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Vindålder, vargålder (Instrumental)

Gylfaginning (The Beguiling of Gylfi) is perhaps the most important text in the Old Norse mythology corpus, as it deals
with the creation and destruction of the world of the Æsir. The title of the song, which means “wind-age, wolf-age”, is
taken from stanza 51, and it deals with Ragnarök, the Weird of the Gods.

Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass
Samuel Izcaray: Violin, viola
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Keyboards

2. Fri

Fri (Free) is a song about liberation through the power of music and everything that unites us.

Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Stina Jadelius Engelbrecht: Vocals
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, percussion
Santiago Molina: Härjedalspipa, Uilleann pipes
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, contrabass, ronroco, charango
Alberto Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán, Cymbals

Fri, vill bara vá fri Vill bara vara

Fria att leva vårt liv
Vi ska viska visor och de ska växa fram och väcka upp Mången gång låt oss spela
Starka känslor hos oss männskor, alla och en var Fri, vill bara vá fri
För full lunga får vi så sjunga, våra röster höja Vi vill leva, vá hela
Falskhet röja, aldrig dröja kvar Vill bara vara
Fria att välja vårt liv
Fri, vill bara vá fri Spelman spela din fela
Vi vill leva, vá hela
Vill bara vara Spela din fela
Fria att leva vårt liv
Mången gång låt oss spela Fri, fri...
Fri, vill bara vá fri Fria, fri...
Vi vill leva, vá hela Fria vá fri...
Vill bara vara Fria vá fria...
Fria att välja vårt liv
Spelman spela din fela Fri, vill bara vá fri
Vi vill leva, vá hela
Solen skiner, vindarna viner, hjärtan brinner i vart bröst Vill bara vara
Finner trösten, inger löften, frihet är vårt krav Fria att leva vårt liv
Vågor svalla, lågor som kalla samman allas längtan Mången gång låt oss spela
Väntan, trängtan, sen mot öppet hav Fri, vill bara vá fri
Vi vill leva, vá hela
Fri, vill bara vá fri Vill bara vara
Vi vill leva, vá hela Fria att välja vårt liv
Spelman spela din fela
3. Dacw ’Nghariad 4. Varulv
Dacw ’Nghariad (There is my love) is our own version of a well-known Welsh love song that we learned for our concerts in The Varulv (werewolf) is a cornerstone egregore in Germanic/Scandinavian Medieval superstition. This song tells the story
Y Wladfa, the Welsh settlement in Patagonia. We dedicate it to all our friends there! of a tortured soul condemned to roam the Earth as a self-loathing, blood-thirsty lycanthrope.
Lineup: Lineup:
Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, percussion
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, percussion Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Santiago Molina: Whistles, Galician bagpipes Santiago Molina: Tin whistle, Galician bagpipes
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass
Pablo Schivo: Hurdy gurdy Albert Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán, cymbals
Freddy Santana MacKinlay: Tin whistle
Albert Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán, cymbals
Dacw ‘nghariad i lawr yn y berllan Dacw’r dderwen wych ganghennog Dacw ‘nghariad i lawr yn y berllan En un día gris de otoño su conciencia despertó “Colmillo y garra el alma parten en dos
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Se miró al espejo y su reflejo no lo traicionó La manada te reclama, los aullidos son su voz”
O na bawn i yno fy hunan Golwg arni sydd dra serchog O na bawn i yno fy hunan Sufrió una cruel, feroz transmutación:
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal En los ojos grises de un labriego un lobo se mostró Luna de locura
Dacw’r tŷ, a dacw’r ‘sgubor Mi arhosaf yn ei chysgod Dacw’r tŷ, a dacw’r ‘sgubor Lobo y hombre se debaten
Dacw ddrws y beudy’n agor Nes daw ‘nghariad i ‘ngyfarfod Dacw ddrws y beudy’n agor En la densa niebla el bosque ocultaba la verdad Subsistencia oscura
Ffaldi radl didl dal, ffaldi radl didl dal Ffaldi radl didl dal, ffaldi radl didl dal Ffaldi radl didl dal, ffaldi radl didl dal Rastros de pelea, sangre y restos de humanidad Luchó, aulló
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal Doscientos huesos sobre un lúgubre altar: Hasta perder la razón
Sus cabellos rubios en el suelo con su dignidad
I den skog där ingen bor där ska du löpa varg
Luna de locura Dina stigar ligga vida bakom ödsligt berg
Noche de pasión y sangre Vid den tjärn där inget värn är, under jordfast sten
Subsistencia oscura Ska du vara många dagar ingen man till men
Su luz bebió Eldar brinner, sorger rinner genom kött och skinn
Hasta perder la razón Ta i ring, och kittel kring, och varg i veum binder dig

Un camino de antorchas se abre desde la ciudad En un día gris de otoño su hechizo expiró
Maldicen su nombre: bestia inmunda es su identidad Herido de muerte, fue mi lanza que lo atravesó
Lanzas de abeto llevan, muérdago y sal Triste ironía, amarga desolación:
Piensan con su filo blanco atravesar la oscuridad Con su voz quebrada mi hermano me agradeció

Han pasado ocho años de aquel maleficio atroz

Cuando su madrastra nigromante orquestó su adiós:

5. Trallvaret
Trallvaret (the Alvar lilt) is an early summer love song that Johanna wrote for Sergio, inspired by the nature of her native
island of Öland.

Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Samuel Izcaray: Violin, viola
Manuel Villar Lifac: Cello, contrabass
Se Alvrets blomsterdräkt Av alla de sköna ting som mora-jora bär Se Alvrets blomsterdräkt
I försommarfläkt Av allt som jag har kärt I försommarfläkt
Återuppväckt Det fagraste du är Återuppväckt
Hör där ljuvt gremlans klara trall Älska dig ska jag uti livets alla dar Hör där ljuvt gremlans klara trall
Än fagrare är vännen min, så kär Tills hjärtat mitt slutar slå Än fagrare är vännen min, så kär
Och se Alvrets hårda fåk Och får jag vandra bredvid dig Och se Alvrets hårda fåk
Snö på vart stråk Genom mina levnadsdar Snö på vart stråk
Vid vindarnas bråk Den älskogslust vi har Vid vindarnas bråk
Känn dess värmande sommarsol I glädje hålla kvar Känn dess värmande sommarsol
Än starkare min kärlekslåga är Får jag tillsammans med dig spela denna sång Än starkare min kärlekslåga är
Så ska jag för evigt glader vara Och alvret i trallen sig beklär

6. Ottar Handelsman
Thanks to a scribe in Alfred the Great’s court, we know that “Ottar Handelsman” (Ottar the Merchant) was an explorer and
seafarer from the northernmost part of Norway, who appeared before the Anglo-Saxon king in 890 CE. Inspired by this
meeting, we tell the alternative story of how Ottar sold King Alfred a Sea Unicorn’s horn.

Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki
Santiago Molina: Galician pipes
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, contrabass
Albert Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán
Samuel Izcaray, Yamil Ladner, Roberto Castiglioni: Backing vocals

Var hälsad konung Alfred här i saxars land Är det sant som det så ofta sagts
Hör, Ottar är mitt namn, en handelsman Om den kraft som hornen bär?
Jag bär med mig en dyrbarhet från Noregs strand
En säregen tand Dess kraft obeveklig är
Horn från en havsenhörning
Wiht cwom æfter wege wrætlico liþan
Jag har färdats över vidan hav Cymlic frō ceole cleopode to londe
För att finna hornen Hlinsade hlude— leahtor wæs gryrelic
Sökt mig dit där natten ock är dag Egesful on earde ecge wæron scearpe
Isbeklädda Norden Wæs hio hetegrim hilde to sæne
Har bekämpat best av sällsamt slag Biter beadoweorca bordweallas grof
Rikt benådad vorden Heardhiþende heterune bond
Månne havet en dag bli min grav
Då min jakt på hornen går Den fålen herre Alfred, är en vansklig fångst
Dess horn sju alnar långt och gott till mångt
Välkommen här Ohthere som på Nordsjön far Det renar vatten, botar farsot och förfång
Med hornen som du har i ditt förvar Förmår därutom avhålla ålderdomen
Säg, är den fyrbent besten du bekämpat har?
Må vara rentav självaste näckahästen? Jag har färdats där blott vildmark är
För att finna hornen
Må du nyttja hjälp från högre makt I ett land som dolda väsen när
För att finna hornen? Isbeklädda Norden
Är den bestens enda hemviststrakt Men en konung som det horn frambär
Isbeklädda Norden? Rikt benådad vorden
Har du ensam livet om den bragt? Språkas vitt om äran han uppbär
Rikt benådad vorden Över hela jorden
7. A Sailor’s Wife

