and the next, and prior to posi-
tioning a new membrane, the filter holder should under the same conditions) – only the typical colonies
be flame-sterilized with alcohol and the filtration are counted and considered in any further calculation(s).
cup replaced. After every 10 samples it is recom- This is the case of enterococci and Enterobacteriaceae
mended to use the filtration set to filter 100 ml counts, which should be calculated in accordance with
(sterile) of one of the diluents recommended in the guidelines provided in specific chapters. In the same
Chapter 2, and subsequently incubate this mem-
brane to check for possible cross-contamination
way, in the case of tests that require confirmation of
between the samples. After filtering 30 samples, the colonies, only the percentage of confirmed colo-
the filtration set should be re-sterilized in auto- nies is considered in the calculation (s). The latter is
clave, prior to starting a new filtration series. If the case of lactic acid bacteria, C. perfringens, S. aureus
the time interval between one filtration operation and B. cereus counts, all of which should be calculated
and the next is greater than 30 min and the set is
following the instructions and guidelines provided in
being used outside of the laminar flow chamber, it
is recommended to autoclave the entire filtration specific chapters.
set again, even when the limit of 30 samples has
not yet been reached.
f ) Transferring and incubating the membrane: 3.6.1 Pour plate calculations
Remove the cup and, using a pair of tweezers,
transfer the membrane to the plate containing the Select for counting plates without spreading and with a
culture medium, with the graph side facing up number of colonies in the range between 25 and 250.
(flame-sterilize and then cool the pair of tweez- Count the colonies with the help of the magnifying
ers before using). When placing the membrane glass of a colony counter to facilitate visualization. Use a
onto the culture medium it is important that its colony counter with a 1 cm2 square grid background to
entire surface stays completely adhered to the serve as a counting guide. If no such plates in ideal con-
medium, to ensure that the microorganisms in the ditions are available, follow the instructions described
membrane come into contact with the nutrients in rules 5 through 12 for counting.

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30 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

Note. ISO 7218:2007 considers acceptable plates containing Note. The general rule for calculating the results of ISO 7218:2007
between 10 and 300 colonies, but plates of two consecutive is different (see item 3.7).
dilutions, with a number of colonies within this range, are
used to calculate the results (vide item 3.7). Rule 1 – If the count was performed on a plate inocu-
To calculate the results, two situations are to be con- lated with an undiluted sample, without duplicate, the
sidered. The first is the standard situation and the sec- number of colony forming units (CFU) is equal to the
ond is the samples prepared by the surface swabbing or number of colonies (Examples 1 and 2). If a duplicate
surface washing techniques. was made, the number of CFU is equal to the arithme-
tic average of the counts obtained in each of the plates
of the duplicate (Examples 3 and 4). Calculating the pour plate results
Rule 2 – If the count was performed on a plate
in the standard situation
inoculated with a 10−1 dilution or greater, without
The standard situation is that in which the analytical duplicate, calculate the number of CFU/g or ml by
unit consists of a mass (weight) or volume of the multiplying the number of colonies by the inverse of
sample, homogenized with the diluent. The general the inoculated dilution. The inverse of the 10−1 dilution
rule for calculating the results is: CFU/g or CFU/ml = is 101, the inverse of the 10−2 dilution is 102 and so forth
c/d.v, where c is the number of colonies on the (Examples 5 and 6). If a duplicate was made, consider
counted plate, d the dilution rate of the counted as the number of colonies the arithmetic average of the
plate and v the inoculated volume of this dilution. counts obtained in each of the plates of the duplicate
More detailed rules for calculating the results follow and multiply by the inverse of the dilution (Examples 7
below. and 8).

Rule 1

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example dilution (100) 10−1 10−2 Count (CFU/ml)

Without duplicate
1 199* 8 0 199 = 2.0 × 102
2 245* 22 2 245 = 2.5 × 102
With duplicate
3 62*–57* 6–5 0–0 (62 + 57)/2 = 59.5 = 60
4 123*–136* 12–10 0–0 (123 + 136)/2 = 129.5 = 1.3 × 102

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result.

