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Skor Nilai:



Nama : Annisa Miftahul Arza

Kelas :B

Nim : 5211250011

Dossen Pengampu : Dr. Ir. Ernesto Maringan Silitonga ST., DEA,


Mata Kuiahh : Bahasa Inggris Teknik




This research was realized with the aim to collect sediment data handiwork
gerukan pen which is one of the necessary steps to prevent the dumping of sediment
dredging work results into the sea as it has done over the years. Sediment used in this
study is a sedimentary port of Belawan, North Sumatra. The initial phase in this
research is to identify the physical and chemical characteristics of the sediment
dredging kmudian the work continued by identifying pollution levels contained on the
materials research. The next stage is to analyze the reaction realized that emerged from
the study if sedimentary material is mixed with a binder general (cement, lime). TCLP
results, show varying levels of pollution from sediments, pollution levels depending on
the location where the dredged sediment, sediment Belawan Port can be categorized as
hazardous waste with levels of Copper (Cu) and Cadmium (Cd) is quite high. The use of
a binder (cement and lime) in the mix, imenunjukan a wide variety of performance
improvements of sediment, penlitian results showed that the levels of pollution
negatively affects the resulting performance improvement.

Keywords: chemical characteristics, mechanical characteristics, sediment dredging,


1. Preliminary
The main problem that is always found in port activity is a problem siltation
caused by sedimentation. This siltation can disrupt shipping lanes. Work
dredging is one of the jobs which is very important for survival port operations
and these activities are carried out continuously to prevent silting so this
problem won't bother you activities at the port. Sedimentation problems or
This siltation causes problems other environments, where industrial waste and
domestic are carried away by sediments that comes from the rivers that empties
into the Harbor. Waste domestic as the biggest contributor the pollution of these
two rivers is heap rubbish. As a result, all the waste will be carried away by
sediment transport which empties into the port. Automatically, discharge of
sediment into the middle of the sea on the end of the dredging process, can be
considered as an indirect distribution of waste direct. Spread prevention
measures this indirect waste has been implemented since 1998 in various
developed countries both on the European continent and America (Colin 2003
and Behmanesh 2008) where in its application, all materials (sediment) the
result of the dredging process directly in test to get the level of pollution and
based on this level of pollution, can determined whether the sediment can be
removed back to sea or should be placed on a certain area, and done
stabilization, so that it can utilized as a new material. Experts say that the depot
land solution for storage for the accumulation of sediment results this dredging
is inefficient and besides spend a very high amount of money for a place for
providing a stockpile location. Solution next step in dealing with sediment
the result of this dredging is find the right utilization, good from an economic and
environmental point of view. However reuse of sediment yield this dredging
depends on the characteristics and the level of pollution of the material is
appropriate with the required results.
2. Research Methods
1. Identification of problems
In this stage, the problems that arise and relate to the use of the dredged
sediment will be hypotheses are made to be followed up by research and
trials for clarify the hypothesis.
2. Data collection and supporting sources.
Scientific research research that has been carried out at home or abroad
relating to the utilization of the dredged sediment will collected and then
registered as reference for this research.
3. Sampling
The third stage of this experiment is sampling (sediment yield dredging
work) point placement the sampling place is very important to get good
results expected. To determine the point sampling, previously had to get an
overview of the strategic location accumulation of sediment originating from
Belawan and Deli rivers. This matter useful for getting samples that
represents polluted sediment from the two regions different.
4. Identify storage type and drying
After the sampling stage, the next step is to find a system that adequate and
efficient in its efforts to reduce the water content of the sediment. As what we
all know, the original water content from the dredged sediment is very high,
so it is not possible to used in the mix. Various types of 'Dewatering' system
has been implemented in various countries (Mehta, …). Election 'Dewatering'
system is determined by several factors, namely: the quantity of
material/sediment that is dredged every year, available funds and types
reuse of materials/sediment.
5. Identification of material characteristics and binders to be used.
a. The first stage consists of experiment this is, identifying the
characteristics/mechanical, mineralogical and chemical properties, of
the material used, in this case Sediment dredged from the port
Belawan. Identification of physical properties/mechanics of this
material is carried out by carry out the experiments generally done in
work civil engineering, for example: identification granulometric
distribution, identification of levels organic material, boundary
identification plasticity and liquidity by the method Atteberg, bleu de
methylene experiment to determine the behavior of the clay contained
in the material, experiment Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
and etc. Leaching test is required for determine chemical properties
and levels pollution in materials.
b. The third stage of this experiment begins by identifying the binder
(binding material) which will used in this study (cement, lime or
pozzolonic binder). This matter needed to know the class or
performance of the binder used, and so that later it can be compared
with experimental results after the binder mixed with sediment work
6. Determination of the formulation of the mixture.
After identifying the performance of the binder then the next stage is realized
by mixing the sediment with a binder (binder) mixture (binder) which
commonly used in work buildings, such as cement and lime. Binder this is
expected to reduce levels pollution from materials/sediments used. This
third stage is realized with the aim of knowing the behavior
material/sediment to the presence binders in the mix. Mechanical
experiments to measure the resistance of a material to used in building
works realized. like a power experiment compression, shear strength,
permeability test, and of course will continue with chemical experiment
(leaching test) for identify existing pollution levels in each mix to be realized.
After the above experiments were carried out, of course all the results of the
experiment collected and analyzed, and with from an economic point of view,
then the mixture with the least amount of pollution will selected to be a
mixture that has the best composition.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Sampling
The selection of this location is based on conditions a location that is
expected to represent necessary conditions in get a sample according to
estimation. Pick up location the sample is: the location of the Citra Pond Flow
Port (L1) and location of repair depot ship (L2).
These two pick up points are in Belawan Harbor area, North Sumatra. But it's
a shame for get permission to take this sample is not easy, for that
researchers trying to get a sample from other locations around the port
BELAWAN which is estimated to be represents the condition as owned Flow
Locations and Flow Locations Image Pool.
3.2 Origin Characteristics
a) Particle size distribution
Distribution measurement results granulometry of this sediment
using measuring tools laser granulometry, this is because the size of
this sediment is very small (<200µm). so that the measurement
material size by using manual method will not give expected results.
Measurement laser granulometry (Table 1) was taken from 2 different
locations (L1 and L2) where each is represented by 4 samples
obtained from 4 points that different. Based on the measurement
results obtained then can concluded that the sediment results
dredging material from port this belawan consists of 90% of grains
this sediment measures between 66-78 m. This result shows that
the size of this sediment can be categorized as very small.

