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NIM : F1E022093

Earthquake Resisten Building

Earthquake resistent building construction is a building that can respond to earthiquke.
analisis, both the cost of the load, the use of materials, and the placement of the mass of the
structure. The physical characteristics of earthiquake resistant building are having a structure
that resists earthiquake dynamics, has an eartiquake resistant system, and the structural
configuration meets anti seismic standards. If you want to build an eartiquake resistant
building, you must first consult with an experienced construction service company so that the
result are maximized. Things to look for when building eartiquake resistant buildings,namely
the foundation important part of the structure of a building.the minimum depth for making
songs is 60 to 80 cm.

Roof Material
Clay is a material that is usually used to make roof tiles. Tile is one of the components
of the roof covering the upper surface of the building which consists of overlapping parts. Clay
tile strength can last long enough. According to experts, a tile roof can last over 100 years,
especially when installed in the right climate. Clay and concrete tile roofs have been known to
withstand hail, high winds, and even fire. In conclusion, clay tile is a suitable material for
building roofs.

Wall Material
A wall is a solid structure that limits and sometimes protects an area. Generally, walls
limit a building and support other structures, limit space in a building into rooms, or limit or
limit a space in the open.
One of the wall materials that is often used is brick, brick is a material made from a
mixture of hydraulic adhesives added with fine aggregate and water with or without other
additives and has a hole cross-sectional area of more than 25% of the cross-section of the brick
and the contents of the hole more than 25% the contents of the brick. The advantage of adobe
is its large size, making installation time and costs more efficient, hollow bricks function as air
insulation, the uniform size makes for a neater installation. It can even be unplastered for an
exposed wall display, Easier to cut, before use does not need to be soaked in water, and
watertight so there is very little chance of water seepage.
so from the discussion above it can be concluded that brick has many advantages or
advantages when used as the main material for making walls.

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