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23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World


Methane – the other greenhouse gas


Bárbara Pinho looks at the problem of methane emissions and how scientists are
trying to prevent them

The 24 chambers line up perfectly in a lab that looks like it should be in a sci-fi film. An intertwined
network of tubes and cables connect each chamber to a central device that measures gases,
humidity, pressure and temperature. It may look a bit unpleasant, but the occasional ‘baa’ echoing
through the halls brings a bit of joy. After all, the main subjects of this lab are sheep.

At the Grasslands Research Centre in the New Zealand city of Palmerston North, Neil Wedlock
and his colleagues have studied hundreds of sheep for years. They’ve built chambers where they
place each animal, carefully measuring how much gas is emitted by sheep and cattle while they’re
eating. They want to understand these emissions and find molecular ways of reducing them, and
even though sheep emit a diverse array of gases, they focus on one in particular: methane.

The two climate problems

23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

In 1997, when the United Nations adopted the Kyoto Protocol, methane was one of seven
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greenhouse gases listed as part of the commitment to reduce their emissions. But the focus since
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then has been almost exclusively on carbon dioxide.
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Monitoring how much methane is emitted by livestock requires a slightly different lab set-up

23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

‘When policymakers and researchers started to work with strategies to fight climate change, they
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adopted a set of metrics that related to 100-year impact. But because methane time in the
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atmosphere is roughly a decade, these metrics caused a misarrangement in policy action,’
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explains Steven Hamburg, chief scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund in the US.

Methane doesn’t stay for long in the atmosphere. Its decade-long residence time starkly contrasts
with carbon dioxide’s century-long span. £1 PER WEEK
And methane concentration levels are far lower than
those of carbon dioxide: if the atmosphere were a swimming pool, there would be about two cups
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worth of methane in there, compared to a whopping 442 cups of carbon dioxide. So while it’s
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understandable the world has paid closer attention to carbon dioxide, methane isn’t innocuous. In
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a 20 year timescale, it’s 80 times more powerful in warming the planet than carbon dioxide since it
traps heat more efficiently. It’s thought thatSUBSCRIBE
at least 25% of the warming we are now experiencing
is caused by anthropogenic emissions of this short-lived gas. And even after a decade, methane’s
impact continues. Over the years, it reacts with ozone to form water and carbon dioxide, with the
latter staying in the atmosphere and contributing to climate change for years on end.
The Kyoto protocol has since been rectified and updated, and methane is increasingly seen as a
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greenhouse gas deserving of everyone’s attention. At the Cop26 climate summit in November
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2021, world leaders launched the Global Methane Pledge, an initiative to lower methane
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emissions in the coming years to limit warming to 1.5°C. Over 100 countries joined the pledge,
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including the UK and the US, committing to reducing methane emissions by at least 30% until
2030. The nations will also improve how they measure and quantify methane emissions. This
(almost) global effort could bring visible results rather quickly.

Reducing methane emissions buys us the time to do the hard

work of reducing CO2 emissions

‘We can reduce methane emissions in half, and that will have a dramatic impact on reducing the
rate of warming and the total amount of warming we experience over the next 30 years,’ Hamburg
says. To him, we are currently experiencing two different climate problems: one of carbon dioxide
and one of methane. Methane is a near-term problem and carbon dioxide is a long-term one. Both
require solutions, albeit very different ones. ’In the near term, if we want to reduce the damages,
methane is the most important thing we can do. But in the long term, CO2 is the most important.
Both things can be true at the same time,’ Hamburg adds.

23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

Hamburg explains that lowering carbon dioxide is a daunting task; it interferes with humanity’s
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entire energy economy and demands great effort. Methane, on the other hand, is simpler to tackle.
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The technology to make significant methane reductions already exists, and it’s cost-effective. As
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long as it doesn’t put decarbonising society on hold, then focusing on this short-lived gas is a
crucial step. ‘[Lowering methane emissions] buys us the time to do the hard work,’ Hamburg
explains. ‘But we have to be careful; it’s not hitting pause.’