Rule 2

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Without duplicate
5 199* 18 2 199 × 101 = 1,990 = 2.0 × 103
6 TNTC 245* 22 245 × 102 = 2,450 = 2.5 × 104
With duplicate
7 TNTC–TNTC 62*–57* 6–5 [(62 + 57)/2] × 102 = 59.5 × 102 = 6.0 × 103
8 TNTC–TNTC TNTC–TNTC 239*–242* [(239 + 242)/2] × 103 = 240.5 × 103 = 2.4 × 105

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = Too numerous to count.

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 31

Rule 3 – If the inoculated volume of the first dilution the inverse of a 1/20 dilution = 20/1, the inverse of a
(or of the sample without dilution) is different from 10−1/20 dilution = 20 × 101, the inverse of a 10−2/20
1 ml and the count was performed on the plate inoculated dilution = 20 × 102 and so forth (Examples 13, 14, 15,
with this volume, rules 2 and 3 apply, but the number 16, 17 and 18).
of colonies must be divided by the inoculated volume in
The examples given above are calculations made under
order to calculate the result (Examples 9, 10, 11 and 12).
ideal conditions, with the number of colonies falling in
Rule 4 – If the initial dilution is not decimal,
the 25 to 250 range, in plates of the same dilution, with-
(1:20, 1:50, 1:200, or other), rules 2 and 3 apply, but
out spreading. However, quite frequently the plates do
it is necessary to insert into the calculations the actual
not present such ideal situations and require the applica-
initial dilution used. Considering an analytical unit of
tion of some basic rules to calculate the results. The rules
m grams or milliliters, diluted in v milliliters of diluent,
are presented below, including examples in Table 3.1.
the initial dilution will be equal to m/(m+v), that is, the
analytical unit divided by the total volume (diluent + Rule 5 – One duplicate plate with counts above or
analytical unit). The subsequent decimal dilutions will below the range of 25–250 colonies. If the other plate
be the initial dilution multiplied by 10−1 (1st decimal), exhibits counts in the 25 to 250 range, the number of
the initial dilution multiplied by 10−2 (2nd decimal) and both plates must be considered when calculating the
so forth. For example, for an analytical unit of 50 g pre- result (Example 30 of Table 3.1)
pared with 950 ml of diluent, the initial dilution is 50/ Rule 6 – Two consecutive dilutions with 25–250
(50 + 950) = 50/1.000 = 1/20 (1:20). The 1st decimal colonies. Calculate the number of CFU of each dilu-
is 10−1/20, the 2nd decimal is 10−2/20 and so forth. The tion and compare the results.
results can also be calculated by multiplying the number 6.a) If one of the results is greater than the double of
of colonies by the inverse of the dilution, but in this the other, consider only the lower count (Exam-
case, the inverse of the dilution is the inverted fraction: ples 19 and 31 of Table 3.1).

Rule 3

N° colonies in the plate(s) (volume inoculated)

Example 10−1 (2 ml) 10−2 (1 ml) 10−3 (1 ml) Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Without duplicate
9 199* 18 2 (199/2) × 101 = 1.0 × 103
10 123* 2 0 (123/2) × 101 = 6.2 × 102
With duplicate
11 62*–57* 6–5 0–0 {[(62 + 57)/2]/2} × 101 = 29.75 × 101 = 3.0 × 102
12 27*–35* 3–3 0–0 {[(27 + 35)/2)]/2} × 101 = 15.5 × 101 = 1.6 × 102

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result.

Rule 4

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Analytical Volume of Initial
Example unity diluent dilution Initial dilution 1st decimal 2nd decimal Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Without duplicate
13 10 g 490 ml 10/500 = 1/50 199* 18 2 199 × 50 = 1.0 × 104
14 25 g 350 ml 25/375 = 1/15 280 30* 2 30 × 15 × 101 = 4.5 × 103
15 25 g 975 ml 25/1,000 = 1/40 TNTC TNTC 133* 133 × 40 × 102 = 5.3 × 105
With duplicate
16 25 g 475 ml 25/500 = 1/20 237*–229* 21–20 2–1 [(237 + 229)/2] × 20 = 4.7 × 103
17 10 g 490 ml 10/500 = 1/50 TNTC-TNTC 62*–57* 6–5 [(62 + 57)/2] × 50 × 101 = 3.0 × 104
18 10 g 290 ml 10/300 = 1/30 TNTC-TNTC TNTC-TNTC 239*–242* [(239 + 242)/2] × 30 × 102 = 7.2 × 105

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = Too numerous to count.

