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one habit iterally changed your life? : getdsciptnes rigetdiscipined @ Shop Avatars cet [Question] What one habit literally changed your life? Edit: Iwent to sleep. When I just woke up, this has blown up. My most popular post on reddit hitherto. Soe OAR eke Re eae a0 Dern Se eee Tested PEEEEM conen: ead Gone SETI eee en C ones COD Eee a crn cot et en eae Cog Poon ena nea Een CeMa a ce a} re Oa DC eee ee a kc nal eee aa eo ree Oe tinedlcomments5teqbviqu habit Hloraly_ changed. atone habit Iterally changed your life? : getiscplnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CHET Prererered See ee em te nen oe ae re ee Dene A ne Me SS eC see ean Ca Good sleep + some exercise + a good diet are absolutely essential cy Sl wae DOU ue Or ac 20 eo Ifyou have res, Just typing a few letters from a username will make it auto suggest Rees Poe SSE Se ake cee tee en Re ay SCRE Cee cae eae geet Pen ene eae aca coe ecu ee ea to bed at wildly different times. o en Please tell me how did you do it. I'm sleeping only 3-4 hours at night since years. I'm tired Comarca iad A ee Tve struggled with sleep issues most of my life, but recently discovered guided meditations for sleep on YouTube (e.g.,,com/watch? Neen elt aati at Jist=PL|USeBV6ub dsl 3kAVbHlafmNQ35Vrtv3). I just put wv edt com ot one habit terally changed your Mf? getdsciptned Cee no) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CHET ve only been using them for a few weeks, but they've made a world of difference for os Cer) Se a es areca Ree ea aD for work so I go to bed at 10pm to get & hours of sleep. But at about 3am anything will wake me up. A dog bark, my husbands breathing, turning over... then I'm screwed, Ihave such a hard time getting back to sleep. I usually wake up on the couch because it's the only place of absolute silence G Peg Qe Thank you, going to try that tonight! a Cee Sen ne nS Ce Se ecu en Rona sea effective it's been every single time. I didn’t think that anything would ever work CRUE Seer Cad 2 a RU at AURA oP aa Sareea ED FI Poy a Sere ree Ee a Poy Sead * No screens and low lighting 1 hour before bed wv edt com rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : getiscplnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CHET Pra eos ERNE ase ae uae A ry Since it takes a while for me to fall asleep, my schedule is usually 8 AM to 10:00/10:30 cM Peg co eee een eae eee ce ae acy attention to it especially when we spend about one third of our lives sleeping, or at least we erotic} Edit: In line with this, what helped my sleep drastically was making my bedroom ano phone zone (and other electronics). I used to bring my phone into bed and now I don't. That made a Rene Mee icine FET pea Peete Se ae age oe eee Scr Ce and for a while you can get away with really low sleep amounts. co Prey Ican't get to bed on time. Work at 6am til late most days. After 11pm is basically my only ‘me' time where I can watch tv or play games. Fry eee Re Cenc Secu iian ee sacra] wi ced com wi ced com atone habit Iterally changed your life? : getiscplnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CHET Co for awhile you can get away with really low sleep amounts I guess this depends on your activities. If I don't sleep well just one night, my cognitive Petes 30 Perey Peay Ean) Try to exercise a little during the day so you won't have so much energy. No caffeine 4 Dee aA a ce oes ay ee eae SC Sa Ue ae Ce Meee eS em ee De ee Cake before bed. Do some light stretching, Just lie down and think about a story until you Cia RE eter ie ee OC ee Ra) Oa an Re sce ec eer eS See aS SRE cen Sa Ce urs aCe Ase cee eR Cou aE eid ona 29 cr Try counting breaths :) When you breathe in go 1 breathe out 2 Keep going until you fall asleep! G eas i drink average 10 cups a day but i stop 3-4 hours before sleeping. Maybe i Sec aes ese rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : gediscptnes Ceo) (Sea Wee eS CCTIMm Shop Avatars ean Rete ReneS ase U CR OR a eecan) Cee ene ee Le M a eLecu oc Rng hours of bed. You might have headaches for several days as you adjust to the lower amounts of caffeine. I am wondering if you take your tea with sugar, since that's an addiction in itself that could be driving the massive tea use. Good luck! G Poy Scenes ROA ae ed Cee acre oe eS ee a ae ae Eaten Pa RC cae 7 PCa ay PC oe eae came ec Fa Poe [deleted} DRESS a ORC Oe ses Prd poe mec SO ae ae cM Oe ee Deke une sleep problems. Things like restlessness and racing thoughts and just plain not wi ced com wv ced com rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : gediscptnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CHET Poe Coy Giving you an answer without knowing specifics is a bit difficult. The best I can tell you re hae LMC un aE cen se MC ese Dene SECC ee ices tremendously. Some quick tips: You need natural light during the day. You need Cee a es ene RS Oe CR ea cigarettes and caffeine. You need some quiet time in your life. You need to move and Cee Na ne a ee rece CER Oa Cue a Wie eS kero SU ear a ea ec oe Cu cn may be low. You may not be getting enough sunlight. Your body is a machine that Cea tom UN ete eee ec too far from what your body is designed for, then you will suffer. DO NOT TAKE PILLS. BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MAKE LIFESTYLE CHANGES. Pills usually do not solve the underlying issue and often make things much worse. Good luck. Fry SCC macy Des a eee ed Re aed Dee sa eeu When do you stop using electronics at night? Corea Ran Oren 4 Corner rae