The emitters
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Methane has a broad spectrum of emitters, and not all are human. Bacteria in wetlands, for
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example, emit large quantities of the gas. Methane is also released when cows burp, when
microorganisms decompose rubbish in landfills and when natural gas is produced. There’s a
mixture between anthropogenic and naturally occurring emissions. Yet, evidence points that
humans’ actions have skyrocketed emissions for decades now. According to the latest IPCC
report, ever since 2007, concentrationsMembership
of methane have steadily increased, with researchers
attributing it to emissions from major sources likeUS
fossil fuel exploitation, waste, and livestock (see
Measuring methane emissions is crucial to cutting them).
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’We waste about 30 to 40% of all food production. Imagine that across the system, all of that
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waste emits methane,’ says Chad Frischmann, lead researcher at Project Drawdown, an initiative
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where researchers assess the best solutions to tackle climate change.

The rubbish and waste we make every day is a top source of methane. While sitting in landfills,
food scraps and other organic waste decompose, producing gas that’s rich in methane, carbon
dioxide and other compounds. Commonly known as landfill gas, it amounts to a significant
percentage of methane emissions worldwide. In 2019, landfills in the US alone emitted the same
greenhouse gas as 12 million homes, and the numbers are expected to increase. Three years
from now, researchers predict that landfills will account for 8–10% of all anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions. Methane-observing satellites like Tropomi, an instrument currently in
orbit aboard the European Space Agency’s Sentinel 5 satellite, keeps finding landfills that emit
loads of methane. In August 2021, using Tropomi data and other satellites’ information, scientists
found landfill sites emitting 8800kg of methane per hour close to Madrid’s city centre. Yet, while
what comes from everyone’s bins plays a crucial role in how much waste goes to landfills, the
blame is shared with other players in the food supply chain game.

We waste about 30–40% of all food production. All of that

waste emits methane

23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

‘Waste comes all across the supply chain, from production to harvesting, packaging, processing,
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distribution and market consumption,’ Frischmann says. Our food is grown in around 570 million
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farms globally, processed in thousands of facilities, and transported in a complex network of ships,
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planes and lorries. Working around a supply chain that’s so vast takes ingenuity and time. Yet to
Frischmann, the leading solution is still up to consumers. ‘In high-income countries, most of the
food gets wasted at the end of the supply chain by consumers,’ he says. ‘Most people
overconsume, over-purchase, and then THAN £1 PER
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it into the landfill.’ He explains that how
consumers make choices
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more waste the world
generates. But while the food supply chain is fixed (and that will probably take some time to
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change), there are solutions to work around the methane emitted by landfills. Instead of
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hampering emissions, a solution could be to make them useful.
A smart use of landfills

Natural gas is a convenient fuel, so finding ways to put landfill methane to use could kill two birds
with one stone: on the one hand, it would lower US from landfills. On the other, natural gas
could provide power. Of the more than 500 landfills in the UK, ten are already equipped with
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landfill gas recovery systems. The way to do this is rather simple in principle. The rubbish that
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goes into landfills is buried into sections
youcalled cellscareer.
and your and then covered by layers of soil or other
materials. The final cover is thicker and made of sand, clay, soil and grass. This is to avoid
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emissions of methane and other gases into the atmosphere. Via a network of pipes and vacuum
pumps, methane is collected from the landfill and taken to a processing facility. Here, it is treated
depending on the final outcome desired for the gas. Some facilities purify methane, so it reaches
natural gas standards. Others either flare the methane (converting it into carbon dioxide and
releasing it into the atmosphere) or generate electricity. Gas yields depend on the size and nature
of landfills, but a large modern landfill could make usable fuel for 15 to 30 years.

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Landfill is a major source of methane, amounting to almost 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions 

Another strategy to capture methane before it goes into the atmosphere is by using methane
digesters. Methane digesters are large systems that turn organic matter’s methane into valuable
substrates. Either organic matter or cattle manure is accumulated in large tanks where microbes
produce biogas, which could serve as fuel after being burned, and the so-called digestate, a solid
that could be used as a fertiliser.

