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Social Science Disciplines

 Anthropology
 Economics and Management
 History
 Human Services
 Political Science
 Psychology
 Sociology

Eight Disciplines of the Social Science

The major social sciences are Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, geography, History, Law,
Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology

The disciplines of social studies

With the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon
such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy,
political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the
humanities, mathematics , and …

It is important because its study helps us to gain knowledge of the society we live in.
Generally, Social Science focus on the relationships among individuals in society. It is the
mixture of many subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Social
Psychology and many more.

Most important discipline in social science

Education is one of the most important social sciences, exploring how people learn and
develop. Social anthropology is the study of how human societies and social structures are
organized and understood.

Some examples of social sciences include the following:

 Anthropology
 Economics
 Geography
 Political science
 Psychology
 Sociology

Five Components of Social Studies

 Geography
 History
 Culture and society
 Civics and government
 Economics

The 8 themes are:

1. Culture
2. Time, Continuity, and Change
3. People, Places, and Environments
4. Individual Development and Identity
5. Individuals, groups and Institutions
6. Power, Authority and Governance
7. Production, Distribution and Consumption
8. Science, Technology and Society

Social Sciences help to explain how society works, exploring everything from triggers of
economic growth and causes of unemployment to what makes people happy. This information
is vital and can be used for many purposes. Among other things, it helps to shape corporate
strategies and government policies.

Social Sciences, which is generally regarded as including psychology, sociology, anthropology,

economics and political science, consist of the disciplined and systematic study of society and
its institutions, and of how and why people behave as they do, both as individuals and in groups
within society.

Put simply, the social science are important because they create better institutions and systems
that affect people’s lives everyday…

Thus, social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world – how to
influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability, and promote

Social science and Applied Social Science are basically the same thing. Explanation: Social
science is about people on how they interact with others in their society and how societies
interact with each other. Applied social science is about putting theories in to practice and
directly with public.

Social Science is an academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships among
individuals within a society, which often rely primarily on empirical approaches. It includes
anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.

Differences Between Social Science and Natural Science

The social science focuses on the interactions of humans and society. Natural science, on the
other hand , focuses on the physical world… Natural science works more with experimental
data, which is the data gathered from the process of experimentation.

Social Discipline is a strong psychological theory backed by research. It incorporates meeting

expectatios, social persuasion and accountability to individual responsibilities to encourage
adherence to commitments.

Social scientists influence our lives usually without us being aware they are doing so. For
example, a study of behavior at football matches has shown that if police avoid heavy – handed
tactics this can help maintain crowd control in potentially hostile situations.

Social Science in your own words

1. A branch of science that deals with the institutions and functioning of human society
and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society. 2. A
science such as economics or political science dealing with a particular phase or aspect
of human society.

Five importance of social studies

Helps students to become better citizens: subjects in Social Studies like Economics, Political
Science and History educate students on political ideologies, constitutional laws, citizenship,
rights and duties, moral and virtues, social code of conduct, thus making children aware of their
roles and responsibilities..

Components of Physical Fitness

 Cardiovascular Endurance
 Muscular Strength
 Muscular endurance
 Flexibility
 Body composition

The components of social science includes, cultural or social anthropology, sociology,

social psychology, political science and economics. Relationship and interactions in

Four Themes of Social Studies

Knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for informed and thoughtful participation in
society require a systematically developed elementary program focused on concepts
from the four core social studies disciplines: civics, economics, geography and history.

Social studies is defined by the American National Council for social studies as “ the
integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. In
other words, social studies basically seeks to arm American citizens with knowledge
about the world, nation and society around them, through the….

Four Parts of Social Studies

Build critical - thinking skills and deepen content area knowledge across the four
strands of social studies: history, civics, geography, and economics.

Social Science is, in its broades sense, the study of society and the manner in which
people behave and influence the world around us.

Goals of social studies

The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and
reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic
society in an interdependent world.

Natural Science can be useful in our daily life by means of the following: to assist
people in households and offices; faster communication is made possible through
mobile phones and the internet; new technology impacts our daily lives in every field,
from the cars, cell phones, computers and networks and power.

Benefits of social studies

 Better Reading and Learning…

 Citizen Responsibilities and Values…
 Cultural Understanding…

 Economic Education…
 Critical Thinking
 Real- World Understanding
 Political Skills…
 Respect History

Social Science is a branch of knowledge whose subject matter is society and the
interrelationship between individuals, as a member of society. Humanities is closely linked to
social science, in the sense that the two disciplines deal with human beings and their culture.

