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Case involvng thedetermination of liability in an inulustrial aceident, or

with govemmental regulation, suuCh s tde do testing of govermnenl ur vant.

Though the tems "Cimnallste" anl "loreusae Sciene" may have dott-rent
mcanings in different pants oltle wurld, (he infornmation presentd will
omsider eniminalistie as a broade'st oltseplne within the lorensic neene.
Forense s'enee embraces all branches of base sN
1ence sun as
physical,chemical, biological, nmuheal enee etc. and applies themh the
purpose of law. NOw it has developed is own branches which are nore
r less exchusive domans of
ton'nsic seee The role of torensic sCientist
is threefold: to collect vital
phyeic al evidence from he cijme scene.
analyze them in the laboratoy and to provide expert lestimony before the
court of law. Forensic science can be detined as crinminalistic
science wlhich
means, it is the application of seientifie
lo the study and resolution of
principles and lechnological pratuces
eriminal, civil and regulatory issues. The field
of forensic science has undergone numerous
has expanded to what can best be deemed a
changes in recent years. and
nmulti-disciplinary science. The
benefits of corespondenee between lorensie pathologists. biolog1sts
serologists, anthropologists, odontologists. microscopists,
entomologists, archeologists. cr1minologists, and law enforcenients agenicies
have realized by many researchers in thc field. This
approach lends greater credibility tur forensic science as a scientitc
endeavour, wbile showing its utlity to other related field of
3 Principles and Laws of Forensic Science
Although in the fovensic ana:ysis technmques were borrowed fror
basic science. bui it has
developed some its own principles for scientuti:
methods and procedures. These con be sumnarized as below
i. Law of
Every object natural nmade. has all ndividual which is
or nan
duplicated in any other object. The individuzality has been verified in
fields The most extensive work has been certai
carried out in fingerprinls The
law of individuality is of fundamental
uuportance n forensic seience. Anytu1g
and everything invol ved in a erme. has an
mdividuality. lf the saune is
established, it connects the crime'arnd the erminal
Forensic Science Management

of Erechange
ii. Principle his imstrumeni of crime come
a c r i m i n a l or
According to this, him, they leave lraces.
the objecis Surrounding
with the victim
incontact up
races Irom h e s a n e conlac
and the ciminalor his traces takes place befween he criminal, the
Thusa mutual exchange crime, I
involved in the
these lraces are identified
victim and the objects conlact and pin the crme down to
cstablisti ihe
source, ihey
tothe original
the criminal.

of Progressive Change
ii. Law of lis impact

on forensic
"Every thing changes witlh the fassage time,
ie Crime s c e n e and ofbjects involved in
scienceis imnense. The crininal,
hence nay become unecognizable,
the crime all undergo changes, all aspecs of
deniands pronpt uctjon n
the law ofprogressive change
criminal investigations.
iv. Law of Comparison
the law of comparison, I
Only the likes can be compared", i
like samnple and specimens for
emphasizes the necessily of providing
uearm, hair, questioned
comparison. Evidence such as buliet, carlidge,
the crimmal with the crime
documents, etc. need conparison 10 COnnect
. Law of Analysis
The analysis can be no better han the sanple analyzed." "The priniple
emphasizes the necessity of correci sampling and packaging for
use of experts, because inproper ampling and containation render the

best analysis useless.

vi. Law of Probability
All the identifications, definíte o rindefinite,are made consciously or
unconsciously, on the hari. of probability. The probability of fingerprint
Jin the world.
vii. Law of Circumstantiul 'acts
"Facts do nor lr, nen gn and lo," hence tie unposa e
CArCurnsantialeviden agxd as oral evidenee, Oral evidence depenaa
yon30 many factuy h s me'r of observiation, assimilatn, Hu
frew roti
uEECn1,externalint , cle, w e . , factual eVidence s

ducs ntwmitues

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