Our own version of a well-known Swedish halarvisa (hauling song): En sjömans brud skall blåklädd gå (A sailor’s wife
shall wear blue clothes).

Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Santiago Molina: Percussion
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass
Albert Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán
A sailor’s wife shall wear blue clothes A sailor’s wife shall learn how to sing One day the sailor fell on a knife
Stay, oh lads, belay Stay, oh lads, belay Stay, oh lads, belay
To look like a billow as she goes To soothe the storm, to soften its sting She left the strand, no longer a wife
Hold fast, me boys Hold fast, me boys Hold fast, me boys

A sailor’s wife shall be like a stone A sailor’s wife shall stay on dry land She shortened her hair
Stay, oh lads, belay Stay, oh lads, belay took note of the tide
To be on her own, to face the unknown Never ever to live adventure firsthand Stay, oh lads, belay
Hold fast, me boys Hold fast, me boys She rode the blue billows
Let the wind be her guide
Hold fast, me boys
8. Näktergal

Our interpretation of a Scandinavian/ West Germanic ballad, Näktergal (Nightingale) tells the story of a maiden
transformed into a singing bird by her stepmother and the abuse she suffered at the hands of a ruthless man.

Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, percussion
Santiago Molina: Galician bagpipes
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass

I aftonstund en näktergal ”Och hör du liten näktergal På sjunde dan vår näktergal
Sin sång så ljuvligt upplåter Vad jag dig strax vill tillbjuda Den riddarns vrede upprycker
Hon sjunger tungsint ur sitt kval Du sjunger enkom i min sal ”Jag vill ha sång här i min sal”
Mens hon sitt öde begråter Att mat och husrum åtnjuta” En kniv mot halsen han trycker
Och riddarn hejdar sin fåle grå ”Ack nej, jag passar ej i din sal Hon skapte sig till en lindorm stor
”Din visa skall du mig kväda Ett enda vill jag bestämma Sitt gift i riddarn utgjuter
Med gull jag vill din’ fjä’r beslå Min frihet är mitt enda val Men riddarns kniv i bröstet for
Din hals med pärlor bekläda” Ej regn och hunger mig skrämma” Dem båda döden omsluter

