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Exploring the Relationship between Complexity

and Risk in Megaconstruction Projects

Huseyin Erol 1; Irem Dikmen 2; Guzide Atasoy 3; and M. Talat Birgonul 4

Abstract: Although complexity and risk are inherent characteristics of megaconstruction projects, existing project management approaches
fail to incorporate complexity-based thinking into risk management. Complexity is usually considered as the source of risk events, along with
uncertainty. However, prevailing risk management practices are oriented toward only handling the uncertainty. The lack of integration between
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the complexity and other risk-related concepts leads to unrealistic project risk assessments and the formulation of imperfect management
strategies. The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between complexity and risk in detail and propose an integrated risk assessment
approach. For this purpose, a mixed-methods research approach was adopted to collect data via semistructured interviews and survey questions.
Data obtained from 11 megaconstruction projects carried out by Turkish contractors were analyzed in two ways. Quantitative findings served to
verify the relationship between complexity and risk in numerical terms, whereas qualitative findings were utilized to develop a framework that
explains the nature of this relationship. The conceptual framework represents the links between complexity and risk in megaconstruction
projects, together with uncertainty and management strategies. The existence of causal relations between these concepts may constitute a
significant challenge during the risk assessment. Therefore, an integrated risk assessment process (IRAP) was proposed so that megaproject
practitioners could develop better risk management plans. The findings of this research were based on megaconstruction projects, but they may
also apply to other types of projects. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001946. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Complexity; Risk; Uncertainty; Megaprojects; Mixed methods; Construction management.

Introduction Risk analysis involves examining how project outcomes and objec-
tives might change due to the impact of risks (PMI 2017). A variety
Risk management (RM), as one of the 10 knowledge areas in the of risk analysis methods, including failure modes and effects analy-
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide (PMI ses, hazard and operability studies, structured what-if techniques,
2017), is a process that allows risks to be identified, analyzed, and fault tree analyses, event tree analyses, Bayesian networks, and
mitigated to achieve performance objectives. Construction projects, Monte Carlo simulations, can be used by practitioners to assess risks
especially large-scale ones, have a bad reputation for not meeting in projects (Aven 2015). Researchers have also developed sophisti-
preset performance targets. For instance, the average cost overrun cated risk analysis approaches, such as the analytic hierarchy process
of 30 megatransport projects worth $138.9 billion in 10 developed (Garbuzova-Schlifter and Madlener 2016), analytical network pro-
countries was found to be 22%, and half of them were delivered at cess (Boateng et al. 2015), artificial neural networks (Patel and Jha
least 1 year later than planned (Dimitriou et al. 2013). The impor- 2015), genetic algorithms (Pfeifer et al. 2015), fuzzy logic (Islam
tance of RM and analyzing risks for all types of construction proj- et al. 2017), network theory (Chen et al. 2020), and system dynamics
ects, especially megaconstruction projects, have been pointed out by (De Marco et al. 2016), that have the potential to improve risk analy-
several researchers (Chapman 2016; Sanchez-Cazorla et al. 2016). sis efforts and project performance. Moreover, various frameworks
have been introduced for risk identification, analysis, and response
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical planning (del Caño and de la Cruz 2002). Guidelines like RAMP
Univ., Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 1, Çankaya, (ICE 2014), PRAM (APM 2010), and PMBOK (PMI 2017) and
Ankara 06800, Turkey; Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hacettepe standards, such as ISO 31000 (ISO 2018) and HB 436 (SA/SNZ
Univ., Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Beytepe Campus, Çankaya, Ankara 06800, 2013), provide structured approaches for RM.
Turkey. Email: Even though RM is a widely discussed topic in the literature and
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical Univ., several knowledge artifacts exist about how to manage risks in proj-
Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 1, Çankaya, Ankara ects, the construction industry does not have a good reputation in
06800, Turkey (corresponding author). ORCID:
-0002-6988-7557. Email:
terms of the RM practices (Taroun 2014). Some researchers re-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical ported that RM is usually perceived as a tick-the-box exercise rather
Univ., Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 1, Çankaya, than a value creation process (de Carvalho and Rabechini 2015;
Ankara 06800, Turkey. Email: Willumsen et al. 2019). The deficiency in the RM practices could
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical Univ., be explained by reasons such as difficulty in the interpretation of
Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 1, Çankaya, Ankara risk analysis results, lack of management support, lack of organi-
06800, Turkey. ORCID: Email: zational policies and procedures, and lack of technical knowledge
to conduct risk analyses (Senesi et al. 2015). In addition to these
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 1, 2020; approved on
July 10, 2020; published online on September 29, 2020. Discussion period reasons, several researchers argue that a disintegrated approach for
open until February 28, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for RM may be one of the bottlenecks in practice (Haimes 2018;
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction En- Kardes et al. 2013). Thomé et al. (2016) particularly argue that
gineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. treating complexity and risk from distinct perspectives may result