‘Organic materials can go into that [methane digester] system, generating methane, and what
ends up happening is you can burn off that methane to produce electricity. For these large scale
operations, it can power the facility rather than drawing on the grid,’ Frischmann explains.

This strategy has increasingly more fans in countries like Germany, where there are already 8000
methane digester systems implemented. Though more systems are used to take up cattle manure
than the waste coming from landfills, methane digesters can turn any organic matter to use while
avoiding methane emissions.

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Burning off methane emitted by landfill isyou
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to avoid it ending up in the atmosphere, but of course
releases carbon Your
dioxide instead benefits include a subscription to Chemistry World.

Of course, isn’t a silver bullet: burning biogas to produce electricity releases carbon dioxide. Still,
it’s a step towards mitigating the short-term climate problem of methane. In the meantime, instead
of looking at how humans waste much of what they could eat, other researchers are taking a look
at the diets of animals like cows and sheep.

Jabs for sheep

In New Zealand, Wedlock’s work looks to lower methane emissions right from the beginning:
cattle’s digestive systems. Cows and sheep are just some of the many animals in the world that
ruminate. These creatures digest their food for hours, chewing and re-chewing grass that goes in
and out of their four-chambered stomach. The rumen, the first section of their stomach, is home to
a complex system of microorganisms and is where a simple meal becomes a climate change
problem. Bacteria in the rumen called methanogens take up complex carbohydrates and perform
methanogenesis, an anaerobic respiration process. Carbon dioxide is used as a terminal electron
acceptor, and H2 is oxidised to H+ while CO2 is reduced to CH4. This molecular pathway in a
cow’s stomach produces around 200 litres of methane in a day. With 1.4 billion cattle in the world,
the maths add up pretty quickly, making livestock production the largest anthropogenic source in
6 FREEmethane
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A cow’s stomach produces 200 litres of methane a day
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Wedlock and his team have been working on a vaccine to stop methanogenesis. According to him,
the ideal vaccine would produce antibodies that would act against components of methanogens
and thus interrupt the access to all
chemical our latest content,
production published
of methane. daily - nomethanogens
But reaching more paywallsisn’t that easy;

they are, after all,our

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over 17,000 in the rumen.
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‘These animals produce copious quantitiesSUBSCRIBE

of saliva every day; a sheep can produce 10 to 16
litres a day, and most of the saliva is swallowed,’ Wedlock explains. ‘Once you generate
antibodies in the saliva against the methanogens […] it is a perfect vehicle to deliver the
antibodies into the rumen.’

In recent
Becometrials, after developing
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prototype of the vaccine
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and his team
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emissions to those of unvaccinated animals. your
the team hasn’t seen any relevant differences,
but Wedlock is Your
hopeful for the future.
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where we’re going to try an experimental vaccine and put them [sheep] through chambers again.
This might be the big breakthrough, but I can’t predict that; I can only hope for it,’ he says.

The hurdles to overcome go beyond biology. After all, a tool is only helpful if it finds a place in the
immense agricultural supply chain. ‘A Covid-19 vaccine for a human can be quite expensive;
governments will pay for it. But a farm is not going to pay for something unless it’s cheap,’ he
explains. ‘You can’t produce something that’s a $100 dose. It’s got to be either one dollar or two,
maybe less.’

Then, there’s the challenge of public perception. While Wedlock thinks the anti-vax movement
wouldn’t be too worried about livestock as they are with the Covid-19 jab, he’s still cautious.
‘Public perception is something you have to watch,’ he adds. ‘That can kill a solution.’

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, US researchers want to stop methanogenesis in cattle.
Instead of working on vaccines, however, Ermias Kebreab, a professor of sustainable animal
agriculture at the University of California, Davis, has been looking at supplements.