”Jag passar ej i gull uppå Men riddarn greppar fågelns fot I aftonstund en näktergal
Min hals den klär ej i pärlor Och för´na hem till sin boning Från lindens kvist fick erfara
Min visa skall du ändå få Fast hon så visst det sa emot En ungmös död i riddarns sal
Här under himmelens stjärnor Han handlar utan förskoning Sökte sin frihet försvara
En fager ungsven mitt hjärta stal Hon sätts för regel uti hans hall I nattens tystnad den fågeln nu
Min styvmors vrede uppryckte Uppå sin frihet berövad Sin sång så sorgligt upplåter
Hon skapte mig till näktergal Så aldrig mer hon sjunga skall Om hon som sattes uti bur
Min bror till varulv förtryckte” Av agg och avsky bedövad Den flickans öde begråter
9. Carmina Oelandica Windy greetings, one and all, Here we are once more where you belong
I am writing you from home And your gleaming eyes, your smile
“Carmina Oelandica” (Poems from Öland) depicts the hard life of a skurverk (scouring mill) worker in the past. Besides From the house where she was born They shake me to my very core
In the south of Heaven Tell me, please, once more about your home
describing daily life as a working hero, the song -partly in Oelandic dialect - combines motifs from Carmina Burana, the Eddaic Tell me how it feels, what do you see
Grottesången and Viktor Rydberg’s Den Nya Grottesången. On this island I adore When you close your eyes, my love
An old windmill still stands tall
Lineup: Where the ocean meets the shore Vinden stryker om mitt hår
Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals And the swans do gather Sommarn doftar där jag står
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki It’s home! På den ön där jag är född
Santiago Molina: Pinkillu Åkern kläder sig i guld
It was many years ago
Kvarnen går, den maler Dack på förman, glöpen tar han In the darkness and the snow Skärvor på en stenig strand
Våran go-sten slipas dagen lång Det som flis-karln skull fått That I first arrived in tow Vaktar på en helig skatt
But och flisa, vind, vår lisa In this place of wonders Vid en stubbkvarn målad röd
Hjulet har sin gång Fortune rota volvitur Minnen från mitt/ditt barndoms land... vårt hem
Descendo minoratus Feel my spirit’s wings unfold
Oxa drager, skurverksnavet Alter in altum tollitur All those monuments of old Hem i Norden
Grinar ut sin klagopsalm Nimis exaltatus All the stories I’ve been told Endlöst Alvar
Öket tungt, följ oxa runt Rex sedet in vertice Gave my restless self a brand Sweet home
Här slipas mången palm Caveat ruinam! New home Här i Norden
Nam sub axe legimus Ett guldbroderat landskap
Har vi malbör, välfylld stenbjörn Hecubam reginam Hem i Norden Hem i Norden
Båd te kvarn och skurverk Endlöst Alvar Tidlöst Alvar
Liv och russel, väj för skjutsen Stärk drar Fenja, färm tar Menja Sweet home Sweet home
Skutan väntar i hamn Grotte, en ohävlig but Här i Norden Här i Norden
Jätten stret nok better Ett guldbroderat landskap Ett guldbroderat landskap
Främmigt folk blé vé vår sten Tjäänt e föök föruten slut Hem i Norden
Di bygger körka, hus och slott Tidlöst Alvar It’s home!
Heminté i väl och ve Fogden Frode trood han gjorde Sweet home
En husbonn har det gott Klokt ta di te trälavärv Här i Norden
Antererad blé han sedan Ett guldbroderat landskap
Mens en anni stretar, kan di veta Malt sä te fördärv
Hocken bet dé é
Int så dapert, alltin knapert Skarpa hällor, alvrekällor
Tjäänt för liten lott Varevi dá vår hamn på jora
Dela strävseln, ock förtjänsten
Kaas och hanka, harponknarpa Kvarnen snurrar sitt varv 11. Kelter och götar
För att klara leven
Ever since we laid our eyes on the Gundestrup cauldron, we have always wanted to write a song about it. Kelter och götar
(Celts and Geats) is a medley of Nordic and Celtic melodies that weaves four legendary tales inspired by the cauldron’s
10. Endless Alvar imageries.