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(12): 04020138

in poor RM applications. Poor conceptualization of risk-related fac- behavior, even when given reasonably complete information
tors (e.g., project complexity and uncertainty) may result in inad- about the project system.”
equate risk models and RM plans and, consequently, decrease In terms of conceptualization of complexity, the study by
belief in RM as a value-adding process (Dikmen et al. 2018). The Baccarini (1996) was among the first attempts in the project man-
aforementioned analysis techniques, guidelines, and standards have agement domain. According to Baccarini (1996), complexity is
made vital contributions to the body of knowledge by shedding light composed of organizational and technical dimensions. Organiza-
on how to handle uncertainty. However, although project complexity tional complexity refers to the abundance of organizational units
is mentioned as an issue to consider in RM, these approaches usually and their interactions, whereas technical complexity is related to
fail to explain how complexity factors can be incorporated into risk the number of diversified project tasks and their interdependencies
models and management plans. Despite the existence of studies that (Baccarini 1996). Williams (1999) united organizational and techni-
offer insights into the link between risk and complexity (Afzal et al. cal dimensions together as the structural complexity and added the
2019; Jensen and Aven 2018; Thomé et al. 2016), existing knowl- uncertainty in goals and methods as a new complexity dimension.
edge sources in construction project management literature fall short Later, Geraldi et al. (2011) extended the framework of Williams
of explaining the role of project complexity in RM. (1999) by adding the dynamic, pace, and sociopolitical complexity
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The disconnection between complexity and RM may be caused dimensions. Dynamic complexity pertains to a change in project
by vagueness about the causality relations between these factors. elements, such as specifications, goals, project actors, and environ-
The intricate patterns between complexity and risk can be unfolded mental components. Pace complexity refers to time pressure inflicted
through research efforts beyond simplistic explanations based on by urgency and criticality of the schedule goals. Sociopolitical com-
cause-effect relationships. This is particularly important for mega- plexity, on the other hand, is the combination of both the political
projects, which are not only exposed to more and greater risks but aspects related to the importance of the project and emotional aspects
also known to be complex initiatives mainly due to their size, tech- related to the behavior of the stakeholders (Geraldi et al. 2011). More
nological novelty, and the high number of stakeholders involved recently, Maylor and Turner (2017) updated the previous frameworks
(Boateng et al. 2015; Hu et al. 2015b). The success of a megapro- by not only incorporating the pace complexity into the structural
ject depends considerably on how well complexity and risk are ad- complexity but also synthesizing the uncertainty and dynamic com-
dressed during decision-making (Dimitriou et al. 2013; Kardes plexity as emergent complexity.
et al. 2013; Pitsis et al. 2018). Exploring how complexity can
be incorporated into RM is critical for formulating appropriate
management strategies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to unveil Relationships between Risk, Uncertainty, and
the relationship between complexity and risk-related factors in Complexity
megaconstruction projects so that an integrated approach can be According to the PMBOK Guide (PMI 2017, p. 720), risk is “an
proposed to manage them. In this respect, the following research uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or neg-
questions (RQ) are raised: ative effect on one or more project objectives.” Accordingly, uncer-
• RQ1: What kind of relationship exists between complexity and tainty is related to both the occurrence of a risk event and the effect
risk factors in megaconstruction projects? of this event on the objectives in case it is realized. There are two
• RQ2: What are the implications of this relationship for RM? types of uncertainties that can trigger risk events. While aleatory
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt in uncertainty represents stochastic variations in the future state of
the construction management literature that aims to conceptualize a parameter, epistemic uncertainty refers to vagueness caused by
causality between complexity and risk in megaprojects, which may imperfect information or lack of knowledge (Aven 2016). On the
shed light on how RM models and practices can be improved in these other hand, project complexity is also considered as the source of
projects. For this purpose, a mixed-methods approach was utilized to risk events by various researchers (Qazi et al. 2016). Conceptual
analyze quantitative and qualitative data gathered through interviews similarities of complexity and uncertainty in terms of their relation-
with 18 participants from 11 megaconstruction projects. The remain- ships with risk cause the intermingling of these terms (Padalkar and
der of this paper is organized as follows. First, the existing literature Gopinath 2016). Project management literature has two distinct re-
about related concepts is reviewed. Then, the procedure of the re- search streams to explain their causality. According to the first per-
search methodology is explained. Next, the results are discussed. spective, uncertainty is a driver of project complexity (Geraldi et al.
After summarizing the research findings, the contributions, limita- 2011; Williams 1999). It may cause more interactions and dynam-
tions, and recommendations for future studies are presented. ics that increase the overall complexity level of the project. In con-
trast to the first perspective, researchers of the second stream
advocate that uncertainty is the consequence of project complexity
Literature Review (Floricel et al. 2016; Vidal and Marle 2008). Complexity may make
the project system more unpredictable and increase uncertainty.
Both perspectives have merit, and the complexity-uncertainty rela-
Complexity tionship can be modeled in a reliable way (which is one of the aims
Complexity is a popular research topic among project manage- of RM) if these conceptualizations are used consistently. However,
ment scholars who have been trying to conceptualize, quantify, existing RM approaches lack a structured synthesis of these con-
and propose strategies to manage it since the 1990s (Geraldi cepts (Thomé et al. 2016).
2009). From the systems perspective, the term complexity refers
to difficulty in understanding, describing, or controlling both the
system itself, as well as its dynamic behavior (Kiridena and Sense Megaprojects
2016). Understanding the individual components of complex sys- Fiori and Kovaka (2005) defined a construction megaproject as “a
tems is usually not enough to predict the overall behavior. In a construction project, or aggregate of such projects, characterized by
similar vein, Vidal and Marle (2008, p. 1101) defined project magnified cost, extreme complexity, increased risk, lofty ideals, and
complexity as “the property of a project, which makes it difficult high visibility, in a combination that represents a significant chal-
to understand, foresee, and keep under control its overall lenge to the stakeholders, a significant impact to the community,