eae ae Mate Mae ele eae eco) big difference, Melatonin is also another thing that can help with falling asleep, EN eMC M aac eee a eae CC eR Ae Me Cee eT ea Ry BOM ee ne a cee a ac Tne en Seo ee eee uu Rt nce day, I don't see the point of sleeping more if I am going to feel like shit anyway, but I haven't had any issues from either of the things I've suggested. Only rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : gediscptnes Ceo) (Sea Wee eS CCTIMm Shop Avatars CCS) Do you HAVE to work until bed? Or do you stop work at Spm and then tell yourself you "have to” be on the computer? And then use it for entertainment ee tae Cea Ro See A oe btbcorno Night shift completely changed my life. I still stay up too late on my phone, but once I put it down I can usually fall asleep quickly. Switching your phone to only display in black and white can really help too, although I haven't had the discipline to keep it set that way for more than a few days at a shot. Fa oor Decne ete eas cen ocak 4 ooo Take a warm shower before sleep. Your body temperature will drop when you get out and trick your mind into thinking It's falling asleep. Also make sure you are In ol ea ae eee Ce nn ket) Fa Pod Perey RazWriting SRE eS ee CaN cca LN Bese Cee Se LEG enna ta nau Ne ec ae’ played a big role in my better sleep habits. I try to recommend it whenever I get the chance. It takes a little while to get used to, but it can make a huge difference; the information on my ecu eet ee Cea ae CIRC) wv ced com rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : getiscplnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CSET Personally, I use flux for my PC because it's free and does what I expect it to do, but there are some others out there too. I'd recommend trying one at the very least for anyone with a similar problem. 26 Cees filux is awesome. I dunno why you were downvoted, it is a good suggestion. Made a huge Cana O Poe CEs I suffered from insomnia and depression, sorting depression out first was the first step. It made me look forward to getting up. And that’s the most important thing, for me. I enjoy sleep, to the point where i have little desire to stay up playing video games once i feel tired at this point. I know that if| go to sleep at a reasonable time (10-11 pm) then i will a Cees a ce a ku eae morning to myself (or feel good when waking up for work at 7am). Ijust look forward to Dees Cs eRe ese hn aC Con ee process and stick with it every day. Bit this wasn't an overnight transformation, it took time to get where i am, so noone should get discouraged if they don't succeed straight away. Cree On Pee oe ce eu Eee eee iio y wasted cause i feel shit, and it's a great reminder every now and again of the value of good sleep. Sleep is like top 5 activity for me, but i also love being awake in the mornings and have a long day for living my life. CO Pen Cortes ad I reset rooms when I'm done with them. It's like the making your bed habit taken two small steps further. wiv ced com rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : gediscptnes Ceo) 6 OQ + BaAdvertise CSET at night. It literally takes two minutes per room except for the kitchen and that just depends on DRS eae eee ee ee) there's never any trash in it. When I walk into a room everything is in its right place. The only things out of order are the things I'm using and they'll get put away when I'm through. My home is in a stasis of cleanliness and order. It's so second nature that I don't think about it so it's basically effortless, Edit- Thanks for all the nice comments, upvotes and gold, everyone. It's really gratifying to hear that what some people think is a weird OCD personality quirk is a good idea, I made more comments further down that give examples if anyone wants more information. cd Ce You know, I've never thought of it this way. Resetting rooms. At work I like a very clean and organized desk because it helps me get things done more efficiently. So I reset it all the time. Peak ia ee eae ced RR ae Co MER a Ect) Pena Cy Thanks for the kind words. Ill talk about it a bit since you've shown an interest. Here are Poeun When I'm through watching TV or reading in the living room for the night, the remotes go back on the TV stand on the other side of the room. All the pillows on the couch get put Doe ce Ra ec nee ERE a ae eens laptop gets shut of, closed, plugged into the charger, and put away. Look around to see if, anything else is out of place or needs addressing. Any dishes and trash go to the kitchen CNSR DSC ee eka just clean up any mess I made and leave the rest for them to finish. The bathroom gets reset every time it's used. You don't leave the bathroom until you've made it like new for the next person. I always give the toilet a brushing and wiping down with Clorox wipes while I wait for my shower to get hot. Perfect time to clean the toilet is. right before you wash yourself in the shower anyway. As I'm finishing my shower I use the handheld shower head to rinse the soap off the walls and glass so it won't dry there. Rinsing the shower off added about ten seconds to my shower. Cleaning the toilet added DO eee Oo ake ea a een mirror while I'm drying off so it's always clean. It really is no extra effort. The bathroom is Sea eeu ced Because I do this every day in every room stuff always stays in good shape. Only cleaning that needs doing is normal vacuuming, mopping and dusting as needed, There's a Swiffer eae a OAM ae oc Ran ene eT wiv ced com rat one habit Iterally changed your life? : getiscplnes Ceo) (Sea WeeeE