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32 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

Table 3.1 Examples for calculating the pour plate results in not ideal conditions.

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example Rules used 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Without duplicate
19 6.a TNTC 140* 32 140 × 102 = 1.4 × 104
20 6.b TNTC 243* 34* [(243 × 102) + (34 × 103)]/2 = 2.9 × 104
21 7 18* 2 0 18 × 101 = 1.8 × 102 (est)
22 8 0 0 0 <1 × 101 = <10 (est)
23 9a TNTC TNTC 370* 370 × 103 = 3.7 × 105 (est)
24 9b TNTC TNTC 8/cm2* 8 × 65 × 103 = 520 × 103 = 5.2 × 105 (est)
25 9c TNTC TNTC 21/cm2* 21 × 65 × 103 = 1,365 × 103 = 1.4 × 106 (est)
26 9d TNTC TNTC >100/cm2* >100 × 65 × 103 = >6.5 × 106 (est)
27 10 TNTC 325* 20 325 × 102 = 3.3 × 104 (est)
28 11 TNTC 243* Spr Spr 243 × 102 = 2.4 × 104
29 12 27 215 20 Unacceptable result, repeat the analysis
With duplicate
30 5 TNTC-TNTC TNTC-TNTC 239*–328* [(239 + 328)/2] × 103 = 283.5 × 103 = 2.8 × 105
31 6a 138*–162* 42–30 1–2 [(138 + 162)/2] × 101 = 150 × 101 = 1.5 × 103
32 6b 228*–240* 28*–26* 2–2 {[(228 + 240)/2] × 101 + [(28 + 26)/2]×102}/2 = 2,520 = 2.5 × 103
33 7 18*–16* 2–0 0–0 [(18 + 16)/2] × 101 = 17 × 101 = 1.7 × 102
34 8 0–0 0–0 0–0 <10 (est)
35 9a TNTC-TNTC TNTC-TNTC 320*–295* [(320 + 295)/2] × 103 = 307.5 × 103 = 3.1 × 105
36 10 287*–263* 23–19 2–2 [(287 + 263)/2] × 101 = 275 × 101 = 2.8 × 103
37 11 TNTC-TNTC 224*–180* 28*–Spr {[(224 + 180)/2] × 102 + (28 × 103)}/2 = 24,100 = 2.4 × 104

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = too numerous to count, Spr = spreader and adjoining area of repressed growth
covering more than one-half of the plate, est = estimated count.

6.b) If one of the results does not exceed the double of 9.b) If it is not possible to count all colonies on the
the other, then both results must be considered, plate, but the number of colonies per cm2 is lower
and the mean value should be presented as the than 10, count the colonies in 12 of the 1 cm2
final result (Examples 20 and 32 of Table 3.1). squares, six consecutive squares in a row and six
Rule 7 – None of the plates reached 25 colonies. consecutive squares in a column, using the squares
Count the plates exhibiting a number of colonies traced on the grid background of the colony
closest to 25, calculate CFU number (Examples 21 counter as counting guide. Calculate the average
and 33 of Table 3.1) and report the result as estimated number of colonies/cm2 and use this average value
count (est). to determine the total number of colonies on the
Rule 8 – No plate showing growth. Consider the plate by multiplying the average value by the total
number of colonies of the 1st inoculated dilution as surface area of the plate. Remember that the total
being one and calculate the result in accordance with surface area of the plate is equal to πd2/4, where d
rules 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Examples 22 and 34 of Table 3.1). is the inner diameter. For example, 100 mm-plates
Report the final result as being smaller than the value have an inner diameter of about 9 cm and a total
obtained by the calculation, estimated value. surface area of 65 cm2. Use the total number of
Rule 9 – All plates containing more than 250 colo- colonies thus calculated to determine the number
nies. In these cases, there are four alternatives for esti- of CFU (Example 24 of Table 3.1).
mating the number of CFU/g or ml. In all cases, the 9.c) If the number of colonies per cm2 is greater than
result must be reported as estimated count (est). 10, count the colonies in four squares representa-
9.a) If it is possible to count all the colonies on the tive of the distribution of the colonies on the plates
plate, count and calculate the number of CFU and calculate the number of CFU in the same way
from the counts obtained (Examples 23 and 35 as described for the case of 12 squares (Example 25
of Table 3.1). of Table 3.1).

