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3 are some smooth computer tricks/software that can totally Impress someone? AskRedlt Coca) + ECs askreddit Pe ee re ec meee AN S1B28 ATE ee Eamon R UL ecm cme Cd Ellul ad New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast aed @ sore 2 if you can do anything in the terminal people will be impressed with your hacker skillz ccd Err Ten ee Cae a eo) change color of text to green (type "color 02" for green) and then open your directory to seem cool rrr poets I changed my youtube-dl directory the other day in terminal so Im pretty much a genius. A genius who also managed to seriously fuck up some permissions on my computer in the Poeun a ec cy @ Everyone messes up permissions, even SysAdmins who do it full time. hitpsiwuwredct.comAskRedeltlcomy ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Pos bits_and_notes es Te used ScreenToGIF countless times to show my coworkers how to do something on their Come eo gence ne er en i Reece SC) Se ae Maer ge Rec ake el cot Era Ey SO eres aaa ec Read blow their minds with detailed screenshots/snips with big fucking arrows pointing where they need to click and then a follow-up showing the next screen rd ea Pay Try the built in Windows problem step recorder basically the same thing. 422 coo Se eee Ee Ss eee Rey how to do something in detail to coworkers countless times. Err re Wrf. Count me in as one of those people. Fry ad PSR.exe by default, will screen grab the last 25 clicks, select options, and up the Cras Ea 133 chupitoelpame HO LY FUCK co wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD build a how to wiki, show them as a slide show. and not quite make the Coicey 43 Poet’ Poy Pees Problem Step Reporter Is another one (go to windows start and type psr and enter). Does screen caps when you click on things. Once done, it packages it up into a nice zip that you can send to someone and they can view step by step. 1” Boe Pee ean eC nea ea ce) 7 1G vcosans ESE on en On EOC a Leen aa ECE keke Cae? 58 Poe Pn Pats Ido a bunch of presentations where I have to shift between my organization's program that. works on a web browser and the powerpoint. Pe eee ete ae Lec cer wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD When making a login at work that failed to compute, my co worker suggested that I use to mouse to switch fields instead of "using that weird keyboard shortcut which may be fucking rat ey Co BLO nC Rune Siren Cr Ey Yes. Tab is an 0G keyboard key as I recall. I had a mechanical typewrite SR Se eS ee the alphanumerical character set didn't include my countrys special characters, of Rea 4 Poy ee ECU Cars oe ae aoe ae enn a nee) rls Alot of people think that younger people are "digital natives” and that they know everything because they grew up with it. But that couldn't be further from the truth. So many younger Pee Sea ee ee ee eee Re ae tc aetna EDs 749 .@ eee ie cana Rn ae ae uch aT search for anything on the page. I showed her ctrl F and blew her mind. She thought I DESC cee acta Fr wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ny scraccs ) eM Monoce sacar ne Cra) When I worked at Perty Ellis, 'd build a feature into all the apps I maintained that they'd email me a report of whatever exception it had just encountered, So I'd occasionally get just such an email, give the user a call, and ask them about what just happened. While they were usually appreciative at my proactive concern, they uniformly thought it was eerie as all hell. A response that I of course made every Crna e ete ena Tena Oa coaches 90 hairy re Sr cas riery I saw that you removed that USB drive without ejecting it first.” 6 Coe So Meee aed ee eee Ree ee aCe ena uN Fry [9 ema PPro eM At CeDOn Coat I can fix a PC, My Dad can't very well, and I don't think my kid will ever be able to very well Ca Soe Ure ng COON ae au arity rT I can’t manage a social media account. My kid, though, will be able to natively. (Ihope.) So, I think when people say ‘they'll be digital natives’, It's more like a sliding window of 'a young person will have the essential life skills in their technological environment’ than it wv rods comf/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) Oe Mes ae ere ace cu 1, Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and CEM DEEN RR oe ceca ns Se Oa ier Tuan Sees Uae ee Ce aa Pr eC 2a Brecon tcyy But things like CTRL+F and touch typing aren't going anywhere. Everyone should know these things. Fixing a PC should probably be up there on