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What are your computer tips and trek Peer no) PC ee ee ec Mee sG-e@8 AT Vae CMe meta Lm RUT Rede CRUE M Ma Lele VM Lae] about? eee rete aad Dug eek Mee en ec Pa eRe ee esd FIFY rd PO ROee a etree ney FT) So Seis Cea Tce? ee RCN era taeole ae) FIFY:) A Isn't that also how everyone found out about porn A Coe Relevent xked https://xked,com/627/ hitpshwww-redt.comy nat_re_your_computer_Hps_snd_trcks_that_not! 441 PM ° bout? + AskRedet Ss Cs Cheon S Cotes POI Fganreratoaoa esata AC REMADE PP ae Re RE acral Sera le ses pT ENTREES Hosein er are cng Cnet COR ee ee a Cee Samus CoS Cec) Ed Nuno Re ar Cue eee ECC oP) ey rou NCesNNeac I Seen nea ee ca eect ne eae Coe ee A oe eg ere at ae coc OT Nee Ue ny eae A Cae aces ana Ce ee nur Le cee uate eg cee services at trusted and secured sites. In addition, the .cashbackbonus gTLD will provide a secure platform for Discover itself to directly communicate with Ceo cu Rene Cue a ced ceo as] Comins This reads like satire ETT oes oe cnet Eero an ro t6dst-comr/AskRedaltcomments/7 steziwhat_are_your_computer_tps_nd_tricks_that_not/ 441 PM Sd Se eae ce ere ee EO Pers This may be the most useful tip I've seen. So much less cropping finally when you just Sea Rn ars ae Ferg BO ene eee ae Rea ead oa rrr only have 7 attached, but if you don't have matching resolutions, something like this: EDIT: In case anyone is wondering, I posted it in pcmasterrace some time ago, connected all monitor sLhad laying around to/ cy eee rene ere Peer ee Built in "Snipping tool" on Windows 10 is very useful. It's basic but also can do a delayed Rau s ce] cee! Yeah snipping tool is great. Windows#Shift#S skips straight to sniping tool area selection EE RM Cee cc eto aa Ea eee Lea ene eee eo Ae a Pos Es 113 more replies Pee ry r0dsit.comAskRedaltcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_ticks, that not! 441 PM Sd Ceo SCS ae ara eee OEE] hey this is the front desk. You need to come downstairs and pay. I was like no I paid etc and keep in mind this was super early (I'm sure on purpose). They eventually said can you confirm the card details and address and I was half asleep and nearly gave it to them. Then I Pe COR aa eee acc CMe ee sd given it to them. Of course, I got downstairs and the hotel was like uhhh what? Scam. Edit: the guy that called me was very patient and convincing. I think a Jot of people would have believed it. Apparently he called the front desk and was even using the name of the guy er) Per Rare Ronee te eae ca Sena a eae ko your card details once they get them though, Seems like it'd be pretty hard to use it for something that wouldn't be traceable back to you. os EO Renta ace eee aaa me ere order one using the stolen card and ship it to your buyers address. Now the only traceable address is the innocent person who made the purchase on eBay. Source: I Pee Rac cna CeCe nic er Say But the innocent person will have your payment details cy Cr ren And eBay a record of the transaction. I'm sure the innocent person will be cooperative with the authorities who investigate the fraudulent purchase. Et Poo po cena een Petes connie) Iwork in IT and the last time that happened to me, I had a blast. Pretended to be a dumb Pea en Me cena Rc un aR Coco between macos and windows, not finding the power button, getting connected to the wifi, couldn't find my own desktop, etc. Got them so annoyed/frustrated after about 30 minutes of playing dumb all the while I knew they simply wanted to remote in and get control. Finally ry r0dsit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not! 441 PM bout? + AskRedet Ss Cs erecerns i an 2 Pend cor c) eo CRC assur ane ee een a he'd get these, he'd boot the Win7 one up. (newest at the time) . let them do their thing, when they'd say reboot, he'd close the vm (restore to snapshot) and open up an /OLDER/ copy of windows and let them back in. (Going from 7->XP->Vista->98->ME->95) and move eo a ue nuance Daa RU Mona tL Thad a boss get that same bullshit call while we were at work in a meeting, Started talking (Some other language) at them, Basically ended with "You have brought dishonor onto Na CUE ee occ erg error ences That is the greatest messing with scammers ive ever read about. They would have no idea what to do when suddenly it boots into a different older OS. DONE ecu kere SCE e Cu s Fry org Just one, and he got clear down to ME before getting a clue shit was up. He says he said "Ever have one of thase days when you're trying to fuck a guy over, that you oe nO U nated Tee ae ae aCe Prem Ne aea lat Err} STE eons In fact, I'm a story bandit and this is now my cool story when I meet people! Ed Poe Pec Poo PO ed Cea It's great right? I did this while my office mates crowded around we had a really good ci ry Pe OEE ete ence ee ee ea ee Tad COD ae eu Sakon eae eee urea cy line, Half investigative journalism, and half pranking, Spoiler: the level of trolling he took it up to was epic. 1 would have paid money to see the scammer's face reacting in that one session where the guy shares his screen. You'll Pease ea ry r0dcit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM Cece g ered Reply All 103 Long Distance Part I They did an AMA ITN ee Coe tse RAGA CS TNE St eee ts eee Reena tare Ret ae Ra Pts seaisenstntte Another article by The Guardian went deeper from the call center worker's perspective: ‘The scammers gaming India's overcrowded job market Race acti} ‘The Boy Who Heard Too Much Pree Like a comic-book villain transformed by a tragic accident, Weigman discovered at EE ure ue Cn ere He could impersonate any voice, memorize phone numbers by the sound of the buttons and decipher the inner workings of a phone system by the frequencies and Cea eee ae The knowledge enabled him to hack into cellphones, order phone lines disconnected and even tap home phones. “Man, it felt pretty powerful for a little kid,” he says. “Anyone said something bad EOI eee CRC a Matt, it turned out, had spent weeks identifying phone-company employees, PO Ra Re AR Ren Ca Man eRe ae eet Eee ean) SRR aE et ae SE ac ce eee aus Co ce PE eeu aur Tae Ocoee ko Pep eC ase a ka ae a Rei How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash Planet Money Episode 789: Robocall Invasion, Related article; On the Trail of the Robocall King FDERa onda Tee LSS Groner ‘A Real-Life Tax Scam: This Is What IRS Phone Fraud Sounds Like Pane eewie ee eR ee eee Cee] scams that prey on the elderly. The guest host is Frank Abagnale, whose story was the PE g a Nee SOC eects A et ‘This American Life 363: Enforcers - Act One: Hanging in Chad Se Oi Rac ge ee ee EU Rar spend part of each day running elaborate cons on Internet scammers ROORKEE CUR) Den Re Cee ee ce ea Sees ane nce Cie For more on what they did, along with photos, maps and phone recordings, go to this 419 Eater thread, ORCS ry. r0dsit.comiAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks,that not! Sd 441 PM Ss Cs erecerns i an 2 Per) Pe oe reer) on eae cet aN GR eeu b a tale eae ee rey Coe Poe Coc Alternatively, let them remote in and download a 4.5PB zip bomb named ‘credit card details’ 7) ea conc) No, act like your 1Q is lower than your age and slowly describe a Linux desktop, co Pog Pee Pr) Deen en eee RS ee Coe ec eee a anew, and often we keep a sluggy PC because of the trouble of having to reinstall everything, So after a clean install, which may take half a day or more, I clone the hard drive with Clonezilla and TSS Rd ce ke MS Cn aC en) DU ee Du eC cum eee Tec Dee co ccaey Stee Pea Pe Como Semen tac ea Re eRe ee cele etry Poneto Pores Paice edit: glad i helped all y'allt. also bonus tip from a few helpful replies from redditors - Tab jumps to the next file to be renamed and Shift + Tab to rename the previous file in the list. ry r0dsit.comAshRedltcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks, that not! 441 PM Sd an] eee ec oe eee ee ea eee typing, you only get the new text you just started typing. If you press F2 you enter the cell with the whole contents highligted so you can edit the existing content instead of putting Cerna? Pets Eo ‘As someone who uses Excel a lot at work, Thank youl! .0k ea ay 6 Also, to make a new line inside your current cell, the shortcut is Alt+Enter. IIRC Ce ea As aR eee will close the window. So just be careful not to close your files. Ce