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OSE Encounter Activities – Bears (d20: 1-10)

1 Cautiously sniffing a baited deadfall 6 Making short work of a group of Goblins

2 Chasing after a blonde child 7 Recently wakeful after hibernation and hungry
3 Companion of a local Were-bear, patrolling 8 Searching sullenly for a Ranger companion
4 Eating a dead Elk/Reindeer while Wolves circle 9 Soft-spoken, gifted speech by a local Druid
5 Intrigued by a scent, nose to the ground 10 Trying to dislodge an arrow from their shoulder

Black Bear (d20: 11-20)

11 Coaxing cubs to come down from a Shipsinger Tree 16 Investigating a suspended snare containing a Deer
12 Decimating a Darkberry bush, covered in tiny burrs 17 Munching loudly on fallen Cellarnuts
13 Escaped circus performer, just wants a hug 18 Scaling a tall tree to paw at a buzzing beehive
14 Gouging tree bark to mark a boundary 19 Shimmying back-and-forth on a rough rock to scratch
15 Habituated to the local Halfling population, friendly 20 Slapping the ground to frighten a Porcupine

Cave Bear (d20: 11-20)

11 Crunching marrow-rich Mastodon bones 16 Roaring at a rival male, teeth bared and bloody
12 Defending a Giant Sloth meal from hungry Ravens 17 Rolling large boulders down a slope
13 Dragging a dead Neanderthal 18 Searching for a new den, after being displaced by a Dragon
14 Locked in combat with a Sabre Tooth Cat 19 Slapping away a pack of hungry Wolves
15 Pin-cushioned with stone-tipped spears 20 Snorting loudly over bloodstained tracks

Grizzly Bear (d20: 11-20)

11 Absolutely wrecking an orderly campsite 16 Receiving woven baskets of berries from Berserkers
12 Bending down branches of Devil Pear trees 17 Ripping open a rotten log to reach tasty Dire Grubs
13 Devouring a Mountain Goat as a Fox watches intently 18 Snatching Salmon from a stream
14 Foaming mad, caught in a steel-jawed trap 19 This man-eater has developed a taste for Manflesh
15 Huffing loudly in a standoff with Dwarfs 20 Two curious cubs, angry protective mother nearby

Polar Bear (d20: 11-20)

11 Bounding after an ice-bound Walrus 16 Isolated on an ice float, resting from a long swim
12 Chewing chunks of rancid flesh, a beached Narwhal 17 On patrol for Frost Giant keepers
13 Clawing a hole into the thinnest part of the ice 18 Pulling a sledge, loaded with the warlike Rime Elfs
14 Crunching through the shell of a Giant Crab 19 Ravaging a seal with a blood-stained snout
15 Dragging a large Fish to just weaned cubs 20 Sliding down snowy slopes for amusement

Draft Version 02.08.2020 (RIP G+).

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