the list, And also that (I hope) you put in there is kind of a good indicator of the problem. Thry should be actively teach this stuff to kids so that we don't just have to hope that they somehow pick up Aree ee ear ays Et Coens ney Pee Co Perce neng Nee ea een eee eer ee Ly onscreen Ere] rt ie e comet @ omen eee enn wv reds comf/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Cs Eero Cer Reece a cera coe eee td key and it would rotate the screen. Was all fun and games until we left one of them upside down. on the day the IT admins disabled the shortcut and it got it stuck like that. ety That wasn't strictly a windows shortcut, but a shortcut that some display drivers had, for Re eae eC 7 My work laptop does. I found that out when I tried to use that shortcut to copy a line in VS Code and my screen flipped upside down. Genuinely thought that was a thing of the past. SO oa ener rear rncc PU Por Poets Cin Oh! That brings back my favorite prank in the days. You screenshot their background, flip it Pee nee eae Ra cca an Cee tans es a eC Rane oe Teese Re ee Cn auc ee anes cacy 40 Py Cond eee ry SMT ee Rca tod ord wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: erernacy SMe rr F shop avatars ) itwill go in the reverse direction. Shift=change direction Pe rd fener r fetal eter alee ete olay rs seme (eee DEC a Ce en Ea CE ccs as eo EL accuracy where you just typed and it went into text fields. The person administering the test Eee Sc oa oo Onn oe Ta Sec Sau ae Leche oo When he looked at the results he said, "not very fast, but 100% accuracy. That's great.” ry SSCS Ua ee ae aC were paying people for. Didn't even bother to find the basic skills of data entry to save the on ma eas 2a conned a] Pond een Per aed Middle mouse click a link to open it in a new tab. IC ee Le Tene ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD i Tee eae ed ee Ee a I knew the first, but not the second, Thanks And ctrl+shift'T to open it back up again after you're done checking if it works. cee Ey Fry @ or Ctrl+shift#N if you accidentally close an entire window (Firefox) co SEIN ea na eb) Ey Poe Poy co Cor crea Se Coe 22a eore eas aoa Fre oes ones Onno wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD love me some shortcuts. In one job we were all using the same software, but hardly anyone used shortcuts. I learned a bunch, and even when it was super laggy I knew that I could just enter a bunch of shortcuts and it'll get on with doing everything I've pressed. Reece ce nie ge a Cena ccnrea Coeur eae Per] Poe Derksen) Fry ed Oe eee Meee UE Me Me eo? EA ee et Rene Unt enec Mean REL Basically, keyboard shortcuts are essential to being really quick and efficient. 7 Ctri+F4 also closes the tab, much like Alt+F4 closes the whole program. eo Bo Control-click does it too. co Se wv reddit comf/AskRedelcommentsimutuyStuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? GO + Gm) E> @ cvssivedae © Poet Pee Same to open another copy of an app if supported, e.g another file manager Eta Poe ee Middle mouse click a tab to close it aan 38 Poe ee use this constantly, so much faster and makes me look like a teccy man 36 Cin ed F11 button in web browser usually makes my colleagues melt down with anxiety. cd emery What does it do again? Er It's basically fullscreen mode for your browser, Removes most of the menus, ray wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: CERN sioracn- ) C yo Renta ee acca Ru ee ORC tee ee Pena 90 Pete Thad a customer call me up saying they are stuck in the internet, no problems please press F11, They say it didn't work so I remote into the screen and they had written ffffffffff into a textfield. a Peet Me ey 66 eer Mg ee tet EN a ose aerate Ron Tara etc ee renee No more trying to find that tiny little safe area between the unclickable border space and the Seal Fry Pog POR nar d 23 extn ae https// Rear ee ue ncaa cae a ene Ee he he eae TanN they have some other good ones too Peng wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) \ er ree SRC Cun eeu Oem so) get an upgrade. 230 Te Ugur eee oh kOe ees Taare Ce murs Pee Uae Cu ac Rue eeu eater Peed any Free Peed TT guy, can confirm. All machines in my company were upgraded to Win10/replaced Sn OR ee ea ccd departments need to use old software that will only run on an OS like Win7, but we can't have a huge security risk like that on the network, so they were kicked off the Cony cy Peony eee coo Oss Ese ee tee ts) ry Bed Peed wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD once had a manager who thought it was black magic that I was cutting, copying and Poe ence eRe Ann Ane R pra eM ee Pea Rss was just using SHIFT-ARROWS, then CTRL-X and CTRL-V. His jaw dropped the first time he SCE is Watching him do it manually with the mouse was painful. 