This is a genre-bending, progressive-folk song that Sergio wrote for Johanna as a declaration of love to their eternal Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals
home: Öland Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, percussion
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass
Lineup: Santiago Molina: Galician bagpipes
Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals, Irish bouzouki, keyboards, percussion Freddy Santana MacKinlay: Great Highland bagpipes
Johanna Ribnikov Gunnarsson: Vocals Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass
Manuel Villar Lifac: Violin, cello, contrabass Albert Castillo Asenjo: Bodhrán, cymbals
I månens ljus synes glimma Hej hoppsan i galoppsan 1. Wind-age, wolf-age (Instrumental) Two hundred bones on a gloomy altar:
En kittel från forntida dar Härjat ligger land för lysten hand san Her blonde hair on the ground, with her dignity
Ett eko höres i dimman Hej hoppsan i galoppsan 2. Free
Då öden förtäljs i det kar Folk och fä förgås där Méabh går fram san Moon of madness
Free, just want to be free Night of passion and blood
Under eken nu ljuder druidinnans sång Hej gå fram, alle man Dark existence
Färdas tidlös i natten så klar Följer ledet, stundar skedet We will whisper songs and they will grow and give rise to Her light he drank
Hennes slev den rörs i stilla gång Krigets larm, bak och fram Strong emotions in us humans, each and everyone Until losing his mind
Valan siar och spörsmål får svar Flyktar, höres åter At the top of our lungs we get to sing, raising our voices
Falsehood expose, never to linger A path of torches makes way from the city
På vall vår fänad : fraiwą : Sköld och lans, stridens glans They curse his name: filthy beast is his identity
Väl betjänad : fraiwą : Möter guden, ikläs skruden Chorus: Spruce spears they carry, mistletoe and salt
Rågen mogen : fraiwą : Ödet spanns, dödens dans Free, just want to be free With the white edge they intend to pierce the darkness
Går ulv i skogen : fraiwą : Livets träd upplåter We want to live, to be whole
Just want to be Eight years have passed since that dreadful curse
Vildfä kring : fraiwą : Hör nu lurens klang Free to live our lives When his necromantic stepmother orchestrated his farewell:
Med halsringelrangel : fraiwą : Som leder fram till karet Many a time let us play “Fang and claw rip the soul in two,
Hornprydd är : fraiwą : Lurar tre, så det må ske Free, just want to be free The pack claims you, the howls are their voice”
Och frukt bär förnan : fraiwą : Som ger det rätta svaret We want to live, to be whole
Guden ber oss vida strida Just want to be Moon of madness
Gudatronen : fraiwą : Vinden ber oss rida Free to choose our lives Wolf and man struggle
Rätt mot jorden : fraiwą : Ormen leder oss dithän Fiddler play your fiddle Dark existence
Hela horden : fraiwą : Där ståt och sällhet bida He fought, he howled
Nu frodig vorden : fraiwą : The sun is shining, the winds are blowing, hearts burning in every breast Until losing his mind
Hej gå fram, alle man Finding comfort, making promises, freedom is our condition
Vildfä kring : fraiwą : Följer ledet, stundar skedet Waves swell, flames that summon everyone’s longing In the forest where no one lives, you shall race as a wolf
Med halsringelrangel : fraiwą : Krigets larm, bak och fram The wait, the urge, then towards the open sea Your paths lie wide beyond desolate mountains
Hornprydd är : fraiwą : Flyktar, höres åter By the pond where there is no shelter, under solid rock
Och frukt bär förnan : fraiwą : Repeat chorus You shall remain many days, far from man
Sköld och lans, stridens glans Fires burn, sorrows course through flesh and skin
Hej hoppsan i galoppsan Möter guden, ikläs skruden 3. There is my love Make a ring, and around the cauldron, varg i veum binds you
Striden går mot Méabh vid Cooley vad san Ödet spanns, dödens dans
Hej hoppsan i galoppsan Livets träd upplåter There is my sweetheart down in the orchard On a gray autumn day his spell was lifted,
Själv Cú Chullainn dräper män på rad san Oh how I wish I were there myself Mortally wounded, it was my spear that pierced him
Hör nu lurens klang There is the house and there is the barn Sad irony, bitter desolation:
Ulaidhs bruna oxe vill Méabh ha san Som leder fram till karet There is the door of the cow house open With a broken voice my brother thanked me
Slåss mot kungens vita ska den bra san Lurar tre, så det må ske
Ges den inte villigt ska den tas san Som ger det rätta svaret There is the gallant, branching oak 5. The Alvar lilt
Leder män i striden dra å sta san Guden ber oss vida strida A vision, lovingly crowned
Vinden ber oss rida I will wait in her shade (Lilt)
Méabh hon befaller, männen de faller Ormen leder oss dithän Until my love comes to meet me
Tvekar gör hon ej för krigets smak Där ståt och sällhet bida See the Alvar’s floral costume
