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Late for school

It’s a quarter past eight and John is ………………………the door of his
classroom. His teacher is looking at him. She is …………………. because
John is never ……………... Also his schoolmates are looking ………. him.
They are wondering what has happened to John. John ……………. into the
classroom, ……………………. to the teacher and tells her …………..he is late.


John leaves home at quarter to eight as usual. He is

………………….. to school when the wind starts to blow. 2
Suddenly his school cap flies away and ends on the
……………….. of a tree. John doesn’t …………… how to fetch
it. It is too ……………….. for him. There is …………….. around.
He is going to give his cap up ………… an old man .


3 The old man ………… John looking up and notices the

……….. on the …………... He decides to ……….. the boy.
The old man is ……………………a stick. He thinks he can
use ……… to solve John’s problem.


In ……….. picture you can see that the old man has been
successful. The cap is now on…………. stick and the old
man is giving it to John. John is ……………. happy. He
……………………. the old man and ………………… to school. But
it’s already eight o’clock and ………………… are starting.
John is ……………………….. to be late for school this
morning. Will his ……………….understand him?


Look at picture 4 and answer

True-false Look at picture 2 and answer.
1 Where’s John’s cap?
1 John is often late for school 1 is John at school or in the street?
2 Who’s giving John his cap?
2 The teacher doesn’t let him in. 2 Is he carrying a satchel or a stick?
3 How does John look?
3 His mates are very surprised. 3 Is he wearing shorts or trousers?
4 What time is it now?
4 John tells them what happened. 4 Is it raining or windy?

5 What is happening at school now?

5 He didn’t get up in time. 5 Is there a dog next to him or a cat?
6 How will John try to gain some
6 It was a windy morning. 6 Does he look surprised or happy? time?

7 An old woman helped him. 7 Is it morning or night? 7 What is John afraid of?

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