sel Porn Se ee a a Cae Cd Dena occ eae gear) Pe coy Or) I'ma programmer and an Excel wizard and it never occurred to me that line Ce ee he OOS nse ee aa breaks that I typically avoid them unless necessary, but this is godly. eo Pe Pee ee eee ceed Eo 12. days of Christmas guide for keys F1-F12 courtesy of Amateur Transplant: On the first day of Christmas I learnt this in IT, F1 is the help key On the second day of Christmas I learnt this in IT, F2 is rename and F1 is the help key. COCR OR Ree a ecu Bey nothing, F8 does nothing, F7 does nothing, F6 does nothing, AND F5 REFRESHES THE SCREEN, F4 is the URL, F3 finds files, F2 is rename and F1 is the help key! ‘And on the 12th day of Christmas I moved them all around. Now F12's the URL, F11 finds files, F10 is rename, F9 switches the lights off, 8 fires rockets, 7 makes you pregnant, 6 still ry r0dit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tcks, that not! 441 PM bout? + AskRedet Ss Cs Cheon S Cotes PEUS coated Cored Pr) if you forget what your password is, but it's autsaved as *****, right click on the asterisks, ee eee Sa ee en ere Denne seer cesed Edit: spelling and HTML not javascript peers rr) Cnr Ears Piteeery DAU ak eae eS eed Pag eres RR Or seas 951 conc CEL! Pets Cees Peete PC ote POT Co The Windows Key plus one of the arrow keys will move the currently active window, depending which arrow you pressed. Ose ae aed ry r0dsit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and tricks, that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody bout? + AskRedet Ss ea Ces \onauee a Advertise * Down: Returns window to original size if maximised - or otherwise minimises PRES Re MRC ec See Ee eee Hold the windows key with left hand - mash all arrows with right. SOMES Marcas Pry conc) eRe Ra OAR eu ke esa Pas 5 sweetwaterre oe Ped Py Dees ae se ce Nein cea ae OC eee CC RUC Orange ane maa Itaught this to my coworkers (most are at least 15-20 years older than me) and now I regret it Pee RM naa Ar ca ce ox eC Oe saa cae meee seca Peace ese en eRe aie could fix, I can't because I'm locked out. Instead I have to spend an hour on the phone waiting for remote IT to right click something for me. Peg ace ng Oe PUA Rn Mas cen ee eS IT stuff at work but as soon as something requires admin privileges I just say I don't have access to fix it and send them to the help desk co Seer TT guy here... random related story. I worked somewhere that the helpdesk was CO Om a Oak ane ae use a Needing to step in and help all the time as well We fixed it with a simple policy: only team leads could call IT or lodge a request for anything that wasn't an account issue (so “I can't log in’) First few weeks the team ry r0dcit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks, that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces Crea ae Dee ee ence econ ace ha Re oe a a Peas See ea Ree On aE en eke a ice Re eee css SMe ea ce eka ay they had a vested interest in saying “why the fuck do you not know how to copy paste in excel, you're a fucking accountant?" It brought the laziness and complacency of their staff when it came to learning technology to their attention... and the staff now knew if they didn't put effort in they couldnt just call some helpdesk kid and make it their problem, it reflected on them to their immediate supivisor and was going to Be Rae aU cae With the spare time, we put the helpdesk to work writing really good work instruction ae oe acim oe ane eaten? Ree COL Cnn ae he eee ORR Care AR a eC CS rT oes Poy Petes ans Rese ee Eee te: Ceo a ics Tee aa Ces Za RC aC Py See thats the real question rr) pe oes If true, Iwould so marry you and make you my WIFI ery rn Peon Pee rts e ee Rea eae aR EC es Soto Sweet Jesus. No need to CTRL ALT Delicious first?! 