Inga övervinna stridernas gudinna Repeat stanza 1 In the early summer breeze
Finna övertag är hennes sak Ormen leder oss dithän Revived
Där ståt och sällhet bida 4. Werewolf Hear there the sweet golden plover’s vibrant lilt
Hej hoppsan i galoppsan My darling is even more beautiful, so beloved
Svår går kampen mellan oxar två san On a gray autumn day his conscience awoke And
Hej hoppsan i galoppsan Looked himself in the mirror and his reflection did not betray him See the Alvar’s hard winter storm
Méabh når segern så som fät förmås san He underwent a cruel, fierce transmutation: Snow on every stretch
In the gray eyes of a peasant a wolf surfaced By the clamoring winds
Feel its warming summer sun
In the dense fog the forest hid the truth Even stronger is the flame of my love
Traces of fighting, blood and human remains
Of all the beautiful things that Mother Earth provides Richly rewarded you were “Oh no, your hall does not suit me When another one is struggling,
Of all that I hold dear Is it true as it has so often been said One thing only I want to decide Do they know how hard it is?
The most beautiful you are Of the power that these horns carry? My freedom is my only choice It is not trouble-free, always challenging’
I will love you for the rest of my life Neither rain nor hunger scares me” A lot of work for small pay
Until my heart stops beating Its power is relentless
But the knight grabs the bird’s foot Hard to make ends meet, constant sacrifice
And if I may A thing came marvelously moving over the waves, comely from the keel up. And takes her to his dwelling In order to survive
Walk beside you throughout my years It called out to the land, loudly resounding. Its laughter was horrible, Although she undoubtedly said no Tired of the foreman, the glutton he takes
The desire for lovemaking awful in its place. Its edges were sharp; hateful it was, and sluggish to He acts without mercy What the stoneworker should have gotten
In joy uphold battle, bitter in its hostile deeds. It dug into shield-walls, hard, ravaging. She is sat behind bars in his hall
If I may perform this song with you It spread mischievous spells. Of her freedom deprived The wheel of Fortune turns;
I will be forever happy So never again shall she sing I sink, debased;
That foal, Alfred sire, is a challenging catch Muted by resentment and disgust Another is raised up; lifted too high,
See the Alvar’s floral costume Its horn seven ells long and good for much A king sits on the top
In the early summer breeze It purifies water, cures plagues and ailments On the seventh day our nightingale Let him beware ruin!
Revived It can also keep old age at bay Awakens the knight’s anger For under the axle we read
Hear there the sweet golden plover’s vibrant lilt “I want birdsong here in my hall” Queen Hecuba.
My darling is even more beautiful, so beloved I have traveled where only wilderness is A knife to her neck he presses
And To find the horns She transforms herself into a large lindworm Strongly pulls Fenja, deftly grabs Menja
See the Alvar’s hard winter storm In a land that hidden beings reach And pours out her poison on the knight Grotte, a massive boulder
Snow on every stretch The ice-covered North But the knight’s knife enters her chest A giant certainly works hard
By the clamoring winds But a king who procures a horn Death embraces both of them Long-hour work shifts without pause
Feel its warming summer sun Would be richly rewarded
Even stronger is the flame of my love There is talk of the honor he receives In the evening a nightingale Bailiff Frode though it was
And the Alvar is clad in lilt All over the world From a twig on a linden could witness Clever to enslave them in labor
A young lady’s death in a knight’s hall Surprised was he later on
6. Ottar the Merchant As she sought to defend her freedom As he was ground to perdition
7. A Sailor’s Wife (in English) Now in the silence of the night that bird
Greetings King Alfred here in the land of the Saxons With her song so sadly tells the story Sharp rocks, Alvar springs
Hear, Ottar is my name, a merchant 8. Nightingale Of the one who was put in a cage Every day our haven on Earth
I carry with me a treasure from the coast of Norway Mourning that girl’s fate Share the effort and the profit
A peculiar tooth In the evening a nightingale The mill goes round
The horn of a sea unicorn Her song so sweetly delivers 9. Poems from Öland
She sings sadly in her anguish 10. Endless Alvar
I have traveled across the wide seas Mourning her fate in tears The windmill goes, it scours
To find the horns When a knight stops his gray foal Our best limestone is ground all day long Windy greetings, one and all,
Adventured myself where night is also day “Your ballad you shall sing to me Boulder and slabs, the wind means our luck I am writing you from home