In addition, by paying attention to Figure 3 then we can conclude that

the size of sediment taken from 2 different locations belong to the
same class (66-78 m) there doesn't seem to be any difference striking
difference between the samples obtained, this we can conclude that
this sediment is classified as homogeneous.

3.3 Mechanical Characteristics

a) IPI and Proctor Trial
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Experiment realized to identify the
value Portance Immediate Index (IPI) with maximum water content.
IPI Value very decisive in use materials in road construction works.

In figure 1 the results of the California experiment Bearing Ratio

(CBR) shows that IPI value increases according to increase in the
percentage of binders used.
This matter caused by the level of pollution contained in the sediment
so that it interferes with the process lime reaction. Previous research
found that the addition of lime binder very helpful in raising the pH
value sample becomes very high (pH=12) and hal this has a positive
impact on performance other binders. The effect of the lime binder
will be continues to provide extra resistance during pH sample above
12, this high pH value
resulting in dissolution of calcium ions, sediment releases aluminum
and silica which will react with ions Calcium thus forms C-S-H and C-
AH. These two elements have contributed great in providing
resistance and be the solid of a sample, the result is the strength of
their bond holds the elements together other. This theory does not
match the results obtained in this experiment, such as we mentioned
earlier, addition lime percentage does not show the difference in the
increase in the CBR value significant, This is due to the presence of
very disturbing pollution elements in gain strength in time close.

b) Compression test (Unconfined Compressive Strength)

This compressive power experiment (UCS) is realized to find out the
performance improvement mechanics of the sample, and also for
identify the effects exerted by binders used in performance mechanic.
The results of the compression test (UCS) is shown in Figure 2. Results
This experiment is specially realized for identify the impact of cement
percentage added to the mixture. On the results of this UCS
experiment are samples that are used only samples taken on location
of ship repair depot (L1), for make it easier to identify impacts adding
cement to the mix, Classification of increasing the value of
compressive strength categorized into 3 periods to be shown in the
c) Impact of lime on mechanical performance Adding lime to the mix
realized with the consideration that the use of lime has been proven
so far can improve the performance of the sample used. To simplify
analysis, power test results this press (UCS) is categorized in 3 period
(already explained in the sub-chapter previously). In the early curing
age period (a) compressive strength value (UCS) between binder and
lime percentage 0%, 5% and 10% no showed a significant difference.
Samples with 5% cement percentage and lime 5% and from location
L2 shows the highest compressive strength value (0.68 MPa)
compared to samples from location L1.