3.6k rns It's little different. Ctrl shift esc is a request, if your computer is stalling it'll bring it up when it can. Ctrl alt del* is an interrupt, and will force it to your will unless something is ry r0dcit.comiAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not! 441 PM bout? + AskRedet Ss Cs erecerns i an 2 centre ene Ra ee eee ae ree er BS ee Rm ae aa It waits for everything to be done, then spam-flashes blue / black / blue / black and probably lands on the Ctrl+Alt+Del screen but might just land on my desktop instead. (I have a black desktop background, by the way.) Far Pend Poot re Ctrl+Alt+Del does send a interrupt/break command, so sometimes it's the way to go. But normally I just do Ctri+Shift+Esc. Prt Poy Poor Pee Cees J eC Ta Dae Oe Tg een Nate 15.8k cera If you don't setup your work email in your phone too!! Eas rad love coming in on a Monday morning and having someone ask me why I didn't respond Cree CC ga eee rary Peet RR RR Ce Ces a re Reo cy DOSES a eae ie ena ac ee shorts. I came in on Wednesday wearing shorts, boss tried to write me up. I told her “I Cea CUE Re ct Ae ee eke sa aC car ee em Cues Ca eeu See) No, Ima 17year old kid getting paid $7.50 an hour to show people a map all fucking day, I don't care enough to check my work email from home. Fuck you, Betty. ry r0dcit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks, that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces \onauee a an 2 Cred ‘At my old job we were in the middle of a heatwave (over 35°C/95°F), so rightfully some of the guys started coming in in shorts. Management pulled them aside and told them that proper business attire didn't include shorts. The next day one of the Pe cane aS See EEE a ete a shorts policy pretty quickly rather than deal with that kettle of fish 969 ojakage love when people do this. No shorts policies are ridiculous when you allow STORE e hem Ce ECU! Fry Cece The dude worked in ops and knew he wasn't gonna get higher than team (ecu a Cast ee ea It's ridiculous because the chicks can wear light and short summer dresses and skirts, but the dudes are expected to wear business shirts and pants. I'd understand if we were interacting with customers, but we worked internal IT, ‘our customer was our own business, and we only really interacted with them Oats cy corey Shirt and slacks where I was. For internal IT. Entire IT team had a revolt and we started wearing smart-casual instead(collared T-shirt w/ jeans) unless the CEO was around. ca oy Poy Po ee end Cones eT ON a eat Ce erg eee ‘Yup! [work with a doctor and he said “maybe we can get our medical record software on your home computer, so that if Ineed something done after hours you can log on and do it." told him if he wanted me to do that, we need to talk about a Seen eC Cea Ce hee a eee ed hours a day, otherwise I'm not working when I'm home. He got pissed and I told him to take it up with HR. 19k ry. r0dsit.comAskRedatlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces Crean ae NRCS ea me Tue eae ee Rey on call, they mean give my personal phone number and be available at any time for no extra pay. And then act like I'm the asshole when I say no. oy ee PO Ponte Cte Pore CO ee ee as ae Lee Pca aes oer? ey ecard Thave a separate work phone that I turn on at 8 AM and turn off at 5 PM, and it stays off on the weekends. In fact, was even encouraged to only leave it on during work eee Rss oR aE es ae eee ea phone, and it's great to have absolutely nothing work-related on there. ETT Ce cond Cee acy SC ac a ed CnC oy my phone and I CANNOT WAIT ):):) 408 eon Ijust ignore them unless its during work hours. Pay coe een ne Cees Caan If I don't bring my laptop home then I can't work remotely from home tomorrow. 165 od Peery Creed ry r0dsit.comAshRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody bout? + AskRedet Ss ea Ces \onauee a an 2 EDGE Lec (Also, INDEX-MATCH is far superior to VLOOKUP once you take ten minutes to get used to it, and don't let any foo! tell you different.) ERS feet cian Gece Menem Rec cine Snr La seca) Pe cre eae ee Raa cere ee a want to do in Excel can be done with your keyboard. SUE Oa nae Coan en ke or SO Re a Rect MU Sa oe You don't need to click on the bottom worksheet tabs to switch. Use Ctrl+PgUp / Ctrl#PgDn If you press and release the Alt key, it brings up a different letter for each of the command ee se eae ee eae Cue eT cad each of the sub-commands. Once you get used to them, you can start to perform many commonly-used functions in just a couple of key-strokes. At this point, it's become