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and pushes the limits of construction experience.” As the definition and qualitative data were collected concurrently and analyzed sep-
implies, size is one of the defining characteristics of megaprojects. arately, and the results were merged (Creswell and Plano Clark
Although $1 billion is widely accepted as a limit for size (Flyvbjerg 2017). The rationale for integrating the quantitative and qualitative
2014), there are a variety of opinions in terms of cost thresholds for data is to ensure integrity because qualitative evidence can support
megaprojects. For example, Brookes and Locatelli (2015) reported survey data to explain unidentifiable relationships (Bryman 2006).
that $100 million could also be considered as a megasize, depending Several studies within the project management literature employed
on the project context. From a different perspective, Hu et al. (2015b) mixed-methods research for topics related to complexity, risk, or
proposed to consider the ratio between project size and the gross megaprojects (Bosch-Rekveldt et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2015a; Keers
domestic product (GDP) of the country. Nonetheless, the cost/budget and van Fenema 2018).
cannot be the only feature to label a project as mega. Megaprojects In this study, a hybrid approach was utilized to collect data by
are also characterized by the expenditure of a vast amount of human, interviewing 18 participants from 11 megaprojects. Collected data
financial, material, and technological resources over a long period of were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to have far-
time (Biesenthal et al. 2018; Capka 2004). According to Pollack et al. reaching results. While the quantitative data analysis helped to ex-
(2018), the real mark of a megaproject is the existence of features plain the relationship between complexity and risk in numerical
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like complexity, ambiguity, ambition, politics, and risk. The public terms, the qualitative data analysis served to develop a conceptual
and political attraction is a feature that is valid for most of the meg- framework to represent their interactions. Quantitative and qualita-
aprojects. Chapman (2016) attributes this not only to the size of tive parts were integrated by relating their findings, and a new
megaprojects but also their impacts on the environment, ecology, assessment process was proposed for risk-related factors in mega-
economy, community, and property owners. Political interventions construction projects. Fig. 1 depicts the procedure diagram of the
may affect megaprojects considerably by reshaping their context research design. The following sections explain the data collection,
(Dimitriou et al. 2013). The number of direct and indirect stake- data analysis, and strategies for validity in further detail.
holders is another characteristic of megaprojects. There are many
interactions and interdependencies between the owner, contractor, Data Collection
government, financial institutions, subcontractors, consultants,
suppliers, public, and any other hidden stakeholders, which re- Identification of Risk and Complexity Factors
sults in managerial complexity in megaprojects. Besides, possible The first step of the research was the identification of risk and com-
changes in the needs of stakeholders during the extended life cycle plexity factors to be used in the interviews. Because there is no
of megaprojects may result in additional resource requirements universally accepted taxonomy for risk and complexity, frame-
(Jergeas and Ruwanpura 2010). works developed by various scholars were reviewed to prepare
Consequently, complexity and risk can be considered as inher- an initial list of risk and complexity factors. A structured classifi-
ent parts of megaprojects. Ahn et al. (2017) examined the role of cation may help to understand the character and source of risks
interface management practices in reducing the complexity of better and reduce equivocality (Siraj and Fayek 2019). Thus, RM
large-scale projects. In terms of complexity assessment, Rad et al. literature was reviewed to produce a structured classification of risk
(2017) introduced a method to measure the internal and external factors (Al-Bahar and Crandall 1990; Boateng et al. 2015; Dikmen
complexity of megaprojects in the energy sector using a taxonomy et al. 2007; Fang et al. 2004; Han and Diekmann 2001; Hastak and
of 51 indicators. On the other hand, several studies have focused Shaked 2000; Jung and Han 2017; Liu et al. 2016; Sanchez-Cazorla
on risks specific to megaprojects. For example, Boateng et al. et al. 2016; Tavakolan and Etemadinia 2017). As a result, eight
(2015) developed an index to prioritize the social, technical, eco- classes representing risk factors in megaconstruction projects were
nomic, environmental, and political risks in megaprojects. Recently, identified. Country-related political and economic risks (R1) and
Owolabi et al. (2020) built a framework to evaluate critical factors financial risks (R2) are the external risks that megaconstruction
affecting completion risk in megaprojects funded by the private projects are subject to because of their political and economic sen-
sector. sitivity and strategic importance. Contractual risks (R3), owner-
It is evident that previous studies about megaprojects have related risks (R4), procurement risks (R5), and project management
handled several aspects related to risk and complexity. However, and organization risks (R6) are usually related to project gover-
the management of risk and complexity in megaprojects has not nance issues of megaconstruction projects. Finally, construction-
been synthesized. Treating complexity and risk as independent con- related/technological risks (R7) and design risks (R8) mostly stem
cepts can hardly explain the events that emerge from their multi- from the technical novelty of megaconstruction projects. There are
level interactions. The literature lacks studies devoted to exploring also various frameworks in the literature about the identification of
the dynamics of the relationship between complexity and risk. complexity factors (Bakhshi et al. 2016; Bosch-Rekveldt et al. 2011;
Although some studies offer valuable advice on managing risk and Dao et al. 2017). Among these studies, the technical-organizational-
complexity in megaprojects (Dimitriou et al. 2013; Giezen 2012; environmental (TOE) framework developed by Bosch-Rekveldt
Kardes et al. 2013), how complexity shall be positioned within the et al. (2011) for large engineering projects was accepted as the refer-
RM process requires more research efforts. This study attempts to ence framework for this research, as it was utilized in similar studies
fill this research gap by untangling the nature of complexity and (Floricel et al. 2016; Peñaloza et al. 2020; Qazi et al. 2016). The
risk relationship in megaconstruction projects, based on empirical TOE framework has 50 complexity-adding factors in technical,
evidence. organizational, and environmental domains.
Whether risk and complexity factors taken from the literature
represent the actual practices and comply with the experiences
Research Methodology of practitioners were tested by conducting brainstorming sessions
with experts, and factors were categorized according to their com-
The research methodology adopted in this study is the mixed- ments. The first expert has 13 years of experience as a risk manager
methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative ap- and is responsible for the preparation of RM plans for industrial
proaches (Tashakkori and Teddlie 1998). A convergent design projects. The second expert has been a lead planning engineer
was used within the context of this approach in which quantitative for more than 9 years and is responsible for the integration of

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Procedure: Product: Procedure: Product:
• Interviews with 18 participants Quantitative • Complexity factor scores • Interviews with 18 participants Qualitative • Interview transcripts
from 11 megaprojects Data Collection • Pre-project & post-project from 11 megaprojects Data Collection
• Closed-ended questions risk factor scores • Open-ended questions

Procedure: Product: Procedure: Product:

• Numerical analyses for Quantitative • Comparative project • Thematic analysis with the Qualitative • Conceptual framework for
complexity, risk, and their Data Analysis complexity scores coding of interview transcripts Data Analysis the relationship between
relationships • Comparative rate of change in complexity and risk
scores of project risk factors
• Contribution percentage of
the complexity on the
unpredictability of risk
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Procedure: Merge and Product:

• Relating quantitative • Integrated Risk Assessment
and qualitative findings
Interpret Process (IRAP)
the Results

Fig. 1. Procedure diagram of research design.

project schedules with RM plans. The authors have explained the of the projects and lived experience of the practitioners. Sanchez-
aim of the study and presented the initial list of factors so that Cazorla et al. (2016) argue that empirical studies that can be con-
the participants can discuss their project experiences concerning ducted through surveys and in-depth interviews are still short in
the proposed risk and complexity factors. As a result of this session, supply in megaproject research. From this point of view, managers
which took around 2 h, risk and complexity factors valid for mega- of megaconstruction projects carried out by Turkish construction
construction projects were settled and categorized. Particularly, as companies during the last 20 years constituted the target population
incorporating all of the 50 complexity factors that TOE contains of this study. First of all, megaprojects suitable for this research
into the interviews would not be a practical approach, the number were investigated via public documents, press releases, company
of factors was reduced by a categorization of these factors accord- reports, and internet sources. Fifty megaprojects were identified
ing to comments of experts. Finally, 17 complexity factors listed in as candidate projects. Then, 32 companies involved in these proj-
Table 1 were determined. Seven factors (C1, C4, C6, C10, C11, ects were contacted via e-mail. Finally, protocols were signed with
C12, and C14) are related to organizational issues, whereas six fac- eight companies involved in 11 megaconstruction projects. The
tors (C7, C8, C9, C13, C16, and C17) represent technical dimen- projects examined in the research are listed in Table 2.
sion. The remaining four factors (C2, C3, C5, and C15) reflect Because the name of the projects cannot be disclosed in this
environmental issues. paper due to confidentiality agreements, they are represented by
their ID numbers (e.g., P1 or P2). The ID numbers were assigned
Sampling Procedure according to the date of the interview. The main criterion for the
In their seminal work, Cicmil et al. (2006) call for a shift from the selection of megaprojects was the size. The cost threshold of the
traditional instrumental approach to praxis-based theory through projects was greater than 0.02% of the GDP, which was suggested
actuality research, which takes into account the empirical reality by Hu et al. (2015b) for countries in Europe. Among the projects in
the data set, the minimum cost figure was $275 million, which con-
forms to the selected threshold value. The cumulative cost of the
Table 1. Complexity factors in megaconstruction projects projects is more than $17 billion. Types of projects include transport
Complexity infrastructure, pipeline, power plant, hospital, and airport. While six
ID Complexity factor category projects were undertaken by joint-ventures or consortiums, the re-
C1 Size of the project Organizational
maining projects did not have any partnership agreements. Three
C2 Strategic importance of the project Environmental
C3 Political or macroeconomic instability Environmental
C4 Variety of financial institutions or sponsors Organizational Table 2. Megaconstruction projects examined in the research
C5 Interactions between the stakeholders Environmental
Project Project cost Start
C6 Inadequacy of the contract Organizational
ID $ billion Project type year Status
C7 Lack of technical experience Technical
C8 Changes in the project scope Technical P1 0.782 Power plant 2016 In progress
C9 Unrealistic project targets Technical P2 1.200 Transport infrastructure 2008 Completed
C10 Unavailability of resources Organizational P3 0.600 Hospital 2015 Completed
(labor, material, and equipment) P4 0.300 Hospital 2013 In progress
C11 Interactions between the project disciplines Organizational P5 0.413 Pipeline 2016 Completed
C12 Cultural diversity Organizational P6 0.290 Hospital 2014 In progress
C13 Multiple critical paths (parallel activities) Technical P7 0.275 Airport 2014 Completed
C14 Staff and equipment mobility Organizational P8 1.788 Pipeline 2002 Completed
C15 Physical and logistic constraints Environmental P9 3.600 Transport infrastructure 2004 Completed
C16 Technological novelty of the project Technical P10 7.500 Transport infrastructure 2013 Completed
C17 Originality of the project design Technical P11 0.632 Power plant 2014 Completed