This is caused by the reaction of lime in provides improved

mechanical performance relatively slow. Lime reaction in general
takes about 60 days (depending on reactive content of the lime itself)
for can give maximum results. Reaction lime provokes an increase in
the pH of the sample so that with time the Calcium ions from the
sediment matrix will form C-S-H
and C-A-H, which has a major role in improving the performance of
the sample. Thing this explains why it's invisible significant difference
in power value press of several samples (with the formulation
different). Rated compressive power 1Mpa is the required limit in use
of road construction. Sample sediment from location L1 shows
compressive strength that is almost close to 1 MPa.Comparison
between samples and L1 and L2 sediments show differences
important, even with the formulation the same (5% cement and 5%
lime). This matter caused by high levels of pollution from samples
with sediment originating from the location of the image pool groove
(L1). Based on research experience, pollution elements if reaching
high numbers will be annoying the reaction of the binder used, be it
cement reaction or lime reaction. Height these polluting elements can
be slow down the clincker formation process (in cement hydration
reaction) and inhibits
increase in pH (in the lime reaction) so that This causes delays in the
sample in achieve maximum mechanical performance. sample from
location L2
(CEM5-LIM5-L2) showed an increase in high in terms of compressive
strength. This is due to the reaction of hydration of lime in raising pH
and hydration from Calcium ions and Aluminum ions then form C-S-H
and C-A-H gels. Sample with the same formulation as sediment from
L1 (CEM5-LIM5-L1) does not show increased resistance to
compressive strength as well as the sample from L2. Power value
increase press on days 60 and 90 is caused by hydration reaction of
lime, this can be proven by paying attention to picture 7 where
evolution of the compressive strength of the sample without any
mixture lime (0%) in it (CEM5-LIM0), sample it barely shows any
improvement compressive strength value after day 28. Absence the
presence of lime in these sediments which make no increase in
compressive power (UCS) because after 28 days, in theory, cement
reaction (clinker hydration) is almost complete after 28 days.

3.4 Chemical Characteristics

This chemical experiment was realized for identify pollution levels from
sediment dredging work from the port Belawan. This chemical experiment
was carried out with the Toxicity Characteristic method Leaching Procedures
(TCLP). This experiment carried out by the EPA SW . analysis method 846,
the type of method depends on the element that tested, for example for
Cadmium (Cd), Nickel (Ni), Barium (Ba), Chromium (Cr), Silver (Ag), Cobalt
(Co) method was used for EPA SW 846-AAS and for Selenium (Se) EPA SW
7741-AAS. Time required from start sample preparation to results for
completed this TCLP experiment is 7 day. From the experimental results
TCLP we can note that sediment comes from the harbor pond groove (L1)
shows high results compared to sediment taken at the repair depot ship (L2).
This shows that port industrial activities in the channel area ponds have
more potential in producing polluting sediments compared to activities ship
repair. Through the results of the TCLP experiment From this we can also
conclude that sediment dredging work from the port Belawan can be
categorized as sediment by significant level of pollution. Cadmium (Cd) and
Copper (Cu) are elements which seems to show sufficient quantity high in
Belawan Harbor sediments.
Apart from Cd and Cu, we can observe also the value of Zinc (Zn) which is
above the average value of average. These elements if can reach high levels
pose a hazard (see risk death) when in contact with man. Based on the
Threshold used in French, we can see that with their high content in sample
then the element content of Cadmium and Copper are classified as waste
harmful, and the element Zinc is included in category of non-hazardous
waste. Thing this of course can provide a reference to the local government
or related agencies so as not to throw away the sediment from the work
dredging into the middle of the sea, (which is still done until now) Because
things this can result in the spread of polluted sediment from Belawan port to
surrounding areas. Based on the results TCLP is expected to be a disposal
activity sediment to the middle of the sea is stopped.
4. Conclusion
This research was realized to find application of sediment reutulization work
dredging so that the disposal action sediment resulting from the dredging work
can be stopped. This is reinforced by chemical experiment through TCLP
experiment, results obtained shows sediment contain sufficient Cu and Cd
elements high, and when compared to sediment pollution limit reference used in
Europe, these sediments are included in the hazardous waste category.
Characteristics mechanics of sediment origin based on research conducted
shows that related sediments are included in the soil category clay with low
plasticity, with size the majority are around 66-78 µm. Proctor Experiment and
CBR showed that sediment it with a mixture of binders such as cement and lime
with lime percentage 10% shows the highest IPI results. Effect from cement and
lime binders can identified through compressive strength experiments
(unconfined compressive strength). Through in this experiment it was found that
the addition of cement quantity affects performance mechanics in the short-term
curing period (7-14 days) and quantity addition lime percentage affects
performance mechanics in the long curing age period long (60-100 days). Effect
of waste level in sediments are also identified through this experiment, where
the L1 sediment (with higher pollution levels) shows lower mechanical
performance than L1. Binder composition that delivers performance the best
mechanic is composition with 5% cement and 5% lime. Sample with the above
composition can be used in road construction work where requirements for
compressive strength values above 1 Mpa can be met by the sample.

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