264 My last boss did all that, and typed "hunt and peck" style. He would call me into his office to show me something or discuss something, and somehow I always ended up having to stand there while he slowly, painfully, did anything on the computer. I was screaming Race ecssctis Des eenyg cy Or middle-high school...I don’t know why my kids can't grasp keyboard strokes. Their friends too. Idk, Maybe we're just in a dumb area. Lol! rr They're prpbably used to touchscreens or controllers. 35 Cava wv reds com/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD a eos Pong Poe @ xsplizzle Pee EE Ete Poon a Tdon’t know about impressing someone, but learning about opening task manager by pressing cre eeu gc! edit: should probably clarify that this doesn't really work when your computer is being super EU een eee oe Right click on the taskbar and choosing it from there works too. Err ee ata MCU cues oT Pry ‘Lmore reply Pe eee Ctrltshift+delete takes you right the clear cache/history page in chrome. 48 eee Pec eaUC Ret ae) wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD This worked wonders, I guess that Minecraft guy telling me how to get admin was Cre Er @ wvor Wow, this really is multi generational. It used to just double anything you dropped taser Fry Poe poe Bs Penns See ME Sue essen Cee Ree tna eee ee eR lene am ter oat Pen Cu Meco Tee arene oe ee ana ee Rec Ae aa Piet UC aC CSC MC er anemic Raa Ty 476 De On een Se ee ese eee cu ee ces Ce err ee ARR Ey ‘Though it's always fun when they do it when you're not around, removing suspicion on yourself, and they get a big "YOU'VE BEEN HACKED SUCKA" on their wallpaper and start ere Ret Er) od wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Open cma, type “tree”, press enter and see the magic happen. Cree Se LEC} 7 Coed use windows-shift-s to take screenshots often. Most IM clients will let you paste the screen directly into a chat, or you can paste it into a new paint document. err} Alt-prtscr will take a screenshot of the window you're currently in, and if you have Dropbox it automatically saves it without you having to paste into paint Fer) eo Win+PrtScr will screenshot the entire desktop and save it to the Pictures directory. Win+Del will screenshot the entire desktop and save it to the clipboard 3 coy Poy Pe but I got the snipping tool in my task bar because its better then snip and sketch 7 rene UCC men Ey coed Pee PIs wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: a " erernacy SMe rr F shop avatars ) PS ise eee CR CEE RU aoe mel eee eee eee ee acy Fad Nenu eC eMC On Na a ae al I've only recently learned this one, and I wish I knew it sooner. I often have my second monitor off, and it's a hassle to turn it on just to see whatever window is over there. Especially as my second monitor is dying and I have to hit the power button on and off like ee ee Renee ee esc Ey Booed Cod You can edit almost any text on almost any webpage by highlighting it, right clicking and selecting “inspect element” then replacing the text there. Sure it goes away when you refresh but you can trick your co-workers pretty good. Scammers. use this to trick people into believing they added/removed money in their bank account. ee ee ee ec eet ue id accurately tests your internet speed” to "nPerf tests your internet's walk, run and sprinting speed, in case of fire or wild hyenas" Ere If you want to be really evil and have access to a computer that runs a display board, change Pn Rec ea co re Thave remote access to 5 digital signage boards in a chain of gyms. I wish T'd known this trick 20 days ago. Ere poe wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ny on) | oe nos CU eRe Une Ree ea cry ee RM ees ccd Its always after I am SO SURE I wont need that tab again. Literally 1 second later. 