Bring in the supplements

23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

During the 2010s, studies in Petri dishes showed that the red macroalgae (seaweed)
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Asparagopsis taxiformis lowered ruminant methane production by up to 99%. With this
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information, Kebreab and his colleagues went on to see if adding this type of seaweed as a feed
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supplement to cattle’s diet would decrease methanogenesis and thus reduce emissions. In their
latest work, results were promising.
‘Using a very small amount of seaweed THAN get
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a methane reduction up to 80%. In some
cases, it wasUnlimited
even upaccess
to 98%,’ he explains. ‘That, to me, is really incredible. If you are able to
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reduce methane by that much, then I think we have a very good solution to be able to sustainably
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produce food.’
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In the study, Kebreab looked at three groups of Angus–Hereford cross beef steers (neutered male
cattle). One group took no supplements, the other took seaweed as 25% of their diet, and the third
group was given a diet of half seaweed and half concentrate feed. They fed the animals for five
months, measuring the emissions every three weeks. Unlike Wedlock’s chambers in New
Zealand, Kebreab used the GreenFed system. This
JOIN US open-air device measures the gases emitted
by animals while they’re busy eating a treat. The supplements reduced methane to impressively
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low levels without interfering with beef quality standards.
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A very small amount of seaweed would get you a methane
reduction up to 80%

The key to the results lies in the anti-methanogenic activity of some red seaweeds. The
supplements produced with Asparagopsis taxiformis have an active ingredient, bromoform
(CHBr3). In the rumen, bromoform interferes with an enzyme essential to complete
methanogenesis, methyl coenzyme reductase (MCR). To properly work, MCR’s nickel cofactor
needs to be oxidatised to continue the methane-producing reaction. Once it gets to the rumen,
bromoform continuously reduces nickel, inhibiting MCR and thus inhibiting methanogenesis.

Seaweed turns out to be an exciting tool to lower methane emissions. Still, if every farm in the
world wants a bit, could macroalgae producers keep up with the demand? Or would it create yet
another problem in the food supply chain? To Kebreab, there’s little doubt. He explains that
growing seaweed in the ocean doesn’t require any fertiliser or fresh water. Plus, it naturally
removes carbon dioxide from the ocean, so this could be a win–win situation. ‘Companies are
working hard to scale up, and that could present an issue. But of course, we have to do a life cycle
assessment and see how much energy is required to grow seaweed,’ he adds.
23-03-2022 11:01 Methane – the other greenhouse gas | Feature | Chemistry World

The supplement is not yet on the market because it still awaits approval from regulatory bodies.
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And that takes time, sometimes too much. ‘With the FDA, it’s very difficult to know [when the
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supplements reach the market]. If they think that this is urgent and important, then they can do it
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within a few months. But otherwise, it might take years,’ Kebreab explains.

While the Californian supplement waits for the green light, other supplements are one step ahead
and closer to reaching farms worldwide. THAN £1 PER
Europe, WEEK
Dutch company DSM created Bovaer, a feed
additive thatUnlimited
targets the same enzyme as red seaweed. The main active ingredient, 3-
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nitrooxypropanol, inactivates the enzyme at micromolar concentrations by oxidising its active site.
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Bovaer has been approved for commercialisation in Brazil and Chile, and in late 2021, the
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European Food Safety Authority provided a positive assessment of the product, bringing it one
step closer to European markets. SUBSCRIBE

The short-lived gas that has been ignored by policymakers for so long is now in dozens of
headlines and politicians’ speeches. The work scientists and researchers worldwide are doing is
timely and, more than ever, necessary if humanity
JOIN USis to prevent the worst from happening. ‘I’m a
forest ecologist. I’ve seen first-hand the impacts of climate change on forests,’ Hamburg says.
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‘This is one of the biggest opportunities to slow the rate of warming in the next couple of decades,
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and we need to take advantage of it.’
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Your membership benefits include a subscription to Chemistry World.

Bárbara Pinho is a science writer based in Porto, Portugal


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