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Table 3. Expert profile The interviews were composed of six parts. In the first part, par-
Item Category Frequency ticipants were asked about their education, experience, and role in
the project. Then, the second part included the questions related to
Gender Male 15
preliminary information about the project, such as duration, budget,
Female 3
Education background B.Sc. 4
and scope. The third part contained questions related to preproject
M.Sc. 13 risk assessment. Interviewees explained the RM process they uti-
Ph.D. 1 lized in their projects. Then, they were requested to evaluate the
Years of experience 6–15 years 7 eight risk factors by considering the assumptions and decisions
16–25 years 7 made at the beginning of the project. In other words, participants
26–35 years 4 were expected to talk about their risk assessments at the beginning
Megaproject experience Medium 3 of the project (expectations rather than what actually happened).
High 9 The expected impact of each risk factor was measured on a five-
Very high 6 point Likert scale ranging from very low to very high. In the next
part, open-ended questions were asked about the complexity of the
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project. The experts were also asked to evaluate the magnitude of

the 17 complexity factors given in Table 1 using a five-point Likert
of them were public-private partnership (PPP) projects, and other
scale. Before the evaluations, participants were informed that the
projects had a variety of project delivery systems and payment meth-
project complexity definition of Vidal and Marle (2008) was used
ods. Most of the projects were completed recently, while three of
in the research and requested to consider this definition while
them are still in progress with a more than 50% completion rate.
evaluating complexity factors in their projects. In the fifth part,
Apart from two international power plant projects constructed in participants were asked to compare the relative importance of
Bahrain and Iraq, all projects were located in different parts of the complexity factors in terms of their contribution to overall
Turkey. The average value for the peak number of workers is more project complexity again using a five-point Likert scale. The next
than 4,200, which also reflects the size of the projects. Despite the part was related to postproject risk assessment. This time, partic-
existence of some successful cases, projects in the data set show a ipants scored the impact of risk factors at the end of the project by
similar tendency with international megaprojects in terms of the per- considering risk events that actually happened during the project.
formance problems (Boateng et al. 2015; Dimitriou et al. 2013; They were also requested to comment on risk events and give spe-
Flyvbjerg et al. 2003; Huo et al. 2018). The average cost overrun cific examples.
is more than 20%, and the average delay is around 14 months.
For the participant selection, two main criteria were employed.
First, all interviewees should have had sufficient expertise in mega- Data Analysis
project management. Second, they should have been involved in
the project from the beginning so that they had enough knowledge Quantitative Data Analysis
about initial assumptions and plans, as well as problems actually ex- A quantitative data analysis was conducted to calculate the individ-
perienced, in the project. As a result, 18 managers participated in this ual complexity score of each factor, overall complexity score of the
study, as depicted in Table 3. All of the interviewees hold senior-level projects, rate of change in scores of risk factors before and after the
management positions, such as general coordinator or project direc- project, and, consequently, the contribution of each complexity fac-
tor. They had an average of 20.5 years of experience in the construc- tor to the level of unpredictability. For this purpose, survey data
tion industry. During the interviews, they were requested to evaluate acquired from the interviews were compiled into one database. First
their own megaproject experience. Most of them selected their ex- of all, scores assigned by the participants in the fourth and fifth
perience level as high or very high, as demonstrated in Table 3. parts of the interviews were utilized to assess complexity. Accord-
ingly, the score of each complexity factor in a project was estimated
Interview Procedure by multiplying the magnitude and normalized relative importance
Interviews were composed of open-ended and closed-ended ques- scores, according to Eq. (1)
tions aggregated through semistructured interviews and survey
questions. The advantage of using semistructured interviews to I
collect qualitative data is that they provided flexibility for partic- Cik ¼ M ik × Pn ik ð1Þ
i¼1 I ik
ipants to explain the risk and complexity factors encountered in the
projects in the way they prefer. While structured interviews may
where Cik = complexity score of factor i at project k; M ik = mag-
narrow the responses of the interviewees, unstructured interviews
nitude of complexity factor i at project k; I ik = relative importance
may result in useless data in the case of a shift from the main topic
of complexity factor i at project k; and n = number of complexity
(Green et al. 2010). Survey questions, on the other hand, supplied
factors (n ¼ 17 for this study).
numeric data to quantify the complexity and risk in projects. Inter- Next, the overall complexity score of a project was calculated by
views were conducted from November 2018 to August 2019, summing up the individual complexity scores of the factors as in
within a period of 9 months. The protocol that includes the ques- Eq. (2)
tions, research objectives, and confidentiality statement were sent
to participants before the interviews. Because projects to be dis- X
cussed during the interviews were determined in advance, some Ck ¼ Cik ð2Þ
information was collected by the research team using internet sour- i¼1
ces before the meetings. The interviews were held face-to-face in
the offices of the participants, and some of them included construc- where Ck = complexity score of project k.
tion site visits, as well. The duration of the interviews varied be- For the rate of change in scores of risk factors, the percentage
tween 1 and 4 h. All interviews were audio-recorded with the difference of preproject and postproject risk scores assigned in the
permission of the participants. third and sixth parts of the interviews were calculated with Eq. (3)

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Rjk2 − Rjk1 be addressed (Creswell and Plano Clark 2017). For the threats re-
ΔRjk ¼ × 100 ð3Þ
Rjk1 lated to types of questions, parallel data collection questions were
asked in the interviews so that the same concepts could be ad-
where ΔRjk = rate of change in the score of risk factor j at project dressed in the quantitative and qualitative parts. In order to improve
k; Rjk2 = postproject score of risk factor j at project k; and Rjk1 = the reliability of quantitative results, participants were requested to
preproject score of risk factor j at project k. explain their rationale (e.g., assumptions and forecasts) while an-
Finally, to quantify the relationship between complexity and swering the Likert scale questions in the survey. Moreover, as pre-
risk, the potential contribution of a complexity factor to the unpre- liminary themes in the interview protocol may lead to biased
dictability of a risk factor was measured. For this purpose, a outcomes in the qualitative analysis, the participants were encour-
weighted score was calculated by multiplying the score of the com- aged to talk about other complexity and risk factors they encoun-
plexity factor and rate of change of the risk factor and then sum- tered in their projects. The format of the interview protocol and
ming the results for all projects. When this number was divided by scales used in the questions were validated in a separate session
the summation of weighted scores for all complexity factors, the with the same experts who participated in the brainstorming session
contribution percentage can be calculated, as shown in Eq. (4) for the identification of risk and complexity factors.
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Quantitative and qualitative data of the research were supplied

