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The Qualification for Seeing God

Excerpts from the Holy Biography of His Divine Grace Nityalila-pravista

Om Visnupada Paramahamsa 108 Sri Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava
Gosvami Maharaj

Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami Maharaja is the Spiritual Preceptor of His Divine
Grace Sri Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja, who related these excerpts originally in
Bengali. A full English edition of this biography will be available from GOKUL in the
near future.

In this text, the title "Srila Gurudeva" refers to Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami

Notable among the many places Srila Gurudeva visited in the zillas of Gowalapada and
Kamarupa are Bijni, Bhatipada, Hauli and Barapeta. At one particular large gathering at
Hauli, many Hindus and Muslims were present. Srila Gurudeva had requested the
listeners to save their questions until after the speech so as not to cause any
interruption, but nonetheless, a maulavi spoke up during the lecture saying, "Has
anybody seen either the atma or the paramatma? What proof is there that you are not
cheating everybody with false talk? Although many did not think it appropriate for Srila
Gurudeva to answer at that time, He decided to respond immediately within the
gathering itself. Otherwise, there would be those among the ignorant who would think
that He did not have a suitable reply.

The maulavi had a book in his hand. When asked by Srila Gurudeva what it was, the
maulavi replied in his own language (Urdu) that it was a "kitab" (book) and told Him its
title. Srila Gurudeva was quite conversant in many languages such as Assamese,
Bengali, Hindi, English, etc. His eyesight was also perfect. Nevertheless, He asked, that
as He Himself could not read the name of the book, how was He to know for sure
whether or not the Maulavi Saheb was being truthful regarding the title of the book?
Those who were near the maulavi scrutinized the book and loudly confirmed that what
the maulavi had said was true. To this, Srila Gurudeva replied that these people had
grouped together with the maulavi for the purpose of deluding everyone else. Slightly
taken aback, the maulavi now wanted to know the speaker's motivation for making
such a statement. Srila Gurudeva responded by saying that when He looked at the title
of book, all He saw were some footprints left by a crow after it had walked over some
spilled ink. Embarrassed, the maulavi said that surely, Srila Gurudeva did not know the
Urdu language. Srila Gurudeva admitted that He did not. The maulavi then wanted to
know how Srila Gurudeva could possibly dispute the title of the book without knowing
how to read the Urdu script?

Taking advantage of this open conversation with the maulavi, Srila Gurudeva explained
that even though one may have experience in many other areas, it is still necessary to
study Urdu properly in order to understand it. Even if one has perfect eyesight but has
no actual understanding of Urdu, then the form, sound and meaning of the language
possess no content. In the same way, despite having many other skills, special
knowledge is required to know about the atma and paramatma. Learning can be of two
types: that of the flesh, and that of real knowledge. The eyes of the flesh see nothing
but the material world. To see beyond it requires an altogether different type of vision,
that which is blessed. It is in the very heart of the seeker that knowledge manifests

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