second- Poe ae crea ee CR ee Cae Ec? RCI enantio ERLE watching that you know what you're doing, I'm not alll that great with the different formulas EOE a ee eae eee ae ee ay Resor) Se ea eae) So eta Ra eee Ua ee Ive always used the latter... Thanks for the tip! cer ere! orc agree that INDEX-MATCH is far superior in utility. However, VLOOKUP is much quicker and errata hee LUO Lune ee eet Se Mera ca sheets 209 Cento Peony Pee pie ee a cee Seka Nee cee aCe Dear ee ee een eee Cre ry alt + print screen to copy current screen windows key + print screen to copy and save to file Pag aS ae eee CTE ry r0dsit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and tricks, that not! 441 PM ‘wat are your computer tps and vieks that not everybody bout? + AskRedet Ss ea Ces \onauee a an 2 ony On YouTube: If you want to pause a video at a very specific moment for whatever reason, you can use , and . to reverse and fast forward frame by frame Peay Eau SCE aici) Best king (Edit: Kind*) of fast res [deleted} He was the kindest, most generous ruler the land of fast ever had. TO eee eae Reus re ees Pee Pod Ca Re me tee anaes ee mene R et a Sea ed ce Rese eee Rac Fry Pr Per Se] J and | will forward and reverse by 10 seconds rd per Deu ens ete Rea Free ptr Ped pC ec Based off of the group of people I work with, Ctrl c and Ctrl v are god damn arcane secrets. ry. r0dcit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM bout? + AskRedet eae Pe’ Had a friend who didn't know what the shift key was for. Pressed caps lock before and after every capital letter. Had a different friend who didn't know what the tab key was for. Just pressed space four times (and they were not a programmer ~ this was in essays and shit). 4ak feed Inoticed you said had, congrats on making positive life decisions Faia es RS ecco) 533 ened Coed aT Fun Fact, the Shift key was used on type writers to actually shift the hammer so that the Cres eee ee ee 7 Croan CE Rae Soe el aucun Sc cua eI orca Uae Raa een eC eeaacs ac rr) ees ed Eres) Thad a friend who did that capstock thing as well. We were like 10, and we sat by his computer and he started writing with capstock, and I asked wtf he was doing. So I had to show him how to use Shift. He still uses Capstock actually, because he grew up using it Fre Poors Peony CEL I try explaining cntrl v at work. They always get tripped up with "paste starts with a p not av". PU tema Edit: ctri* not entrl. 'm leaving it because I am in fact a Savage. rr) Peron ed ry r0dcit.comiAskRedaltcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not! Sd 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces \onauee a an 2 erry] rea es Un Sa ect Ru eee eee eed age Pas en See ee ieee eee ee ea ae eet Prd Ente eer Cem ae Ce Ce ae Bord eee THIS just blew my mind. It feels so obvious yet Id never even thought about it. Thank you 2.2k cnet Yeah, it's such a game changer when you get used to using shortcuts. Try these, they eRe Pe ee eee arm CL ar nd ate ea EO a atk eae oe ee ee SC Sask Rack ee ee ec etn cos knee nue a Cat ae tc) fae ee eee en ee ee a ae od quickly) errs oreeeyy Just to add to this, ctri+tab will cycle through tabs one at a time and ctri+shift+tab will Coe ace cat) or ees crs eS See ae ea eC a Ey Ces ros Ree ce a eee Foye panel ry r0dsit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_ticks,that not! 441 PM Ss Cs erecerns i ¢ icc Not sure what to think right now. You fixed u/Ganethos keyboard and now (s)he DEE aac PPT a Poe ronnie Poneto Cony eee Ree We Rd (739) rd conc) DRO ie aes nea RCC eal Fes cee Senet ele rr) Ee es een ad Fer) Poe eC Eee Py Con ea you can download a host file and put it into c/windows/system32/drivers/ect eae a Co} blocks advertisement ips and such from ... working. i dont even see ads in skype. ad links on google etc. might not work though - which CAN be annoying if you like ads. ine al PPR eRe seMa ay ry r0dcit.comiAshRedatlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks_that not! 441 PM coe Seen ORs a eRe ne ea NC aC ae diverts all DNS traffic through it. Gets rid of all ads on devices on your network and you don't Donte a gal oT coe od CUCM uED ec’ cree RCRA tests Pee On MC Leu or Oe