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Made by

Mohamed El-Taher Abu Bakr Obaid

Submitted to

Dr. Ramadan Ragab

TA.Eng. Mina

Combustion occurs in a combustor, which is a part of a gas turbine, ramjet, or scramjet engine. Burner,
combustion chamber, and flame holder are other names for it. The compression system in a gas turbine
engine supplies high-pressure air to the combustor or combustion chamber. While the fuel/air mixture
burns, the combustor then warms this air at a steady pressure. The fuel/air mixture warms up and rapidly
expands as it burns. Via the nozzle guiding vanes and into the turbine, the burned mixture is exhausted
from the combustor. The exhaust is directly sent out through the nozzle in the case of ramjet or scramjet

Despite very high air flow rates, a combustor must contain and maintain stable combustion. Combustors
will accomplish this.

Fundamentals of gas combustion chambers

The objective of the combustor in a gas turbine is to add energy to the system to power the turbines and
produce a high-velocity gas to exhaust through the nozzle in aircraft applications. As with any engineering
challenge, accomplishing this requires balancing many design considerations, such as the following:
• Completely combust the fuel.
• Low pressure loss across the combustor.
• The flame (combustion) must be held (contained) inside of the combustor.
• It should be capable of relighting at high altitude in an event of engine flame-out.
• Uniform exit temperature profile.
• Small physical size and weight.
• Wide range of operation.
• Environmental emissions.


• Case
• Diffuser
• Liner
• Snout
• Dome / swirler
• Fuel injector
• Igniter

Air flow paths

Intermediate air is the air injected into the

combustion zone through the second set of
liner holes (primary air goes through the first
set). This air completes the reaction processes,
cooling the air down and diluting the high
concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2).

Cooling air is airflow that is injected through small holes in the liner to generate a layer (film) of cool air to
protect the liner from the combustion temperatures.

Classification Of Combustion Chamber:

There are several types of gas combustion chambers such as


Can combustors are self-contained cylindrical combustion chambers. Each "can" has its own fuel injector,
igniter, liner, and casing.The primary air from the compressor is guided into each individual can, where it is
decelerated, mixed with fuel, and then ignited. The secondary air also comes from the compressor, where
it is fed outside of the liner (inside of which is where the combustion is taking place). The secondary air is
then fed, usually through slits in the liner, into the combustion zone to cool the liner via thin film cooling.
In most applications, multiple cans are arranged around the central axis of the engine, and their shared
exhaust is fed to the turbine(s). Can-type combustors were most widely used in early gas turbine engines,
owing to their ease of design and testing (one can test a single can, rather than have to test the whole
system). Can-type combustors are easy to maintain, as only a single can needs to be removed, rather than
the whole combustion section. Most modern gas turbine engines (particularly for aircraft applications) do
not use can combustors, as they often weigh more than alternatives. Additionally, the pressure drop-
across the can is generally higher than other combustors (on the order of 7%). Most modern engines that
use can combustors are turboshafts featuring centrifugal compressors.


The next type of combustor is the cannular combustor; the term is a portmanteau of "can annular". Like
the can-type combustor, can annular combustors have discrete combustion zones contained in separate
liners with their own fuel injectors. Unlike the can combustor, all the combustion zones share a common
ring (annulus) casing. Each combustion zone no longer must serve as a pressure vessel. The combustion
zones can also "communicate" with each other via liner holes or connecting tubes that allow some air to
flow circumferentially. The exit flow from the cannular combustor generally has a more uniform
temperature profile, which is better for the turbine section. It also eliminates the need for each chamber
to have its own igniter. Once the fire is lit in one or two cans, it can easily spread to and ignite the others.
This type of combustor is also lighter than the can type, and has a lower pressure drop (on the order of
6%). However, a cannular combustor can be more difficult to maintain than a can combustor. Examples of
gas turbine engines utilizing a cannular combustor include

1. The General Electric J79 turbojet

2. Pratt & Whitney JT8D


The final, and most-commonly used type of combustor is the fully annular combustor. Annular combustors
do away with the separate combustion zones and simply have a continuous liner and casing in a ring (the
annulus). There are many advantages to annular combustors, including more uniform combustion, shorter
size (therefore lighter), and less surface area. Additionally, annular combustors tend to have very uniform
exit temperatures. They also have the lowest pressure drop of the three designs (on the order of 5%). The
annular design is also simpler, although testing generally requires a full-size test rig. An engine that uses an
annular combustor is the CFM International CFM56. Almost all of the modern gas turbine engines use
annular combustors; likewise, most combustor research and development focus on improving this type

Annular combustion chamber

Classification Of Combustion Chamber – Comparison Diagram:

Design and Analysis of Annular Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber

The design and analysis of gas turbine combustion chamber is based on combined theoretical and empirical
approach and the design of combustion chamber is a less than exact science.