The ice-covered North In gold I want to cover your feathers The wheel goes round From the house where she was born
Have fought beasts of strange kinds And your neck with pearls adorn” In the south of Heaven
Richly rewarded I was The ox hauls, the scouring mill
Shall the sea one day become my grave? “Being covered in gold does not suit me Weeps its lament On this island I adore
As my hunt for the horns goes on Pearls do not look good on my neck The yoke is heavy, follow the ox around! An old windmill still stands tall
You shall even so hear my ballad Many palms of stone are scoured here Where the ocean meets the shore
Be welcome Ohthere who travels the North Sea Here under the stars of heaven And the swans do gather
With the horns you have in your safekeeping A handsome swain stole my heart If we have favorable winds the stone cart gets well-filled It’s home!
Say, is it a four-legged beast you fought? My stepmother’s anger it awoke Both for the windmill and the scouring mill on the ground
May it be in fact none other than the very Kelpie? She transformed me into a nightingale Hustle and bustle, give way to the cart! It was many years ago
And my brother into a werewolf” The ship is waiting in port In the darkness and the snow
Are you assisted by higher powers That I first arrived in tow
To find the horns? “Oh, hear now little nightingale Strangers procure our stone In this place of wonders
Is the beast’s only habitat What I just want to offer you They build churches, houses and castles
The ice-covered North? You shall sing in my hall alone While at home, in good and bad times Feel my spirit’s wings unfold
Have you singlehandedly robbed it of its life? Enjoying food and accommodation” A master takes his pleasures All those monuments of old
All the stories I’ve been told Under the oak the druidess’ song resounds now The uproar of war, back and forth
Gave my restless self a brand It travels timeless at night, so clear Vanishes, it is heard again
New home Her ladle moves slowly
The seeress augurs and questions get answered Shield and lance, the glory of battle
Home in the North Meet the god, they are donned a garment
Endless Alvar On the grass our cattle graze : fraiwą: Fate is woven, the dance of death
Sweet home Well served : fraiwą: The tree of life provides
Here in the North The rye is ripe : fraiwą:
A gold-embroidered landscape The wolf walks in the forest : fraiwą: Now hear the sound of the carnyx
Home in the North Which leads to the tub
Timeless Alvar Wild beasts around : fraiwą: Three carnyces, so it must happen
Sweet home With a serpent neck-ring : fraiwą: For to get the right answer
Here in the North Adorned with horns : fraiwą:
A gold-embroidered landscape And the litterfall bears fruit : fraiwą: The god asks us to fight far and wide
The wind asks us to ride
(Interlude) Godly throne : fraiwą: The serpent leads us there
Earth itself : fraiwą: Where glory and splendor await
Here we are once more where you belong The whole horde : fraiwą:
And your gleaming eyes, your smile Now becomes lush : fraiwą: Hey, march ahead, all men
They shake me to my very core Follow the line, the time is nigh
Tell me, please, once more about your home Wild beasts around : fraiwą: The uproar of war, back and forth
Tell me how it feels, what do you see With a serpent neck-ring : fraiwą: Vanishes, it is heard again
When you close your eyes, my love Adorned with horns : fraiwą:
And the litterfall bears fruit : fraiwą: Shield and lance, the glory of battle
The wind strokes my hair Meet the god, they are donned a garment
The smell of summer where I stand Hey ho, in full gallop Fate is woven, the dance of death
On the island where I was born The battle goes against Méabh at Cooley ford The tree of life provides
The field is dressed in gold Hey ho, in full gallop
Cú Chullainn himself kills men in a row Now hear the sound of the carnyx
Shards on a rocky beach Which leads to the tub
Guard a sacred treasure Ulaidh’s brown ox Méabh desires Three carnyces, so it must happen
By a windmill painted red For it shall fight well against the king’s white For to get the right answer
Memories from the land of my/your childhood… our home If it is not given willingly, it shall be taken
Leads men in battle at once The god asks us to fight far and wide
Home in the North The wind asks us to ride
Endless Alvar Meabh commands and men fall The serpent leads us there
Sweet home She does not hesitate before the taste of war Where glory and splendor await
Here in the North No one overcomes the goddess of battle
A gold-embroidered landscape Finding the upper hand is her business The serpent leads us there
Home in the North Where glory and splendor await
Timeless Alvar Hey ho, in full gallop
Sweet home The battle between the two oxen is tough
Here in the North Hey ho, in full gallop
A gold-embroidered landscape Méabh achieves victory by compelling the ox