a7 Seca Mat ee Tey ear} enn ee ea eae nae ea a comments. I'm not saying the OP had slashes wrong, I'm saying he has the folder as ect cc eR en ack tcc cd cen Dao or) Poneto Coe et Tc C I A cer OUR ee Cen SE eS Men MUR Ck oe Cen econ Aen Se ee ee NAC eRe cs tL ” oes Penton Sy If you hold shift while right-clicking on a folder in Windows Explorer, you get an extra option (‘Open command window here") in the context menu to open command prompt at that folder. Cee ue ecu aE Fc) cero ed Po cs ena CSS CmS ry. r0dit.comAshRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! Sd aaipm What ae your compute tips ane vicks tht not everybody Ss ea Cees Gat cna Se ee occ eC a can oc eats Ona ee me rear Grabbing a program and shaking it will minimize every other program, shaking it again will Deku raat Ears Be ere cece ee se te kc ea eae we) Eee ESL? cc eee Dude, I read the first line, created a new desktop then couldn't figure out how to get back to the previous desktop. I had to come back to reddit and read the rest of your post. Pee a Rue asics errs cD] cE cone aed 538 eee Se ered Just sat here and played with these, going "whaaaaat" out loud at work. Now I know where to Pa ue ce cers ca] Same. This is going to change my whole life. reg Pe eC Cece HOLY SHIT. So that is why all my windows close?? I have spent so much time reopening them all at work. I have three monitors so I'm constantly moving things and accidentally shaking 426 eed Erm and Windows + Tab is the alt tab of desktops 369 Onto’ Dreteete ry r0dsit.comAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM Ss Cs erecerns i ra cravat rd oro reece Po POR nanos Ceres cee Cre After 40 years dealing with computers my top tip is - seriously - try really hard not to need or ‘own a printer of any kind, they're a nightmare. Feather Of A_Phoenix ae ee eee cM Sg Cay serious. Trust me, Please. Stop asking me to fix your goddamn computer Charles, it's not eT ec Ears ECNsie ea eg ea Pee Re ger Bae Ee Until Ilooked at it one day out of courtesy and dear god. "Dude you have like 20 excel files and 5 Word files open at once." Closed all those. Still a bit slow. eee ste a ee eae mc PICU Sa Sate a 've never done that I think’ See ee AO OU ORCI Did a restart and OH LOOK, it's like new again. Shut it down every day god damn it! Pers Eee Same thing with my Mom. I was away at college when she told me she ordered a new Dec I came home for the holidays and asked to use it for a bit. Dear god, it was running so slow, this was a brand new $2000+ computer."Oh yea, I don't know why it does that” Same thing, she never closed ANYTHING. Word files, ‘Tunes, pictures, tons of tabs in Safari, photo editing software, and plenty of other misc. programs that she didn't even know about. Having to explain to her the benefits of restarting and or actually shutting ry r0dsit.comiAskRedltcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_ticks,that not! saree What ae your compute tips ane vicks tht not everybody Ss ea Cees Gat cna cents eT Cee ele ke RUC me Cee aR eet ell es ced ry MS ea ecco ee et ENaC ce cutting boards, spatulas and everything else lying around on the counter while you reer ase ke can Now imagine that the next time you cook, you use some of the stufflying around and layer more onion skins and meat packages on top. Eventually you're going to get to a point where it’s damn near impossible to find space to cook. Juxtapose that with someone who does their dishes, puts spices away and throws things in the trash. ea Re RS ea es Pee CEG Rea eka eas kero Er Po Pte Cte Pee Ne oe ae eee a ea Ree A Re ae cue ed caer CORE ce ces Pr eed Tusually have my desktop turned on all day, but if I'm going to livestream at night, I restart my PC before doing it, because I've had an issue where audio would be cracking and overall there's a difference of ram usage between the reboots. I can boot Dae eC a me eee CE) Frey Ponte etd PCE T'm always surprised how little people use keyboard shortcuts. I die a little inside every time I PER eee are ee Py Bonet ry r0dit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM bout? + AskRedet Ss Cs Cees S Cotes Pete PERE ears On tae a a Ro Re Ree eS Oc coy