C ΔRjk
CRij ¼ Pn k¼1 Pm ik × 100 ð4Þ by the same participants to ensure consistency in sampling. The
i¼1 k¼1 Cik ΔRjk equal sample size approach might limit the statistical power of
the quantitative analysis. However, because making a statistical in-
where CRij = contribution of complexity factor i to the unpredict- ference was not an objective of this study, the number of samples
ability of risk factor j; and m = number of projects (m ¼ 11 for was the same for both analyses. For the qualitative analysis, the
this study). number of participants was within the range of 15–20 participants
suggested by Collins (2010) for similar studies. More importantly,
Qualitative Data Analysis
The qualitative data analysis was performed based on the grounded the gradual decrease in the number of new themes added in the
theory approach (Corbin and Strauss 1990) to build a data-driven interviews indicated that the sample size is enough to reach the
framework, which is capable of explaining the interactions between theoretical saturation point (Eisenhardt 1989).
complexity and risk. For this purpose, the audio-recorded inter- The interviews were conducted by the same two researchers in
views were transcribed verbatim as the first step. Although the in- the same order of questions. One researcher was responsible for
terviews and transcriptions were in Turkish, quotations used in this asking the questions while the other took notes. After each inter-
paper were translated into English by the authors. Then, text data view, the researchers recorded their initial thoughts by writing short
was coded to categorize the project events, identify commonalities field memos, which helped to categorize the information in the the-
between the projects, and highlight the essential quotations. The matic analysis. Before the data analysis, interview transcriptions
coding process enables one to turn qualitative data into a well- were sent to the participants for their confirmation. In addition
organized and manageable information source to draw a conclusion to the interviews, secondary data acquired from the participants
(Yim et al. 2015). As a result, following the thematic analysis ap- (e.g., presentations, project documents, and risk reports) were ex-
proach of Braun and Clarke (2006), the themes explaining the re- amined to triangulate the data sources. Moreover, the triangulation
lationship between complexity and risk were identified through the of quantitative and qualitative data analyses through convergent de-
coding process, and they were mapped to build a conceptual frame- sign provided a methodological advantage to improve the internal
work. Conceptual frameworks are not only used for theory building validity of the research. The results of the data analyses are pre-
but also for their explanatory power (Meredith 1993). According to sented in the next section.
Rocco and Plakhotnik (2009, p. 122), “the goal of a conceptual
framework is to categorize and describe concepts relevant to the
study and map relationships among them.” Hence, the inclusion Results and Discussions
of a conceptual framework to a qualitative analysis suits the pur-
pose of explaining the complexity and risk relationship. Complexity Scores
Integration Procedure Every megaconstruction project examined in this research was ex-
In a convergent design, integration refers to merging the quantita- posed to different levels of complexity. Individual scores of the
tive and qualitative analyses by relating their findings. The intent complexity factors were calculated using Eq. (1). Besides, the total
of integration is developing interpretations to obtain a more com- complexity score of each project was obtained by summing up the
prehensive understanding than that provided by either type of data scores of the complexity factors according to Eq. (2). Fig. 2 depicts
separately (Creswell and Plano Clark 2017). In this research, quan- the results of the complexity analysis, which enables the intrapro-
titative results served to verify the existence of complexity and risk ject and interproject comparison of the factors. Project complexity
relationship in numerical terms. Qualitative results, on the other scores are given at the bottom part, whereas the right-most part
hand, helped to explain the nature of their relationship. The inte- shows the average complexity levels of the factors considering
gration procedure in the next step provided insights into the impli- all projects.
cations of this relationship for RM. As a result, by integrating the According to the average values, the top five complexity factors
findings of quantitative and qualitative data analyses, a new assess- in the investigated projects were determined as interactions be-
ment process incorporating all risk-related factors was proposed for tween the project disciplines (C11), size of the project (C1), inter-
megaconstruction projects. actions between the stakeholders (C5), strategic importance of the
project (C2), and multiple critical paths (parallel activities) (C13).
This list represents all three complexity categories: C11 and C1
Strategies for Validity
are organizational factors, C5 and C2 are environmental factors,
The mixed-methods research may include some validity threats and C13 is a technical factor. They were among the top five factors
(e.g., types of questions and sampling procedure) that need to in at least six projects, which constitutes more than half of the cases.

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(12): 04020138


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 Pall

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C = 3.76 C = 3.11 C = 3.14 C = 3.79 C = 2.80 C = 4.14 C = 3.64 C = 4.34 C = 3.64 C = 3.73 C = 3.74 C = 3.61

Fig. 2. Comparison of the project complexity factors.