It’s home! Hey ho, in full gallop

The land is ravaged by the greedy hand
11. Celts and Geats Hey ho, in full gallop
People and animals perish where Méabh goes
In the light of the moon there shines
A cauldron from ancient times Hey, march ahead, all men
An echo is heard in the fog Follow the line, the time is nigh
When fate is told in that vat

is a Swedish folk act that blends the Nordic and Celtic musical traditions with newly-composed songs. Though they are based in
Gothenburg, the multicultural duo made up of spouses Johanna Gunnarsson and Sergio Ribnikov draw inspiration from Johanna’s
native home, the Baltic isle of Öland.

In early 2019 they released a full-length album titled Dag o natt (Day and night), in which the writings of Oelandic bard Erik
Johan Stagnelius play a central part. Later that year, they released a single titled Ulven, räven, haren (The wolf, the fox, the
hare), which features Occitan singer Guillaume López Vidal (Brotto-López). In 2020 they released a single titled Huldra, which is
a cover version of the song composed by English folk duo Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman. In December 2021 they released a
Christmas EP titled Julegille (The Yule banquet).

Kelter och götar (Celts and Geats) is their second full-length. Both through the music and the lyrics, this 11 track record seeks to
bring together the Swedish and Celtic traditions. The songs are sung in Swedish, English, Spanish, Welsh, Latin, and in Oelandic
dialect. The stories behind the lyrics take the listener back to a semi-legendary past where the peoples inhabiting Northern
Europe shared life and lore. Musically, it is a darker and more archaic-sounding album than its predecessor, featuring complex
arrangements and a string ensemble.

Kelter och götar was recorded, mixed and mastered by Marcelo Ismail Rodríguez and Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson during
October/November 2021 at Impar Estudios.
Cover Art by Abstract Chaos Design.
Photos by Raymundo Lagestra.
Booklet by Sergio Ribnikov Gunnarsson.

01. Vindålder, vargålder (instrumental): Music by Vilsevind
02. Fri: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind. It features traditional Swedish melodies: Myrslåtter (Olof Jönsson) and Rovlåten, efter
morfar (Knis Karl)
03. Dacw ’Nghariad: Welsh traditional, reimagined by Vilsevind
04. Varulv: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind
05. Trallvaret: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind
06. Ottar Handelsman: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind
07. A Sailor’s Wife: Swedish traditional “En sjömansbrud skall blåklädd gå”, reimagined by Vilsevind
08. Näktergal: Scandinavian/West Germanic traditional, reimagined by Vilsevind. It features the melodies Isakpolskan (Pelle
Björnlert) and an 18th century polska (Sven Donat).
09. Carmina Oelandica: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind
10. Endless Alvar: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind
11. Kelter och götar: Music and Lyrics by Vilsevind. It includes the “Caillte A Chaoidh” main theme by Fred Morrison,
Swedish traditional melodies “Till Österland vill jag fara” (arranged by Lars Gustaf Hedin), “Ena tocka däka”, “Herr
Mannelig”, Gaelic melody “Tha mi sgìth” and a Breton An Dro.

Please support Vilsevind by following them on Social Media and spreading the word about their Art.

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