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The rescue

The fog surrounding me and my two best friends was thick, the air humid and all sense of the world gone.
As we walked on further into the woods it was difficult to know both where we were going and when we
would get there. Fear was pounding at my heart, but there was no going back. I had to keep going. Me
and my two best friends Yahia and Ali, pushed forward struggling to breathe as we went. The track
seemed to be endless. There was nowhere to go. We were lost in the middle of a dark black forest with
no food no water, shelter, water or heat. That was when we started to panic. My breath started to stager.
It was too hard to keep going. My knees went weak and gave way. It felt as though I was falling. Falling
through a deep dark tunnel. I had fainted.

I woke up shortly after with Yahia slapping my face painfully. A look of concern crossed with fear was
upon Ali’s face. I tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach was unbearable. Finally, I was able to sit up
against the tree. Though as I sat the three of us remained silent. Up further away a wolf cried to the
moon. Which was barely visible through the dense fog, it was hard to tell who was more scared. The
looks on Yahia and Ali’s face made me feel very uneasy.

We sat there for a minute that seemed to go for an eternity. As the trees moved in the aggressive wind,
shadows of freighting shapes littered the ground. As we moved on we came to a house. Which was very
odd in such a deserted environment. We approached carefully not wanting any animals to know that we
were walking in their land on. Their territory in which they guard viciously and greedily wanting to protect
them their families and the place in which the protect greedily.

As we approached, a wolf ran in front of us. Its blood red eyes were boring into us. We started to back
away but there was nowhere to go. The wolf gave us a fleeting look that told us it would be back. I looked
into Yahia’s and Ali’s eyes. We walked on.

Finally, we reached the house. Smoke was rising from a chimney and drifting softly into the air without a
care in the world. I knocked. There was a ringing silence that went for a time that seemed to want to last
forever. No one answered.

I knocked again. A generous old man answered us, he let us in since it was very cold outside. Soon after
that we were able to call the emergency services to return to our homes.

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