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Good afternoon teacher and colleagues, today I

will talk about the use of telephones in our


Currently most people in Peru make use of cell

phones, most use it for work, on the other hand
some people use it to be distracted, chat with
friends, play games, among other things. Normally
we believe that we are not exposed to any risk,
but when we are on social networks, or on any
web page, we can be exposed to information
theft, and other types of risks. However,
technology gives us benefits, it opens the doors to
a new world so to speak, also the world is
constantly changing, in a technological way and it
is better to be prepared. Remember to use cell
phones with caution, in the case of minors, that
they use it under the supervision of an adult, in
order to control the pages you visit and who you
talk to.

Thank you for listening, have a nice day.

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