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 33

9.d) If the number of colonies per cm2 is greater than Rule 12 – Plates in which microbial growth is
100, report the result as being greater than the proportionally greater in the greatest dilutions. This
total surface area of the plate × inverse of the dilu- situation may occur as a result of accidental contami-
tion (Example 26 of Table 3.1). nation of the sample during plating, incorrect identi-
Rule 10 – Number of colonies greater than 250 fication of the sample dilution rate on the plates or be
in one dilution and lower than 25 in the next. If caused by the presence of inhibitory substances in the
in a dilution the number of colonies was higher than sample. Consider the result as a “laboratory accident”
250 and in the next dilution the number of colonies and repeat the test. If the suspicion of the presence of
was below this number, select the plates with the inhibitory substances in the sample is high, repeat the
counts closest to 250 and calculate the number of test using an adequate procedure to eliminate or reduce
CFU from the count obtained (Examples 27 and 36 the influence of these components on the result (Exam-
of Table 3.1). ple 29 of Table 3.1).
Rule 11 – Plates with spreading. There are two
types of spreading. The first type results from the disin- Calculating the pour plates results
tegration of cell clusters or groupings which may occur
for samples prepared by the surface
when mixing the inoculum with the culture medium.
swabbing technique (swabs or
The second type is the result of inadequate mixing of
the inoculum with the medium, leading to the forma-
tion of thin films of moisture either onto the surface of The results should be expressed in CFU/cm2 of sample.
the medium or between the medium and the bottom Initially it is necessary to calculate the number of CFU
of the plate. The difference between the two types is per milliliter of the diluent in which the swabs were
visually distinguishable, since in the case of spreading placed prior to analysis. For that purpose, consider this
of the first type the growth of individual colonies can be suspension as a non-diluted sample and, as a function
observed, whereas in the other case, the growth of the of the dilutions inoculated of this suspension, calculate
cell mass is continuous, without individual colonies. the result in exactly the same way as described for the
Plates displaying spreading can be counted under the standard situation (item above)
following conditions: if none of the individual spread- Next, the CFU/ml count of the suspension should
ing zones is of a size exceeding 25% of the surface area be converted to CFU/cm2 of the sample. To that pur-
of the plate, and, also, if the total surface area covered pose, calculate to how many cm2‘s each milliliter of
with spreading zones does not surpass 50% of the plate. the suspension corresponds. In the standard procedure
If these two conditions are not met, report the result described in Chapter 2 for swab sampling, a surface area
as a “laboratory accident” and repeat the test. If the of 50 cm2 is sampled and the swabs placed in 10 ml
laboratory observes the occurrence of spreading of the diluent, with each milliliter of diluent corresponding to
second type, with spreading zones consistently greater 5 cm2 of the sampled surface. This ratio, however, may
than 25% of the total plate surface, in more than 5% be changed at the discretion of the laboratory, depend-
of the plates prepared within a certain period of work ing on the type of sample and the objective of sampling.
time, preventive measures should be taken to minimize It is recommendable to work always with diluent vol-
this problem. To count plates with spreading zones of umes that are a multiple of the sampled areas to facilitate
the first type, each zone should be counted as one sin- calculations. In the case above, the CFU/cm2 count will
gle CFU, and the individual colonies within each of be equal to the value obtained per ml of the suspension,
these zones should not be counted. To count plates dis- divided by five. In the procedure described in Chapter 2
playing spreading zones of the second type, select one for sponge sampling, a surface area of 100 cm2 is sam-
region of the plate, free of spreading and count the col- pled and the sponges placed in 25 ml diluent, with each
onies within several of the 1 cm2 squares. Calculate the milliliter of the diluent corresponding to 4 cm2 of the
average of the colonies per cm2, multiply by the total sampled surface. In this case, the CFU/cm2 count will
surface area of the plate (65 cm2 in the case of plates be equal to the value obtained per ml of the suspension,
with an external diameter of 100 mm) and use this esti- divided by four. In another situation, in which a swab-
mated value to calculate the number of CFU. Report bing suspension yielded by swabbing a surface area of
the result as estimated count (est) (Examples 28 and 37 100 cm2 were to be suspended in 10 ml of diluent, for
of Table 3.1). example, each ml of the suspension would correspond to

