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When I was a student at university.

Whenever I thought about the world without

technology, I wondered what would happen. Even me. I thought my life would be in
trouble when technology disappeared, but instead I feel better without it. Please
allow me to explain,
I started thinking about technology when I was a teenager. To create a world
without technology, I created my own world. On Sunday, I didn't use my phone,
laptop, or other tech devices. It was not easy at first, but after two weeks I feel
more comfortable with it. It would be a good idea to do it.
Definitely, you can spend more time with your family if you don't use your phone on
I did it because I tried to help my parent business and tried to support what they
And also normally our school closed on sunday so that was also good for taking care
of our house.
I remembered when i was young only i could use tech devices in my family because
we were very poor.we can not make an effort for that and as we know tech devices
are normally very expensive.
So when i was not using my phone there were no more tech devices at that time.
And then we all could stay in the living room and we could talk to each other about
our environment and our world. And also we also can watch movies together in the
living room.
And we can play with man made toy that is amazing,

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