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How to Find Truth

Excerpts from the Holy Biography of His Divine Grace Nityalila-pravista

Om Visnupada Paramahamsa 108 Sri Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava
Gosvami Maharaj

Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami Maharaja is the Spiritual Preceptor of His Divine
Grace Sri Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja, who related these excerpts originally in
Bengali. A full English edition of this biography will be available from GOKUL in the
near future.

In this text, the title "Srila Gurudeva" refers to Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami

Photo: Nityalila-pravista Om Visnupada Paramahamsa 108 Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Prabhupada, founder of Sri Gaudiya Math. It was upon His request that His
disciple Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami went to speak with Dr. Ramana.

Srila Gurudeva had a divine ability to get to the root of a question and to respond
immediately with correctness born of expertise. He had a remarkable capacity for deftly
handling persons fond of modern arguments, utilizing the very logic and examples of
those with whom He was debating. Thus, whoever came near Him could not escape the
influence of His charismatic personality. Those who have heard Him speak may recall
the examples He cited while dwelling on Harikatha (topics about the Divine Lord). The
following incident is referred to for the sake of those who have not had the good
fortune to have been personally present.

In 1930, at the Sri Gaudiya Math at Bag Bazaar, the annual month-long celebration of
Sri Krsna Janmastami (appearance day of Lord Krsna) was being held. On each day, a
different renowned personality would preside over the gathering. Some students of the
famous scientist Dr. C.V. Ramana would attend these meetings to listen to the learned
Svamijis. On one occasion, they wished to know from Srila Prabhupada (Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) why such an internationally famous figure such as Dr.
Ramana had not been invited to preside at this function. Srila Prabhupada replied that
He had no objection whatsoever and cordially decided to extend an invitation to the
great scientist. Srila Prabhupada asked our Gurudeva to go and offer the invitation
personally. Srila Gurudeva went to Dr. Ramana's house, but he was not at home. His
wife employed a bearer to take Srila Gurudeva to the laboratory on Circular Road,
where Srila Gurudeva and Dr. Ramana met on the first floor. Dr. Ramana was engaged
in research in the corner of a large room. Since Dr. Ramana was not conversant in
either Bengali or Hindi, the dialogue took place in English. Upon being asked by Dr.
Ramana, Srila Gurudeva explained the reason for His coming. Having heard the reason,
the scientist said, "I do not honor your 'kesta-bistu.' I will not give credence to anything
that cannot be perceived by the senses and is fanciful by nature. Time is of great value
to me. I am, however, willing to go to any conference which deals with science or

Srila Gurudeva: "Your students regularly attend our programs at Bag Bazaar Gaudiya
Math. It is they who want you to preside over a session. Srila Prabhupada has
instructed me to invite you. Please agree to our request."

Dr. Ramana: "Can you show me your God? If you can, then I will go."
Srila Gurudeva: "I cannot see anything beyond that wall, but would it be truthful to say
that there is nothing beyond it?" The room in which they spoke had no windows. There
were only walls, behind one of which stretched North Calcutta.

Dr. Ramana: "You, perhaps, cannot see. But I will be able to see with the help of an

Srila Gurudeva: "There is a limit to the power of any instrument. You may be able to
see as far as that power can take you, but does this mean that there is nothing beyond
the limitations of the instrument?"

Dr. Ramana: "Let it be. I will not give my time. I will not dwell on anything that is not
within the purview of my bodily sense experience. I ask you again, can you show me
God? If you can, only then will I spare my time."

Srila Gurudeva: "You have arrived at what you consider to be a scientific truth. What
will be your response if your students demand that you demonstrate proof of your
conclusions as a condition for accepting you as their teacher?"

Dr. Ramana: (emphatically) "I shall convince them of the truth!"

Srila Gurudeva: "First, convince them of the truth, and then teach them?"

Dr. Ramana: "No, they will have to follow the same path of inquiry that I have followed.
First, they will be required to study this subject in their Bachelor's program, and later
in their Master's program. They must also work under me for five years. Then they will
have realized the correct conclusion."

Srila Gurudeva: "Do not the great saints and sages of Bharata say the same things that
you have said? Follow the path that they have followed to realize Atma-Paramatma-
Bhagavan and find out for yourself whether or not God can be realized. You cannot
impart your realizations to your students at the very beginning. They must follow a
specific course. Thus, follow the path meant for God realization and experience the
results for yourself. Try first and then negate it if you must, but is it wise to negate
something from the very onset without even trying it?"

Dr. Ramana did not immediately reply.

After some time he said: "I do not know anything about Krsna. What will I say at such a
gathering? Would it not be better to invite someone who has knowledge of the

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