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34 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

10 cm2 of the area and the number of CFU/cm2 would Next, the CFU/ml number of the washing water
be equal to the value obtained per ml of the suspension, should be converted to CFU/cm3, as a function of the
divided by ten. volume of diluent used to perform the washing proce-
dure. For that purpose, first it is necessary to calculate
B to how many cm3 of the package each 1 ml of the wash-
CFU/cm 2 = Ax where
C ing water corresponds. This value is equal to the hold-
A CFU/ml of the suspension ing capacity of the package divided by the volume of
B Sampled surface
c area the diluent used. For example, if a package with a hold-
C Volume of diluent used in sample collection ing capacity of 500 ml was washed with 100 ml dilu-
ent, each milliliter of washing water will corresponds to
5 cm3. In this example the number of CFU/cm3 would
be equal to the number of CFU/ml of the washing water Calculating the pour plate results
divided by five.
for samples prepared by the surface
washing technique
In the case of foods, the results should be expressed in CFU/cm3 = Ax where
CFU/g of sample. Initially, the number of CFU should A CFU/ml of the suspension
be calculated per milliliter of washing diluent. For that B Volume of diluent
n used in the washing procedure
purpose, consider this washing suspension as a non-di- C Holding capacity of the packag
a e
luted sample and, as a function of the dilutions inocu-
lated of this suspension, calculate the result in exactly the To determine the number of CFU per package, it suf-
same way as described for the standard situation (item fices to multiply the number of CFU/cm3 by the hold- above). ing capacity of the package.
Next, the CFU/ml count of the washing suspension
should be converted to CFU/g of sample, as a function CFU/package = CFU/cm3 × holding capacity of the
of the initial dilution used to perform the washing proce- package
dure (sample weight:diluent volume). If the dilution was
1:1, each ml of the washing suspension will correspond
to 1 g of sample and the number of CFU/g will be equal
to the value obtained per ml. If the dilution is different 3.6.2 Spread plate calculations
from 1:1, first it is necessary to calculate to how many
grams of sample each 1 ml of the washing suspension As in the case of pour plating, the recommendations
corresponds, which is equal to the weight of the washed presented in this item are applicable to the tests in which
sample divided by the volume of diluent used. For exam- all the colonies that have developed on the plates, after
ple, if a chicken carcass weighing 1.6 kg was washed with completion of the incubation period, are counted and
400 ml of diluent, each ml of washing diluent will cor- considered for performing the necessary calculations.
respond to 4 g of the sample. In this case, the number of The colony counts and calculation of the results are
CFU/g sample will be equal to the number of CFU/ml done in exactly the same way as described for pour plate,
of washing diluent, divided by four. and following the same rules. However, the final result
must be multiplied by 10 (ten), to account for the 10-fold
B smaller volume inoculated. If 1 ml of the first dilution
CFU/g A w
where was distributed over several plates, then the number of
A CFU/ml of the suspension colonies of this dilution is the sum total of all the plates.
B Volume of diluent used
u in the washing procedure If the result is calculated based on the count of this dilu-
Weight of the washed sample tion, then it is not necessary to multiply by 10.

