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Name : Donny Fadilah & Akhmad Firdaus

Class : XII IPS 1

Asking and Giving Opinion and Offering Help

Donny : hi lang, how are u today?

Akhmad : hi don, my day is good. And you?
Donny : Yes thanks my day is fine. Can i help you?
Akhmad : Yes, lately I’ve been having trouble choosing the film I
want to watch.
Donny : Yeah, I actually watched a couple of great ones. How about
Akhmad : Oh, I haven’t had the chance to watch anything new. Any
Donny : Sure! I recently saw this amazing drama that really touched
my heart.
Akhmad : That sounds compelling! What’s it called?
Donny : It’s called “The Pursuit of Happyness.” The story is
incredibly moving.
Akhmad : Thanks for sharing! I’ll make sure to check it out. Do you
think it’s better than other dramas?
Donny : Well, it’s one of my favorites, but every drama has its own
unique charm.
Akhmad : Got it, thanks! Hey, if you ever need more movie
recommendations, feel free to ask.
Donny : Actually, I’ve been in the mood for some action-packed
films. Any suggestions?
Akhmad : Absolutely! Have you seen “Inception” or “Mad Max: Fury
Road”? They’re thrilling!
Donny : No, I haven’t. Thanks for suggesting them! I’ll give them a
Akhmad : You’re welcome! Let me know what you think after
watching them.
Donny : Thanks, I will! Oh, by the way, have you heard of any good
horror movies lately?
Akhmad: Yes, I recently watched “Get Out.” It’s a thought-provoking
horror film with a unique twist.
Donny : Oh, I’ve heard about it but haven’t seen it yet. Do you think
it’s worth watching?
Akhmad : Definitely! It’s not your typical horror movie, and it offers
a fresh take on the genre.
Donny : Sounds intriguing, I’ll definitely give it a try. Thanks for the
Akhmad : No problem! Let me know if you need more horror movie
suggestions in the future.
Donny : thanks for your opinion, Can I help you?
Akhmad : No thanks, I can do it myself
Donny : okay, if you need help, u can call me anytime.
Akhmad : of course, u can call me too
Donny : yeah, I really appreciate.
Akhmad : thank you very much I really appreciate your help.
Donny : you’re welcome, have a nice day.
Akhmad : have a nice day too

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