C11 and C5 are the complexity factors related to dynamic interac- Particularly, the rate of change for R1 and R4 was higher than other
tions of the project elements. Interactions are deemed to be one of factors, which demonstrates that predicting their impacts is more
the most important contributors to project complexity, which was challenging for the project managers. Besides, these factors did
also previously highlighted by several researchers (Eybpoosh et al. not have a smaller postproject assessment score in any of the proj-
2011; Luo et al. 2017). Some complexity factors reflect the typical ects. Although the average rate of change is positive for R2, R3, and
challenges associated with megaprojects. As the size and strategic R5, they had a lower postproject score in some of the projects. In
importance are significant factors that increase the complexity of terms of predictability, R6 and R7 were found as the most stable
megaconstruction projects (Jia et al. 2011), C1 and C2 were ranked risk factors because their ratings changed only in four projects. R7
among the top factors. Because the concurrent execution of activities was the only factor whose average rate of change was negative,
due to time pressure (which may also be related to the political value which implies that the impact of technical risks might be overesti-
or strategic importance of the projects) also exacerbates the complex- mated at the beginning of the projects. Surprisingly, only three proj-
ity of megaprojects (Capka 2004), C13 was listed amongst the top ects had the same preproject and postproject scores for R8, even
five complexity factors. though the average rate of change is not high for this risk factor.
In addition to the top five list, two factors worth mentioning are This result indicates that the impacts of design risk may be higher
changes in the project scope (C8) and political or macroeconomic or lower than expected, depending on the project context.
instability (C3). C8 was the leading complexity factor in four proj-
ects, although it did not exist in the top five list in any other project.
This situation demonstrates that scope changes could be a signifi- Quantification of Complexity and Risk Relationship
cant complexity source depending on the project context. During The results given in previous sections handled complexity and risk
the interviews, it was observed that scope creep brings additional factors separately. In this section, findings will be discussed con-
complexities, especially when the project design was prepared by sidering their interrelations. When the results of Figs. 2 and 3 are
the owner, and the communication mechanisms between the con- interpreted together, it can be deduced that projects may show dif-
tract parties did not work well. C3 is another context-dependent ferent behaviors in terms of the predictability of risk regardless of
factor ranked among the top five factors in five projects, while it their overall complexity. Therefore, the individual impact of com-
was the top factor in three projects. Most of the projects were sub- plexity factors on each risk factor should be examined to explain
ject to country-related problems in Turkey, such as the coup at- the complexity and risk relationship more profoundly.
tempt, currency crisis, or terrorist attacks. Some of the projects For this purpose, at the first step, projects were grouped based on
were more vulnerable because of their location, financial arrange- the change in their preproject and postproject assessment scores,
ments, and contract conditions. For these projects, C3 was found as considering each risk factor. Then, the contribution of each complex-
the most significant complexity factor. ity factor to the unpredictability of risk factors was estimated using
Eq. (4). In order to simplify the overall picture, the average contri-
bution percentages of the complexity factors were calculated for
Preproject and Postproject Risk Assessment Scores
technical, organizational, and environmental dimensions. Table 4
Preproject and postproject risk assessment scores are plotted in gives the contribution percentage of each complexity category in the
Fig. 3. The results show different behaviors in terms of the change project groups. Accordingly, environmental complexity has the high-
in the risk impact scores. While risk impacts increased in some est proportion within the project groups, where R1 and R2 have
projects (P2, P3, P10, and P11), a declining trend was observed changed. These findings offer useful insights into the potential im-
in others (P5 and P8). There were also projects with almost un- pact of environmental complexity on the unpredictability of the
changed risk ratings (P7 and P9) and bilateral changes regarding external risk factors, such as political, economic, and financial. In-
specific risk factors (P1, P4, and P6). creases in postproject assessment scores of R3, R4, and R5 were
The chart at the bottom-right corner of Fig. 3 shows average risk mainly associated with technical complexity. Although some schol-
levels for all projects along with the rate of change in the scores of ars underestimate technical complexity by putting more emphasis on
each risk factor calculated by Eq. (3). Postproject scores of all risk organizational factors (Qureshi and Kang 2015; Vidal and Marle
factors showed a general tendency to increase, except for R7. 2008), results obtained in this study show that the impact of technical

© ASCE 04020138-7 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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R1 R1 R1 R1
5 5 5 5
R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3

R6 R4 R6 R4 R6 R4 R6 R4

R5 R5 R5 R5
P1 (Before) P1 (After) P2 (Before) P2 (After) P3 (Before) P3 (After) P4 (Before) P4 (After)

R1 R1 R1 R1
5 5 5 5
R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2 R8 4 R2
3 3 3 3
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2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3

R6 R4 R6 R4 R6 R4 R6 R4

R5 R5 R5 R5
P5 (Before) P5 (After) P6 (Before) P6 (After) P7 (Before) P7 (After) P8 (Before) P8 (After)

R1 R1 R1
5 5 5 R1
4 4 4 (+44.64%)
R8 R2 R8 R2 R8 R2 5
3 3 3 R8 4 R2
2 2 2 (+7.94%) 3 (+24.00%)
1 1 1 1
R7 R3
R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 R7 0 R3 0
(-12.70%) (+15.87%)

R6 R4
(+7.84%) (+34.43%)
R6 R4 R6 R4 R6 R4
R5 R5 R5
P9 (Before) P9 (After) P10 (Before) P10 (After) P11 (Before) P11 (After) Pall (Before) Pall (After)

Fig. 3. Preproject and postproject risk assessments.

factors can be significant for megaconstruction projects. Never- prediction of the construction risk. Finally, change in R8 was mainly
theless, organizational complexity, too, played an important role in attributed to high technical complexity. The role of organizational
the unpredictability of some risk factors. Not surprisingly, it has the complexity should not be overlooked because factors like project
highest contribution percentage for R6. This finding implies that it size and interactions between project disciplines can also affect the
could be more challenging to predict the impacts of the managerial prediction of design risks significantly.
and organizational risks when there is high organizational complex- To sum up, Table 4 demonstrates that specific complexity cat-
ity. R7 was the only factor whose average rate of change is negative. egories are more important for the estimation of some risks and
Hence, the results in Table 4 should be interpreted such that mini- decrease their predictability. The main implication of the quantita-
mizing technical and organizational complexity could facilitate the tive findings is that the high level of complexity makes it more

Table 4. Complexity categories and predictability of risk factors

Project groups Contribution of complexity category (%)
Grouping Projects with increased Projects with decreased Technical Organizational Environmental
factor impact score impact score complexity complexity complexity
R1 P1-P2-P3-P4-P10-P11 N/A 27.65 33.73 38.62
R2 P1-P3-P4-P10-P11 P5 31.70 32.37 35.93
R3 P2-P3-P6-P7-P9-P10-P11 P1-P5 38.09 29.71 32.20
R4 P2-P3-P4-P6-P11 N/A 36.86 28.20 34.94
R5 P2-P3-P4-P11 P6 36.22 32.37 31.41
R6 P1-P2-P10 P4 26.37 41.09 32.54
R7 P10 P1-P4-P8 29.43 29.47 41.10
R8 P2-P3-P6-P10 P1-P4-P5-P8 40.73 35.45 23.82
Note: Bold denotes the complexity factor that contributed most to the unpredictability.