7 Cos Ctrl + Tab, and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to go to next/previous tab, very handy when you have too ERC ee Canes Regan ake 3 A renee to add to that, you can use it to get back to all your open tabs in case you closed the whole Cras just open chrome again, press Ctrl + Shift + T and a new browser window will open with all the tabs you had active the last time you closed the whole browser Pe a ea eG ee ar eka g Ona arg Er ores Porn ed Cerra eee eR a Se ann ad right) vigorously a few times. All other windows will minimize. Do the same thing and all the CaM Oe eke eed cee eee oS Oe ke wiv ced. com/AskRedaltlcommentsimuTuyBlwhal_are_som E 19183 ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Iremember doing this accidentally for the first time and being really confused 66 Pod Thate this "feature." I used to do it all the time on accident and I didn't know how to put it Pore Mere Er) Pod Preto ed eee ey Roe ee ee oe a ace Oe ec ere} Coe ers rr eee eSpace 26 Ped bene) wv reds comf/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ny a) eee) En POs Pen a Search Google using search operators to narrow down your search and find more specific information; Here are a few examples: ‘covid 19 2021 filetype:pdf": search information about covid, but just pdf files SO eee a Ree Re en Sa ceo "memes”: search memes, but only on Reena On Un neee ea eeCun se Cee aCe cs Et] ed Seen ar Lee ec eeu eee? See ce ee cas Sc) PCR cee Itwould only show results that do NOT contain the term "covid" ey eee Would only return results containing the term “covid" Ey CO Cd wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD ageing program or even email, itll save you time. You'll be a fucking magician to your Cems Et Still is around, I use it to run a simple macro that somehow doesn't work in cmd prompt even Pat Rca) yi oom ae ee Tease Ta MeL OTE Re eee etd a ee cn ee aan Na eed ay fine but God help you if your screen resolution is a bit different or anything changes. Even accidentally touching the mouse would send it off into errors. 20 POR nntnn ed RI etc ese ce eR A aera an Bee ea en eae Ree Cun Cee ae oe CT Cee Re Tana OMCs a Set etc aU er es Erg RO Mae aa Rh gees rie 46 Poe od Cs eee ETC en eae wiv rods com/AskRedelcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Bod Oeste aC Eee een ae eu el Ferd eee Ctrl + arrow to move the cursor one word at a time either direction Shift + arrow to highlight one character at a time either direction Ctrl + shift + arrow to highlight one word at a time Crm ata D Png Bond (os Remeron Py as} Deke ae ee an eee De ee et Scene ea a ee Alt+ tab to change Windows. Holding alt and pressing tab multiple times cycles through applications. Shift reverses cycle direction. Applications are shown in most recently touched order. UEC a ee AUC SNM eee oa a eens Windows + Left/Right fits an application into the left/right half of your screen. It can also move Ce ena nen acc aR ett Windows + Up fullscreens the application Windows + Down minimizes the application CE Ree ieee Re eS ie eum a De ee aee Me esa) PSR etn Skea ee SE eee ca ae Ree Ne ea a ena Ee ee EE Holding shift and clicking two items will select everything between and including those items. wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) eR Loe CRs haus een Ro ec When interacting with text, holding control and: -left/right: jump over the word in either direction BT OL ae ea Sra eaC Re tc Dee eed Sac DRT) -del: deletes word in front of your cursor Ctrl + shift + esc brings up the task manager Der ere AN ere ea Te Ree ee aE ac Dee acekeeRAe ae y Une ce foc aat ferent cura ocd Ua Tn eC Ctrl+Z undo cua ACL) ours a oun Une SMe cry ee enn eae Cee ee UC Ee} RRM ere cas Ctrl + shift + left/right triangular bracket: increase/decrease font size in word Ctrl + shift + =: superscript in word Ctrl + =: subscript in word wv rods comf/AskRedelcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: CSM ny scraccs ) Pere en ne eo RR essa cee ee mene In your browser, tab brings your selection to the next interactable thing. Useful for saving clicks when you're filling out a page with a ton of fields, like shipping information. Holding shift and then hitting tab reverses the direction of traversal Windows + tab initially brings up a variant of alt tab that gives you the option to create a virtual Coes ease uC eRe En nie LNA delete, switch between, etc). However, I prefer ctrl + Windows + left/right PRR es aaa ea ee en sa oR ees nS starts with that letter. In some cases (e.g. dropdowns in htm)), typing a second letter tries to then match a second letter in the menu items. So to find Canada as a country, I type C, which would bring me to Cameroon, and then a (nothing changes), and then n, which would then bring me to Canada. In other cases like the file format selection in a save as menu, typing a second letter just tries, searching the first item that starts with that letter. In those cases, typing the first letter AGAIN will increment to the next item. For example, there are 4 CSV options when saving as in excel. 