Rare “error: something went wrong" Pea ee Yeah i'm really used to just getting error messages like these lately. rr) Sr It seems like there's a trend with error messages lately where they've just stopped eS CCU Meee ee ene A aed rr ny eae ems? Pr Eo Pe ers See mae RECURS Ce Used 321 con eae ac) It's important to understand this. Frey oe oes Corns Error: the error could not be displayed Err ry r0dsit.comiHAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! aaipm bout: Asked Ss ea erecerns i an 2 Cy eee ce Teac nee ee oer eeu ae ital Cust: "Website is down for maintenance" eee ee Cone et ee Cust: "But Thave to do this thing RIGHT NOW can you bring it back up for me?" Me: " For future reference it goes down every weekend at like 11pm, and comes back Ee Ree eee eee Seu GAR Menor CACC Perea Cent er eon) Da ne ae ee cd ne eC a ~My mom No, ma, it's because you don't read. Fy Pry PT Seu ca ‘And if you decide to show the IT guy the problem you are having; please don't immediately Cee ete a en Eas Pai Og ed Ca And if they're smart enough to know where the error logs are, send the log file, Don't do a Ree a ee ee eee nc Fer Poon Pee eee clicks furiously to get to the error and closes it just as fast please show me and stop clicking everything that pops up" Fry Pont Poneto ry r0dcit.comiAskRedaltcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Cees gS cna Win error: have you tried turning me off and on again? cH ero If more errors actually said that, and people followed the instructions, I'd have about 50% erm 7 Cotes Poet Peed SID Change your default passwords for your routers, make sure you're using WPA2K, disable RON coe LCT gc near et aac) Oe ae Se ee eee arc el Pere COLE ROMY Nena Ce ana Ce ac) Penne a CEC Cana eee ea De eres ord Gorramit Groot So eC a Ftd Eee eee Pend aid ome CORN SR eee LE Cuero es Ne ae Raa eres Eat Ue ey Ctrl + shift + direction arrow: moves to the end of a section and highlights the cells along the RAED ese ce eee ee ase a ey a Oe eee ee ene ee eA eee Re ce eR Ree ee eR OS eee a ca ecco ry r0dcit.comiAshRedatlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks_that not! 3.441 PM, what are your computer tps and vieks that nat everybody might know about? : AskReedat Ss Cs erecerns CeCe rd Penton ee ela coli eat geal LH Corea ee ue “R Sees Cue gars} ctrl#W: Close the last tab you just opened trying ctrl+shift+t Coca ac} Ceres cet) Cond ee nc) Cea Uae aoa a ee Mie acu ke amu ec F6: Select address bar and everything in it Even ean F11: Fullscreen Pane csc Windows shortcut: Pa ed eet ee ice eee Bee a see aan ace are ec) PN sy ca Altttab: Go back to previous focused window. AlttShift+Tab: Go forward focused window. Shit explanation. Just try it Win+M: Minimize everything. PLease Derr aa ea an ene ne a a eee quadrants per monitor for hotkeying windows around, windows 7 and 8 have 2. CTRL+Shift+ESC: Task Manager without CTRL ALT DEL. Cai ee ETERS le aan es ae Ue Re cesT em F2 when selecting a file opens the rename prompt. Text Editor Shortcuts: ater faeries aa hitpsiiwwwredet.comir/AskRedaltcomments/Tksic/what_are_your_computet_Hps_and. ticks that_not! aaipm Ss Cs erecerns i ra fae era Ir aCe arn ace General advice: * Use your keyboard more than your mouse whenever you can. You look smarter and it's Seo Keep at least one command prompt open on your PC at all times, especially if you work with computers. Ifyou have a BAT file that repeats tree you can look like a hacker. eee ee ke eM ee gs a ue) useful Someone asking stupid questions? and putting their question in is very Cieng rd come) Cece eee Mn oe One eR ape aE EUR ee Eee mae SRC oa) eT Coes Peete CREA If you close the lid, it makes it much easier to hurl the laptop across the room. A good loud shout can also help you channel energy into your throw. 