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difficult to predict the impact of risks on the project. Based on data could also be the reason for an increased probability for the emer-
of 11 megaconstruction projects, it is seen that complexity and risk gence of new risks (known as secondary risks) in a project. The way
are interrelated. complexity affects risk depends on the level of manageability and/
or effectiveness of the strategies used. In one of the cases, the major
complexity factor was the strategic importance of the project and
Conceptual Framework the political will to open the facility at a specified date. The project
The numerical analysis employed in this research reflects two snap- was compelled to start operation even earlier than the target com-
shots taken at the start and completion of projects. Based on this pletion date. Because of the ongoing operations, the project teams
analysis, it was revealed that complexity could be a factor affecting were able to work only 3 h per day to complete the unfinished parts.
the project risks. However, conceptualizing the relationship be- As a result of the limited working time, the contractor had to in-
tween complexity and risk through linear cause-effect frameworks crease the resources and exceeded the budget. This example implies
could be an oversimplified approach. During the interviews, par- that complexity and response strategies may lead to unexpected de-
ticipants mentioned several cases that show the recurrent interplay viations from the project targets. On the other hand, the impacts of
between complexity and risk factors. Because nonlinear dynamic risks induced by some complexity factors can be controlled to some
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relationships can hardly be unveiled with the results of quantitative extent by proactive management strategies. Investigated projects
analysis, the qualitative data obtained from the interview transcripts contain several examples of complexity and risk relation shaped
were analyzed to build a data-driven conceptual framework capable by the strategies implemented. As a typical complexity factor in
of explaining the interactions between complexity and risk in meg- megaprojects, cultural diversity was observed in most of the proj-
aconstruction projects. Consequently, following the thematic analy- ects. Managers of these projects mentioned cultural management
sis approach explained in the qualitative data analysis section, plans they established to mitigate communication risks arising from
the conceptual framework represented in Fig. 4 was developed. cultural differences between the project teams. Another example
Even though this research principally aims to conceptualize the re- was about designating the location of pipelines through radio-
lationship between complexity and risk, the framework contains the frequency identification (RFID) technology to minimize the logis-
concepts of uncertainty and management strategies, as well. As dis- tics risks caused by a geographically dispersed construction site. In
cussed in the literature review section, uncertainty is usually per- another project, coordination problems were identified as a risk fac-
ceived as the source of risk events. On the other hand, the effect of tor due to the existence of several disciplines (high level of com-
management strategies on risks has been reported in several studies plexity). The management action was to use building information
(Charkhakan and Heravi 2018; Zhang 2016). Furthermore, man- modeling (BIM) for clash detection. The project coordinator indi-
agement strategies may induce a recursive relationship with com- cated that the following: “We are still facing [coordination] prob-
plexity (Maylor and Turner 2017). Because the narratives of the lems between mechanical and electrical disciplines despite the
participants of this study also confirmed the literature findings, existence of BIM. However, there would have been more conflicts
the uncertainty and management strategies appeared as the main if we have not used BIM.” Occasionally, complexity management
themes affecting the relationship between complexity and risk in strategies may even result in opportunities rather than threats.
the conceptual framework. The components of the framework are Although a few studies mention positive aspects of the complexity
subsequently discussed further. (Floricel et al. 2016; Geraldi et al. 2011), it is predominantly ac-
The investigated projects revealed that uncertainty could be an cepted as a negative term in the project management literature
antecedent of risk events. For example, archaeological remains (Maylor et al. 2013). Findings obtained in this research pointed
found in the construction site (epistemic uncertainty) were the most out that complexity can decrease risk and even improve the inno-
critical source of delay that almost doubled the project duration in vation potential of the project (Brockmann et al. 2016). One par-
one of the cases. During the interviews, many participants men- ticipant noted that “it [complexity] helped us to be better prepared
tioned strategies they developed for the uncertainties identified for the project. We had to think about alternatives and take proac-
at the front-end of the project. However, the analysis of the inter- tive actions to deal with complexity factors. With contingency plan-
view data further revealed that complexity and the way it is treated ning, increasing resources, and finding innovative solutions, we
aimed to build a resilient project system. Complexity affected us
in a positive way.” Changing the construction method as a response
to high technical complexity in one of the investigated projects con-
stitutes an example of the opportunity brought by the management
Complexity strategy. The project team decided to prefabricate the structural
components and assemble them at the construction site. The project
manager stated that the “construction process looked very challeng-
ing at the beginning, but then it became the easiest part of the
project.” To sum up, on the one hand, complexity may affect the
project negatively and result in threats. On the other hand, when
Risk combined with the appropriate management strategies, complexity
may result in opportunities, and/or threats can be reduced.
It should also be noted that emergent or deliberate strategies de-
veloped to deal with a specific complexity factor or uncertainty
may introduce additional complexity factors or uncertainties to the
project system. For instance, the prefabrication strategy mentioned
Uncertainty previously was primarily aimed at decreasing the technical risk, but
at the same time, it increased the complexity and uncertainty in the
supply chain. Therefore, the management strategies node in Fig. 4
is connected by two-way arrows to the complexity and uncertainty
Fig. 4. Multilevel interactions between complexity and risk.
nodes. Moreover, even though resilience strategies are essential for

© ASCE 04020138-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(12): 04020138

the functioning of the project system after risk events are realized,
they may also introduce new complexity factors or uncertainties.
For example, one of the participants explained that as a response Identify
to the significant time overrun caused by expropriation problems Complexity
in the project, the project management decided to change the initial
design. This decision caused an alteration of the construction method
as well, and consequently, technical complexities identified at the 1
beginning of the project transformed into a new form. As shown 5
in this case, complexity could emerge from a risk event, and there
could be a cyclic relationship between them. The findings of this
research affirm the duality of complexity and risk, which has been Formulate
Draw Risk 6 Assess Risk 6
mentioned by Thomé et al. (2016). Management
Network Network
Thus, the findings of the qualitative data analysis show the Strategies
nature of the relationship between complexity and risk. There are
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reciprocal and dynamic links between the risk-related factors,

which is affected by the strategies used to manage them. Each link 5
denoted in Fig. 4 has the potential to exacerbate the level of unpre- 2
dictability in the project system.

Integrated Risk Assessment Process (IRAP)
The findings of the quantitative and qualitative parts point out the
relationship between complexity and risk factors in megaconstruc-
tion projects from different perspectives. Integrating their results
Note: Numbers denote the sequence of steps.
can shed light on the implications of this relationship for RM.
The quantified interrelations between risk and complexity factors Fig. 5. Integrated risk assessment process (IRAP).
suggested that complexity should be a factor to consider while
assessing the risks. Conceptual framework, on the other hand, un-
veiled that complexity can be both the source and consequence of a
risk event, depending on the project context. Furthermore, there are It should be clarified that IRAP is presented as an initial attempt
also uncertainties affecting the risk events, and each management to demonstrate how complexity- and risk-based thinking can be in-
strategy has the potential to introduce new complexity factors and tegrated during RA. However, further studies are required to test
uncertainties into the project. The level of complexity makes it dif- both its validity in real applications and the advantages/limitations
ficult to predict both the probability of occurrence of risk events over traditional RA approaches.
and their impacts on the project. This implies that the interrelations
between the complexity and risk should be considered during the
risk assessment (RA) phase of RM so that realistic scenarios can be Summary of Findings
developed about project outcomes. Based on research findings, an
Quantitative results of this study showed that interactions between
integrated risk assessment process that includes complexity factors,
the project disciplines, size of the project, interactions between the
uncertainties, management strategies, and risks was proposed for
stakeholders, strategic importance of the project, and multiple criti-
megaprojects (Fig. 5).
cal paths (parallel activities) were the most significant complexity
IRAP starts with the identification of risk sources. At the com-
factors that appeared in more than half of the investigated projects.
mencement stage, project management can identify the complexity There were also context-dependent complexity factors. Changes in
factors that stem from the project characteristics (known as static the project scope and political or macroeconomic instability were
complexity), such as the magnitude of scope and technical diffi- notable factors for the projects vulnerable to scope creep and
culty of construction operations. Similarly, based on the existing country-related problems. Complexity scores indicate that mega-
knowledge and the experience of the project management team, project practitioners should account for various organizational,
uncertainties can be identified. The next step is composed of the environmental, and technical complexity sources considering the
formulation of strategies to decrease uncertainty and/or manage characteristics of their projects. For the risk factors, it was found
complexity. According to the findings of this study, strategies for- that predicting the impacts of country-related political and eco-
mulated to deal with risk sources may trigger the occurrence of new nomic risks and owner-related risks were difficult. While project
sources. Therefore, there is an iterative process between the formu- management and organization risks and construction-related/tech-
lation of management strategies and the identification of complex- nological risks had the lowest rate of change in the risk impact
ity factors and uncertainties. This process is expected to result in a scores, the latter was the only factor with a negative variation,
network (rather than a checklist) that maps risk events to complex- which reveals that the impact of technical risks might be overesti-
ity factors and uncertainties, along with the strategies formulated to mated at the beginning of the megaprojects. The results also de-
manage them. At the last step, the risk network drawn should be picted that design risks are context-dependent. Their effects may
assessed by means of a network analysis to prioritize the risk sour- be higher or lower than expected, depending on the project condi-
ces, update previous strategies, and formulate resilience strategies tions. Interpreting the complexity and risk scores together demon-
to recover as quickly as possible from the adverse impacts of iden- strated that there is an alignment between the types of complexity
tified risk events if they occur. As new strategies have the potential and risk factors. The unpredictability of the external (political, eco-
to introduce new risk events, there is a feedback loop to repeat pre- nomic, and financial) risk factors were more closely associated with
vious steps prior to the finalization of IRAP. high environmental complexity. Similarly, it was observed that high

