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Competitive dog grooming: a very furry sport

Did you know that there is sport where skilled dog groomers come and
groomed the dogs? if you didn’t, then look no further to this article.
This article will tell you everything you need to know. But first, let’s go
to one of these competitions to see it all in action. these competitions
are typically aimed at skilled and experienced groomers, this was pretty
evident In the things I saw, there were loads of dogs getting their fur cut
with precise and sharp snips, but these groomers didn’t stop it there
whilst in the sounds of snips and water dripping of off these dogs, only
a handful decided to carry the risky task of coloring these dogs fur.
We decided to interview one of the most skilled groomers, a three -
time champion in the dog grooming competition to get more insight
into these contests. He said that this is a very difficult field to win in
since there are many people who would definitely be more skilled and
experienced but he also mentioned that one should not be worried at
the prospect of losing because it will supplement you in your journey of
being the best in your chosen area. We left him alone so he could focus
more on his creation and hopefully win.
We also decided to interview a newcomer who decided to make a very
difficult artistic creation. She said she wanted other people to know
how skilled she was despite her lack of experience and did not want
other people to look down on her despite making this very difficult for
herself. We left her alone knowing that we may be a distraction and
may be hindering her progress to finish it during the limited time period
Now, if you are interested in the process of grooming these dogs, don’t
worry we got that covered as well. The groomer first takes their dogs to
the bath tub to bathe them, to get rid of any dirt that got on the dogs
prior to the event, they vigorously rub shampoo and wash it off in
lightning speed, not even a second could be afforded to be lost, they
then grab the dogs and dry them after that, they quickly starting
snipping and dying their dog in the designs they want according to the
parameters in order to not be disqualified, this process goes on for a
while until the host announces them to stop, after that the dogs are
inspected by the judges and after that one winner and two runner ups
are decided.
We decided to go back and check up on the newcomer, she was
getting on pretty well she was done snipping, dying and drying the dogs
fur and was just doing the finishing touches to ty of the loose ends and
stood silently waiting for the mere seconds to run out, after the host
announced the time was out the judges inspected the dogs and after
minutes of grueling silence the winner was finally announced, the
winner was the three time champion whose skills and expertise simply
couldn’t be beaten the second runner was the newcomer and the third
one was this meek and silent grandma all of them were given a
certificate and cash price according to their position
So, this is the end of our very furry journey until then keep an eye out
for more interesting articles
Until then,
Good bye

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