250 Coons ot De Er Pod Coed Brun) If you want to read a document, and you can rotate your screen on its stand, you can use CTRL * Na Na ce Press CTRL + ALT + UP Arrow to revert to normal when you're done reading, rd Coed For some reason, my new computer doesn't do this, Now I have to click my way into the Eun cn nec Ce ae Cea eae POR nano ry r0dsit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces \onauee a an 2 aaa Oa ee oe ie i an oe a ec it's running everything which saves you about 3 seconds while killing your machine. After Sec Ona Or eee ne Rec ee should do when they start up or just type in "msconfig" and go to startup or go to taskbar- SCS eae a pee acc eng TE ease ecu oc asa TEC Men Re Rel eae ce ee ERNE ec he Coen Ce este on OUP Cn ser oc eee Cree Ca eS es Ra RR ese Ene aan eRe a Ra ccc ee ER SS a ed a eee cod Pee Secs eee Me eae oe cae Ceara) Install Ccleaner and run checks now and then. Just be careful, their default setting clears Nee ee CR ee eee ee Rec Ra SSIS Wat iene eA Me RNR eS ED Se Re RC Res Google what windows shortcuts do (ex: windowste, windows+d) since there are too many to list Ene hone tearm UEC Rakes In Excel: type in 1 in a cell, then 2 in the next cell. Highlight both and move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the cell with 2 in it. See the black plus? Click and drag that over to create a range. It's pretty smart and works with formuals and dates too. In Excel: if you have some data highlighted, you can right click on it and sort by color Camu Copy/pasting into Word/Excel looks terrible? Copy/paste into Notepad then copy from Notepad to Word/Excel. Note: this will strip out all formatting but this includes things like Pe Me emcee Ra ese ee Pick a browser, any browser, and only use that browser to log into anything secure. Don't use that browser for anything else. Snes Se un ene Rec EM ce a ene ae aay something at the top of the line, and you don’t need to touch it for at least 3 years. instead of a regular hard drive, get a solid state drive as your primary hard drive no matter arse Pee Ne PN ec Ce CL acd load unless you bypass it in the setup (basically it tries to load the OS from the CD/DVD) POSER Dene og enka ee eee ee Oren a Ucar laptops: if your laptop is turning on but you don't see anything then unplug it from power, remove the battery, flip it around, find a small hole on the back that'l fit a paperclip end, Pee Race ed eng ee eee CoE ea everything in and your laptop will work. Basically there's some static that's preventing the system from loading and clicking that button discharges that static. Cae ou ee) PR asc ss aoe ea a nao ee ces) RM Ce ee ee ae Nee Ce oe ead YouTube for instructions) and use the air can to blow it out. desktops: air is meant to travel from the front to the back and (for some models) up. Preserve the air flow and don't obstruct it. Don't put anything behind a desktop since Oe tuac ata ry r0dcit.comiAshRedatlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks_that not! 441 PM ‘what are your computer tps and Wicks that not everybody Ss ea Ces \onauee a a 2 General tip: something doesn't work? Try to get as much info as you can including the error Se Re ce Ra TS Ea oe Ce Tes an sc ee ee Ra video drivers? Computer died? Video card died? No, it's likely your power cord to the monitor is just slightly not connected. Always assume it's a simple hardware problem first. Good luck! PETS Cen ec ee onc ete ee Con ce ed Rote ord Poneto’ Peed irs PRES neo a ane a a a Demy Ftd Coed ory Fe ke MMC enc ke ese Een Ener) oy oe CE na ee Se eM hee ee ac a PSCC cS Id 293 cry Ce cas Wei Cs Cee ace ny SEI) I ea ES ee ae eats et oes oer eee ee OR ese ee cur nS PoE Saas ry r0dit.comAskRedltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_trcks,that not! 441 PM Ss Cs erecerns i ra Perey Poet Cera ee eek ec can eed ee en aed Pees co od PD Ee ke Sue MUL eM RRs Te ta mes 7 od Cee eney You can also use Ctrl + click, in case your mouse wheel dies on you. Also, some websites does Se RCE eu eee ke Rete Ac Ua Cree NS Re Ne es eae eee Prd Cotes coat Tee ear} SO eT ume ace eee ae Se dey backup hard drive, my first hard drive failed ~4 months in. Lost everything on there, and it took awhile to redownload my games and apps, as I have a garbage internet connection Also, SSDs are totally worth it if you're debating getting one. Bought a 120 GB one and threw my CEE Me et ue naka ea eS co Eo Rory ry r0dsit.comiAskRedaltlcomments/Tksbalwhat_are_your_computer_ips_and_tricks, that not!

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