1. Dimensions
1.1. Casing area

Eq. (1) calculates the reference area

1.2. Liner area

The combustor sectional area (AL) can be calculated by

Eq. (2)

1.3. Annulus area

The annulus area Aan, is the difference between Aref and AL and can be calculated from Eq. (3).

1.4. Casing and liner diameter

Figure presents the reference length Dref for annular combustor configuration. The value of Dref is calculated
from Aref and DL is calculated from AL and it must be chosen such that it accommodates the aerodynamic
considerations in every operating condition.

1.5. Pattern factor

The pattern factor or temperature traverse quality gives the temperature distribution of the efflux gasses
across the radial and circumferential direction at the exit of the combustor. It is an important factor for the turbine
inlet blades. It also influences the liner length. It is defined in

Eq. (4).

1.6. Liner length

The liner length provides the total length of the zones.

It can be calculated from

Eq. (5).

1.7. Primary zone length

The length of the primary zone can be calculated from

Eq. (6).

1.8. Secondary zone length

The length of the secondary zone can be calculated from

Eq. (7).

1.9. Dilution zone length

The length of the dilution zone can be calculated from

Eq. (8).

2. Air flow distribution

For conventional design, about half of primary zone air mass flow rate would be admitted through the
swirler and as dome cooling.

Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet trainer aircraft

3. Diffuser dimensions

The diffuser, swirler and the recirculation zone geometry is presented in figure 4

3.1. Snout outer area

The snout outer area Ao is calculated assuming the air velocity in this sectional area is equal to Aan air velocity,

then use Eq. (9).

3.2. Snout outer diameter

The snout outer diameter is obtained from Ao with the calculations similar to liner diameter

3.3. Diffuser angle

The diffuser angle φ can be obtained from Eq. (10)

3.4. Diffuser length

The diffuser length can be obtained with the help of Eq. (11), where Ro and R3 are Do/2 and D3/2,


4. Swirler dimensions

4.1. Snout area

The snout area can be calculated from Eq. (12)

4.2. Snout diameter

The snout diameter is calculated from AS with the calculations similar to liner diameter.

4.3. Swirler flow area

The swirler flow area can be calculated from Eq. (13)

4.4. Swirler diameter

The diameter of swirler is calculated using Eq. (14)

5. Recirculation zone dimensions

5.1. Recirculation zone length

The length of the recirculation zone approximates two swirler diameters and can be obtained from Eq. (15)

5.2. Recirculation zone angle
The recirculation zone angle can be obtained from Eq. (16)

5.3. Dome length

The dome length can be calculated from Eq. (17)

6. Gas temperature profile

6.1. The adiabatic flame temperature

The gas temperature profile is predicted theoretically using numerical calculations to obtain design point
values. The profile is more associated with the core temperature of the gas mixture due to the flame
concentration at the core where the combustion is at the maximum. It relates to the adiabatic flame
temperature as this temperature determines the core temperature of the gas mixture inside the liner. This
is the temperature that the flame would attain if the net energy liberated by the chemical reaction that
converts the fresh mixture into combustion products were fully utilized in heating those products. In
practice, heat is lost from the flame by radiation and convection, so the adiabatic flame temperature is
rarely achieved. It means that, the theoretical calculations give only an approximate value of the gas
temperature. Nevertheless, it plays an important role in the determination of combustion efficiency and in
heat-transfer calculations.

6.2. Calculation
For the average gas temperature calculations inside the liner at different zones, only the core air mass flow
rate is considered. The core air mass flow excludes cooling air and other combusted by products
The combustor is divided into four zones: recirculation zone, primary zone, secondary zone and dilution
zone. For each zone, the local temperature is assumed to vary linearly between the zone inlet temperature
(Tin) and zone outlet temperature (Tout). For every zone, the outlet temperature is

calculated by Eq. (18)

6.3. Theoretical results

The calculated zone outlet temperatures for each zone are presented as graph in


• Punna Rao, P. and Sravan Kumar, P. (2012) Design and analysis of gas turbine combustion chamber
-, International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research. International
Journal Of Computational Engineering Research. Available at: (Accessed:
March 1, 2023).

• A, L. M., V, K. O., & G, M. S. (n.d.). A method of calculating the small-sized combustion chambers.
Retrieved March 2, 2023, from

• H. Cohen, G.F.C. Rogers, H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo, Gas Turbine Theory, Fourth ed., Longman Group
Limited, Essex, England, 1996.

A.C. Conrado, P.T. Lacava, A.C.P. Filho, M.D.S. Sanches, Basic design principles for gas turbine
combustor, in: Proceedings of the 10th ENCIT 2004, paper no. 0316.

• Rolls Royce, The Jet Engine, (Fifth ed.), Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England (1996)


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