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1. The issue of population expansion is one of the biggest issues the world is now dealing with.

The biggest issue is this one. The population of the majority of nations worldwide is rapidly
increasing. The world's resources can only support a certain amount of the population since
they are finite. Reports have stated that fewer food grains and jobs are available globally.
Consistent human population growth is occurring. The population of the globe has already
surpassed the six billion thresholds, and in the next three to four decades, it is predicted to

The economies of the overpopulated nations won't be able to keep up with the population
expansion if the population growth keeps up at this rate. If the population is not managed
within healthy boundaries, all efforts to bring welfare, comfort, and tranquility to everyone's
doorstep will be frustrated and unhappiness will grow more pronounced. All nations, with the
exception of a handful, are experiencing population growth. China now has the most people
per square mile in the world, with India coming in second. 17% of the world's population
lives in India. The population expansion poses a threat to other nations including Bangladesh,
Japan, Indonesia, and certain European nations.

About 8 billion people currently live on Earth, and that number is rising. By 2025, 8 billion
will be surpassed, followed by 9 billion and 11 billion by the year 2100. Considering current
practices, the world cannot sustain the current population given how rapidly it is growing.

Overfarming, deforestation, water pollution, eutrophication, and global warming are just a
few of the negative economic and environmental effects of overpopulation. Even while
amazing things are being done to promote human sustainability on our planet, there are just
too many people, which makes it more challenging to find long-term solutions.

The majority of the overpopulation is a result of patterns that started with an increase in birth
rates in the middle of the twentieth century. Overcrowding in specific places can also be
brought on through migration. Surprisingly, overpopulation may develop in a location without
there being a net increase in population. It may occur if a population exceeds its carrying
capacity and migration patterns do not change in an economy that is export-oriented. This
circumstance is known as "demographic trapping."

2. 1913 (Nitrogen-Based Fertilizer) - Chemical fertilizers may convert inert nitrogen into a
useful, reactive form that extends plant growth and makes it easier to feed a growing human

1775 (Flush Toilet) - The flush toilet enhanced cleanliness by reducing the risk of contracting
illnesses like cholera, typhus, and typhoid that are spread via contact with untreated sewage.
Lack of better sanitation is one of the main causes of the high infant mortality rates in several
parts of the world.

Microscope (1676) - The invention of the microscope revolutionized medicine by allowing

us to better understand bacteria, viruses, and all other living cells. This knowledge allowed us
to develop vaccines for previously fatal diseases as well as life-saving drugs that have
increased life expectancy across the globe.

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