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Reaction Paper on Connected But Alone by Sherry Turkle

Sherry Turkle, a Sociologist and Psychologist, stated about the “Connected, but Alone”

last 2012 at Ted talk which is a non-profit organization that spreads ideas through informative

and powerful talks. Professor Turkle tackled how the world of technology is taking us together

by being connected but also separates us from reality. Also, she emphasizes that a small device

or gadget is psychologically powerful because it does not only change what we do, but also who

we are. Moreover, she said that people much rather text than communicate and some kids would

like to learn how to make a conversation maybe someday. Even though technology has made

communication simpler, it may also be a hindrance to genuine conversations, interpersonal

discussions, and relationships.

Technology is psychologically powerful since it changes everything in the world, what

we do and what we are, as time goes by. Every person in the world has one gadget or more,

especially when Pandemic happened since it is one of the requirements for us to be able to

connect with teachers, do requirements, and do work while staying at home. Younger generations

and older generations are now much connected with technology, unlike before when they always

scold us because we use too much time in front of gadgets. I loved playing outdoors with my

neighbors when I was still a child and loved to watch children play with the siblings of my

childhood friends. But now, all I can see are clean streets since they are now all inside and maybe

playing with their gadgets 24/7. There are times that I see them sitting outside their house but

instead of holding rocks, rubber bands, and slippers to play outdoor games with their friends,
they are holding gadgets and minding their own business by scrolling through social media,

making tik tok videos, and playing online games while their friends are sitting beside them.

I agree with Professor Turkle especially with the following lines she emphasized in her

talk; “We expect more from technology and less from each other.” since we are all vulnerable

and we see gadgets as our companions everyday. We always tend to reach for our phone lonely

times for us to feel that we are accompanied. For example, when we walk alone in a mall or eat

alone in a restaurant, we find ourselves getting our phones and open social media to at least not

feel lonely. Also when we are shopping with our family, we tend to be connected with friends via

online platforms instead of having an actual conversation with family when bored or cannot

understand what they are talking. I can also connect this when I am together with my

Grandparents in a car because we are always together but alone since my Lolo always wants to

talk about negative things, my Lola and I tend to reach for our phones to be busy with ourselves

rather than listening and inserting his negative thoughts inside us.

Furthermore, Professor Turkle also emphasizes “I share therefore I am.” The problem

with this new regime is that if we don’t have connections, we don’t feel like ourselves. I for one

second experienced this because everytime I stay in my aunt’s house she says she is lonely and I

would always come and stay with her but the problem is she doesn’t know how to be alone that

is why she is always lonely. Also she loves connecting with her gadget to talk with her friends

and boyfriend online rather than having an actual conversation with me who’s inside the room

with her. The difference between conversation and connection is that connection is an act where

people are connecting with other people without all the deeper things but when in conversation
we tend to listen and have an actual conversation using our interpersonal skills and let them feel

and understand who we really are. Face-to-face conversations teach us to understand, listen, and

improve our social skills. It also helps us to learn more about ourselves and other people.

People today just don’t know how to begin a conversation; we want to be with one

another but are too distracted with our gadgets. We’re becoming used to the idea of being “Alone

Together” in this manner. A specific instance to this is when my aunt would want us to bond so

we go out and eat but instead of talking to each other we both get out phones while waiting for

the food. We are “being alone together.” Also, I don’t know how to make a conversation since I

am an awkward person and because I was an outcast in my elementary years, I struggle with my

social and interpersonal skills. Another instance that I’ve encountered was when my uncle

younger than me spent his whole life holding a gadget, with this he struggled to communicate

and connect with us.

Therefore, people are all connected, but machines and devices set us apart. We postpone

face-to-face relationships as well as conversations in the belief that we will always have

companions in the form of technology. I also am very hopeful that people will eventually

recognize and understand the problems that technology innovation is bringing to our lives.


Villanueva, V. S. (2022, February 10). Connected, but alone Sherry Turkle [Video]. Google

Drive. Retrieved from

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