Economics is a social science which details about the economy and its effect and impact on the
society… Thus, economics is related to society and its people. The subject is therefore often
identified as part of social science and not a branch of natural science, chemistry or

Social Science can help us to understand how to interact with the social world. Humanities help
us to understand others through their languages, history, and cultures, it can also encourage us
to think creatively by making informed decisions.

Though teachers usually develop their own styles of discipline for their classrooms, most
discipline strategies can be categorized into three main styles or approaches.

 Preventative Discipline
 Supportive discipline..
 Corrective Discipline…

Different Disciplines

Learning Objectives

Discipline Branch Examples

Business Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing

Humanities Art, History, Languages, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religion


Natural and Applied Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, engineering, Geology

Sciences Mathematics, Physics, Medicine


Purpose of Social Science research

Social science research studies human behavior . social science research is focused on finding
reasons for human behavior. Social science research is conducted using the scientific method :
ask a question, form a hypothesis, conduct empirical research, draw a conclusion, and evaluate
the conclusion.

Education results in better relationships among the members of the society that fosters respect
and engages citizens in more social action and public awareness. A significant number of
students spend the majority of their time in schools; the education they receive determines the
shape the society is to form.

Social science helped people understand the consequences and application of the new
technologies of the age, such as steam power. The growth of railways and factories not only
transformed the economy and the world of work, but also changed forever the way people
organized their family lives and leisure.

How to Make Social Studies Interesting

1. Show what you love about it. If you’re excited to learn about and teach history, your
students will notice, and they will benefit….
2. Connect the past and present…
3. Move past the textbook….
4. Use visuals…
5. Make it hands – on…
6. Use project based learning….
7. Incorporate movement
8. Read aloud

Social scientists are involved with solving many of the world’s biggest issues, such as violent
crime, alternative energy, and cyber security. They have had profound effects on every part of
society. Among the important roles that social science can play is in fighting the spread of
infectious diseases.

The purpose of elementary school social studies is to enable students to understand ,

participate in, and make informed decisions about their world… It provides them with skills for
productive problem solving and decision making as well as for assessing issues and making
thoughtful value judgements.



I. Fill in the blanks: Write your answer on the space provided. You will be given one
point for each correct answer.

_____________1. Focus on the relationships among individuals in society.

_____________2. Is one of the most important social sciences, exploring how people learn
and develop.

_____________3. Is the study of how human societies and social structures are organized
and understood.

_____________4. Help to explain how society works, exploring everything from the triggers
of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what makes people happy.

_____________5. Which is generally regarded as including psychology, sociology,

anthropology, economics and political science, consists of the disciplined and systematic
study of society and its institutions, and how and why people behave as they do, both as
individuals and in groups within society.

_____________6 . Is about people on how they interact with others in their society and
how societies interact with each other.

_____________7. Is about putting theories in to practice and directly with public.

_____________8. Is an academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships

among individuals within a society, which often rely primarily on empirical approaches.

_____________9. Focuses on the interactions of humans and society.

_____________10. Focuses on the physical world.

II. True or False: Write T if the statement is TRUE, then if False, write F then rectify
the underline word.

_________1. Natural Science works more with experimental data, which is the data gathered
from the process of experimentation.

__________2. Social Discipline is a strong psychological theory backed by research.

__________3. Social Persuasion and Accountability to individual responsibilities to encourage

adherence to commitments.

__________4. Social scientists influence our lives usually without us being aware they are
doing so.

__________5. Social science a branch of science that deals with the institutions and
functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as
members of society.

__________6. Social Science a science * such as economics * or political science.

__________7. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for informed and thoughtful
participation in society require a systematically developed elementary program focused on
concepts from the four core social studies disciplines: civics, economics, geography, and history.

__________8. Build critical – thinking skills and deepen content area knowledge across the four
strands of social studies: history, civics, geography, and economics.

__________9. Social science is, in its broadest sense, the study of society and the manner in
which people behave and influence the world around us.

__________10. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed
and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizen of a culturally diverse, democratic society
in an interdependent world.

III. Enumeration: Enumerate the following. You will be given one point for each
correct answer.

A. Social Science Discipline ( 1 – 7 )


B. Some Examples of social science include the following: ( 8 – 13 )







C. Five Components of Social Studies ( 14 – 18 )






D. The Eight Themes are: ( 19 – 26 )









E. Five Components of Physical Fitness ( 27 – 31 )






F. The Components of Social Science ( 32 – 36 )






G. Four Themes of Social Studies ( 37 – 40 )







I. Questions to answer:
1. What does social studies teach ?

2. What are the four parts of social studies ?

3. What does social science mean ?

4. What are the goals of social studies ?

5. How can we apply natural science in our daily living ?


IV. Enumeration: You will be given one point for each correct answer.

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