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1FREDY: Hello Diana, how are you?

DIANA: I'm fine, thanks for asking, and you?

FREDY: I'm fine, thanks Said, what have you been doing since I last saw you?

DIANA: Not much, studying for my exams, this week is very busy for me.

How about you? Do you still play soccer?

FREDY: Of course

DIANA: how long have you been practicing the sport?

FREDY:I have not been practicing for a year since I entered university

DIANA: Have you ever won a tournament?

FREDY: If you win the jaguar league last year in unitec

DIANA: That must be wonderful.

FREDY: Yes, but I have been practicing more.

DIANA: And what have you been doing recently?

FREDY: Lately I have been visiting restaurants specifically yesterday I went to the famous nifu
nifa restaurant, the food is delicious.

DIANA: Have you heard about the movie "fast and furious"? It is the best action movie that I
have seen.

FREDY: seriously? what is the movie about?

DIANA : the movie show the glamoruos and dangerous world of street racing, the cars are
beautiful, expensive.
FREDY_ hoooo if I remember I've seen it is good _which of all the previous ones you
liked more?
DIANA_I liked more the 5 there is a lot of action

FREDY_I totally agree with you, and in my opinion, 80% of people think the same.
Have you seen all the previous ones?

FREDY: Obviously, Rob Cohen makes very exciting action movies.

DIANA: What kind of movies do you like?

1_ I totally agree with you, and in my opinion, 80% of people think the same. Have you
seen all the previous ones?

FREDY: Obviously, Rob Cohen makes very exciting action movies.

DIANA: What kind of movies do you like?

FREDY: I prefer the most romantic movies because they are beautiful and beautiful,
they are very entertaining and you like to watch them.

DIANA: I like suspense movies, they are my favorites, although I also see action.
Actually, now I saw an impossible mission, in my opinion, it's the best action movie I've

FREDY: Hey, have you heard about Hurricane Mitch?

FREDY: Yes, the hurricane was one of the most powerful and deadly hurricanes,
Honduras was completely affected

FREDY: Ohhh no, that was a terrible catastrophe

DIANA: Yes, I know, but the worst is that they say that next week will come a
hurricane stronger and more powerful than the breach.

DIANA: Who told you that?

FREDY: I heard it on the newscast Abriendo brecha.

DIANA: You often see news or read the newspaper

FREDY: almost every night I see news, rarely read the newspaper and you
DIANA: I like to read the newspaper but I like to spend my time on social medias

DIANA: I have to go because I'm going to fabric

FREDY: Seriously. I have not been in cloth

DIANA: You have to know is a very wonderful place the beaches are beautiful

FREDY: Yes, maybe I'm going on my next vacation bay

DIANA: bay see you later.

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