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Ace Magtalas

12-Pavlov DIASS


Social sciences generally encompass history, law, government political science, anthropology,
sociology, linguistics, geography, and archaeology. Applied science is arguable, theoretical science put
to use in biotechnology, nanotechnology, chemical engineering, and environmental engineering.
Applied science works more with experimental data which is the data gathered from the process of
experimentation. Social science on other hand works more with experimental data which is data
obtained from real-life experiences like interviews, and surveys. Social science and applied social
science are basically the same things. Social science is about people how interacting with others in their
society and how societies interact with each other. Applied social science is about putting theories into
practice and interfacing directly with the public.

The goals of counseling are to listen carefully to the patient is the main goal identify the needs of the
patient. Make the patient accept his problem and help him. The principles of counseling include
autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and fidelity principles of aim to balance the power
and ensure that the counselor operates for the good of the client and for self. Primarily counselors’ duty
of care is to their client’s scope of counseling clients are encouraged to meet with a counselor even if
they are not sure that they need counseling for example Academic performance< trouble
Concentrating, anxieties, achievement conflicts.

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