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Good morning teacher and classmates, today I am going to talk about the laptop.

Currently, for the pandemic, many students have stopped going to school. Now they do their
classes at home. Most of the students use the laptop, and others use the cell phone, but today
I will speak especially about the laptop.

Bill Moggridge created the first laptop in history in 1982. The laptop is a technological object
that many people use, but more used by students. Laptop is a personal computer that can be
easily transported, we can take it anywhere. With the laptop we can do many and different
activities. The laptop helps all students with their studies, we can do our homework and virtual
classes every day. The laptop also helps us to communicate, all people can make video calls
with their friends and family who live far. The laptop is also entertainment, we can play video
games and watch videos, we can also listen to different types of music that we like.

The laptop is a very important tool since it helps us to work and study, but we must always use
it responsibly.

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