In the case of packages, the results may be expressed

in CFU/cm3 of the package or in CFU per package. 3.6.3 Drop plate calculations
Initially, the number of CFU per milliliter of washing
water should be calculated, in exactly the same way as As in the case of pour plating, the recommenda-
indicated for foods. tions presented in this item are applicable to the tests

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 35

in which all the colonies that have developed on the ple: 25 g of sugar are dissolved in 225 ml of 0.1%
plates, after completion of the incubation period, are peptone water (1:10 dilution); 100 ml of this solu-
counted and considered for performing the necessary tion are filtered and 120 colonies are counted on the
calculations. membrane. Each milliliter of the solution equals 0.1 g
Count the colonies of the drops that contain at most of the sample, thus, 100 ml of the filtered solution
30 colonies. To calculate the number of CFU/g or ml, contains the equivalent of 10 g of the solid sample.
take the average of the number of colonies in the three Hence:
drops of the inoculated dilution, multiply by the inverse
of the dilution and then by 100, to account for the CFU/100 ml solution = CFU/10 g sample = 120 ⇒
inoculated volume (CFU/g or ml = N° colonies × 100/ CFU/g = 120/10 = 12

3.7 Counting colonies and calculating

results according to ISO
3.6.4 Membrane filtration
Calculating the results of plate counts according to the
As in the case of pour plating, the recommendations
ISO methods is a little different from the procedures
presented in this item are applicable to the tests in
described in item 3.6. ISO 7218:2007 considers plates
which all the colonies that have developed on the
of 90 mm in diameter containing a number of colonies
plates, after completion of the incubation period, are
between 10 and 300, of two successive dilutions, to cal-
counted and considered for performing the necessary
culate the results. The amount of sample inoculated on
the plates of the two dilutions is also taken into account
Begin counting the colonies with the aid of a stere-
to calculate the results. The rules are described in more
oscopic microscope at a magnification of 10 to 15
detail below.
times and, to facilitate visualization, position the
plates so as to obtain illumination perpendicular to Note. In counts of specific microorganisms, in which only
the plane of the membrane. Select for the counting confirmed colonies are taken into account, the rules to
only the plates containing 20 to 200 colonies. Follow be applied vary with the specific standard, and the cor-
the rules below to count and calculate the number of responding specific chapters should be consulted (see
CFU/ml: the specific chapters for Listeria monocytogenes and for
Pseudomonas spp.).
Rule 1 – If the number of colonies per square of the
membrane is smaller than or equal to two, count all the Rule 1 – General. The general rule for calculating
colonies present and divide by the filtered volume to the results is:
obtain the number of CFU/ml. ∑c
CFU/g or CFU/ml = Vx 1 ⋅ 1 xd ,
Rule 2 – If the number of colonies per square of the
membrane is in the range between three and ten, count where Σc is the sum of the colonies on the two dishes
ten small squares and take the average per square. Mul- counted from two successive dilutions, V is the volume
tiply this value by 100 and divide by the volume fil- of inoculum placed in each dish (in milliliters) and d is
tered to obtain the number of CFU/ml. If the number the first dilution retained (Examples 1 to 6):
of colonies per square falls within the 10 to 20 range, Rule 2 – None of the plates reached 10 colonies.
count only 5 squares to take the average and calculate If none of the plates displayed a number of colonies
the number of CFU/ml in the same way. greater than or equal to ten, calculate the results as
Rule 3 – If the number of colonies per square is described below:
greater than 20, express the result as greater than 2000 2.a) If the number of colonies is greater than or equal to
divided by the filtered volume. four, calculate the result as in rule one, but report
Rule 4 – If filtration was performed on a solution as “estimated count” (Examples 7, 8, 11, 12).
obtained from a solid sample (salt or sugar, for exam- 2.b) If the number of colonies is smaller than four in
ple), rules one, two, and three apply, though the value all the plates, calculate the result of four colonies
must be converted to CFU/g as a function of the and report as “present (smaller than the value
amount of sample contained in the solution. Exam- obtained)” (Examples 9, 13).

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36 Microbiological examination methods of food and water

2.c) If none of the plates presented growth at all, calcu- was smaller than eight, consider only the highest
late the result of one colony and report as “smaller value in the calculations (Example 16).
than the value obtained” (Examples 10, 14). 3.c) If a plate presented more than 334 colonies, but
Rule 3 – Number of colonies greater than 300 in in the subsequent dilution the number of colonies
one dilution and smaller than 10 in the next dilution. was not smaller than eight, consider only the low-
If in one dilution the number of colonies was above 300 est value in the calculations (Example 17).
and in the next dilution lower than 10, calculate the 3.d) If a plate presented more than 334 colonies
results as described below: and in the subsequent dilution the number of
3.a) If the number of colonies on the plates was not colonies was smaller than eight, the test must
greater than 334 (upper limit of the confidence be repeated, since this is an unacceptable result
interval) or smaller than eight (lower limit of the (Example 18).
confidence interval), calculate the result as in rule 3.e) There are tests in which the recommended count
one, using the plates of the two dilutions in the range goes from 10 to 150 colonies. In these cases,
calculations (Example 15). the upper limit of the confidence interval is 167 colo-
3.b) If a plate presented less than 334 colonies, but in nies and the lower limit is seven colonies. Here, rules
the subsequent dilution the number of colonies 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d apply, adjusted to these limits.