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organizational complexity makes it more difficult to predict the im- risk-related factors in megaprojects. Furthermore, IRAP presents a
pacts of managerial and organizational risks. Moreover, empirical systematic approach to link the complexity factors with the risk
findings revealed that technical complexity was significant for most events. It can pave the way for a broader academic debate on man-
of the risk factors, and reducing it may facilitate the prediction of aging complexity within the process of RM.
the impacts of construction-related technical risks. The analysis There are also some methodological contributions of this paper.
performed to quantify the relationship between complexity and risk Although mixed-methods research is not new to the project man-
demonstrated that a high level of complexity makes it more difficult agement domain, combining it with the empirical reality of the
to predict the impact of risks on the megaprojects. The qualitative megaprojects and lived experience of the managers was the meth-
analysis conducted to explore the nature of this relationship further odological originality of this research. The reported quantitative and
confirmed that complexity affects the emergence of risks and their qualitative results reflect the actual project events from the view-
impacts. Moreover, strategies developed to manage risk-related fac- points of the managers. In this regard, the structured approach pre-
tors can result in additional uncertainty and complexity, which in sented in the methodology can be replicated by future studies that
turn can lead to new risks. Thus, there are two-way interactions aim to use mixed-methods design in the project actuality research.
between risk and complexity with the inclusion of uncertainty The research findings are also expected to contribute to practi-
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and strategies. Complexity, which can lead to a threat or opportu- tioners. While RA is traditionally oriented toward identifying the
nity, adds more challenge to the prediction of risks and should be sources of uncertainty, IRAP embraces complexity as another risk
considered during RA. Based on this conclusion, an integrated ap- source and considers the secondary risks that may emerge from the
proach (IRAP) was proposed for the assessment of the risks. implemented strategies. It may help construction companies to im-
prove their practices to comprehend the risks and forecast the
project performance utilizing network analysis methods. Moreover,
Conclusions this study compiles the list of the most significant complexity fac-
tors that can potentially exist in megaconstruction projects. Man-
This study investigated the relationship between complexity and agers of these projects can benefit from the empirical findings of
risk in megaprojects. A mixed-methods approach was adopted this study to evaluate the factors to be included in their RM plans.
to analyze data acquired through interviews with 18 participants Nevertheless, this research is subject to some limitations. First,
from 11 megaconstruction projects carried out by Turkish contrac- the research findings represent the data of megaprojects undertaken
tors. The quantitative analysis uncovered the relationship between by Turkish construction companies. Studies that include different
complexity and risk as some complexity factors were more closely types of stakeholders from other countries can be conducted for
associated with the change in the scores of some risk factors. The comparative purposes and/or to produce more generic findings.
qualitative analysis, on the other hand, provided some evidence The empirical results were obtained through interviews with 18
about the nature of this relationship. Accordingly, complexity and managers of 11 megaconstruction projects. Although the sample
risk are interconnected by several dynamic links affected by uncer- size is enough for the qualitative data analysis used in this study,
tainties and management strategies. The individual results of the the validity of quantitative findings should be tested with a larger
quantitative and qualitative parts addressed RQ1 by explaining what sample. On the other hand, the limitation related to qualitative
kind of relationship exists between complexity and risk factors in analysis is that the research findings considerably depend on the
megaconstruction projects. Integrating their results addressed RQ2 interpretation and bias of the participants and researchers. This
by shedding light on the implications of this relationship for RM. study reported the results of interviews through a retrospective
Because predicting the impacts of the interconnected factors can analysis. However, longitudinal case studies may better explain the
be a significant challenge for managers of megaconstruction projects, sequence of risk events and their interactions with the complexity
a new RA process that incorporates all risk-related concepts was factors. Additionally, future studies can be conducted to compare
proposed. megaprojects and other projects according to risks, complexity, and
This study can advance the body of knowledge in the construc- their interactions. A forthcoming study from the research team is to
tion management field with its empirical, conceptual, and methodo- test IRAP’s applicability in practice by comparing its benefits and
logical contributions. While there are many studies measuring risk limitations with the traditional RA process. Furthermore, a quanti-
and complexity separately, this study offers an approach to quantify tative method based on a network analysis can be developed to
their relationships. The metric introduced in this paper can contribute quantify project risk and complexity by considering their interre-
to the literature by explaining the relationship between complexity lations. Last but not least, developing decision support tools to
and risk numerically. The results showed that a high level of com- quantify risk and complexity and facilitate IRAP is a promising
plexity makes it more difficult to predict the impact of risks on the research topic.
megaprojects. Also, unlike what is often suggested in the literature,
complexity does not always affect the project negatively. Indeed, the
empirical findings demonstrated that complexity could lead to oppor- Data Availability Statement
tunities when combined with the appropriate management strategies.
These results can be elaborated, evaluated, and extended to other Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
megaprojects. study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
The proposed conceptual framework provides a new explana- request.
tion for the way complexity and risk affect each other. Although
the relationship between complexity and risk is usually conceptu-
alized with simplistic cause-effect relations, this research revealed Acknowledgments
that they might have dynamic two-way interactions affected by the
mediating variables. Depending on the strategies implemented to The presented work is part of a research project (Project No:
manage complexity, uncertainty, and resilience, complexity factors 217M471) funded by the Scientific and Technological Research
can be both the source and consequence of the risk events. The Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). TUBITAK’s support is gratefully
conceptual framework can be used by other researchers to explore acknowledged.

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