Rule 1

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Pour plate – 1 ml per dilution

1 245* 22* 2 (245 + 22)/(1 × 1.1 × 10−1) = 267/0.11 = 2,427.27 = 2.4 × 103
2 TNTC 168* 14* (168 + 14)/(1 × 1.1 × 10−2) = 182/0.011 = 16,545.45 = 1.7 × 104
3 TNTC TNTC 126* 126/(1 × 10−3) = 126/0.001 = 126,000 = 1.3 × 105
Spread plate – 0.1 ml per dilution
4 297* 31* 3 (297 + 31)/(0.1 × 1.1 × 10−1) = 328/0.011 = 29,818.18 = 3.0 × 104
5 TNTC 272* 22* (272 + 22)/(0.1 × 1.1 × 10−2) = 294/0.0011 = 267,272.72 = 2.7 × 105
6 TNTC TNTC 130* 130/(0.1 × 10−3) = 130/0.0001 = 1,300,000 = 1.3 × 106

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = too numerous to count.

Rule 2

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Pour plate – 1 ml per dilution

7 8* 0 0 8/(1 × 10−1) = 80 (est)
8 4* 0 0 4/(1 × 10−1) = 40 (est)
9 3 0 0 present <4/(1 × 10−1) = <40
10 0 0 0 <1/(1 × 10−1) = <10
Spread plate – 0.1 ml per dilution
11 8* 0 0 8/(0.1 × 10−1) = 800 = 8,0 × 102 (est)
12 4* 0 0 4/(0.1 × 10−1) = 400 = 4.0 × 102 (est)
13 3 0 0 present <4/(0.1 × 10−1) = <4.0 × 102
14 0 0 0 <1/(0.1 × 10−1) = <100 = <102

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = too numerous to count,
est = estimated count.

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Basic plate count techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms 37

Rule 3

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Pour plate – 1 ml per dilution

15 310* 8* 0 (310 + 8)/(1 × 1.1 × 10−1) = 2,890.90 = 2.9 × 103
16 308* <8 0 308/(1 × 10−1) = 3,080 = 3.1 × 103
17 >334 9* 0 9/(1 × 10−1) = 900 = 9.0 × 102
18 >334 <8 0 unacceptable result – repeat the assay

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = too numerous to count, est = estimated count.

Rule 4

N° colonies in the plate(s)

Example 10−1 10−2 10−3 Count (CFU/g or CFU/ml)

Pour plate – 1 ml per dilution

19 TNTC TNTC 303 >300/(1 × 10−3) = >300,000 = >3.0 × 105
20 TNTC TNTC TNTC >300/(1 × 10−3) = >300,000 = >3. × 105

*Counts effectively used to calculate the result. TNTC = too numerous to count.

Rule 4 – All plates contain more than 300 colo- International Organization for Standardization (2007) ISO
nies. In these cases, calculate the result of 300 colonies 7218:2007. Microbiology of food and animal stuffs – General
requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations.
and report the result “greater than the value obtained”
Geneva, ISO.
(Examples 19, 20). Swanson, K.M.J, Petran, R.L. & Hanlin, J.H. Culture methods
for enumeration of microorganisms. In: Downes, F.P. & Ito, K.
(eds). Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examina-
3.8 References tion of Foods. 4th edition. Washington, American Public Health
Association. Chapter 6, pp. 53–67.
International Organization for Standardization (1999) ISO 6887-
1:1999. Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Prepa-
ration of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for
microbiological examination – Part 1: General rules for the prepara-
tion of the initial suspension and decimal dilutions. Geneva, ISO.

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