1 can get the 3rd CSV option by activating the menu (through clicking or tabbing onto it) and hitting ¢3 times. ean eee se cent anTy correct letters are highlighted, so this one is easy to learn. E.g. alt > o> f changes format in De eee ane eS este Re tae sen AN Re Ss a ec EOC Run is ede ee eee eral Ctrl + +/-/mousewheel zoom in/out Read ee CRs ec Oe Sea on ee Ce eee Ds ia mute c: captions Left/right: forward/back 5 seconds j/|: forward/back 10 seconds : speeds up/stows down video /: search Numbers 1-9: jump to x tenths of the video. E.g. pressing 5 brings you to halfway through the video. That's all I can think of for now. I have some more useful application specific ones especially for weird Excel addicts like me that I can follow up with if requested Edit: deleted incorrect shortcuts brought to light by u/EchoAWooo ere Nena Edit 3: more useful shortcuts thanks to u/indeterming wiv ced. com/AskRedaltlcommentimuTuyBlwhal_are_som ware that can totally impress someone? ey on) PRES Ca ee eese ee aR CRO eet RUE a ccd CRS eae cad RM ae ORO ent Ror See ES ag Ere ntiey PT Py fee ea etary Ptr Beer eM inte cn ane ekl ee Er) Poy coy Sa meee use inspect element to make sure you're typing your passwords correctly right-click a password textbox and click on ‘inspect’ and then see where it says ‘input, type=password’, change ‘password’ to ‘txt’ and the password will be visible in plaintext also useful for finding out what your passwords are if they're memorized by teh computer Er) Bo Ce eC Scum ec eae ed doing and after you change the input type you say "Alright I've hacked into the mainframe SUM eRe ae 6 wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD Inspect element is also handy for deleting annoying overlays asking you to sign-in or disable NE tema CC ery Bod Or don't fill it at all, It wil be a standard textbox. ry Cond Dem Oe Rca ee ee} oy Thad a girl who worked for me have her PC go tits up. Some kind of boot failure. She asked me for help saving her important files so I pulled out her HD, plugged it into my PC, got access to her files with some user permission BS I have long forgotten and transferred See RR aC Se Ea eMC N arc} I then went in to her files to check everything was in order and was greeted with several folders of pics of her boyfriend's extremely hairy dick ploughing her in various permutations. Thanks for that, Katie. 167 Qe: At least she didn’t lose her important photos. Ere pares pics of her boyfriend's extremely hairy dick ploughing her in various permutations hey, in today's world you'd have to pay monthly for that :P wiv reds comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ny a) 2more replies Ponte Poe DB onnas Write a small script and save it in a file to open all the programs you use everyday. I just double click this script file everyday after starting my work laptop and 6 applications open PIS Ages Ete} Cait eos eut etna ee acu Pav Nah. VPNs, telnet, terminal logins, that sort of thing dont always fire up from startup. We had around 16 different terminal/web tools/apps that needed to be started up pre- shift, Start scripts and aggregate tools were king. et) ccd can you not put the start scripts as an executeable in the startup folder? ro POO Pog Py Johnwiekwascoo! Se Re aga occ Me reek gc 27 ad wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD eM eerie Et) TSM- has given a good explanation in another comment. I will just paste a part of the exact script I use for Windows 10: Write your script in notepad, save it as abc.bat and double click the file every time you SUC er CU aaa Cee erent s CR ay Peete Raat ease a Seeger CMa energie aol hele aot start" “C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/root/Office16/ONENOTE. EXE” See ae CT Re Lee Seem ae CMa eee Lene ew eee Fry ere Wea tee D Be If you want to do it on startup, on windows you can go to file explorer and type "startup" in the location bar. Any shortcuts or files placed there are opened whenever you start Seca Launching a bunch of apps with a script can be done the same way. Put a bunch of shortcuts in a folder and name the shortcuts stuff like "photoshop". Then make a text file (rename it so it is .bat and not .txt file extension), and write start eae ea Rnd eres centr) ese T) ence) Sie a ie ana cee aC De cerca Camco eka eke CRE Uc wv rods comf/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ny scraccs ) You can make shortcuts by right clicking (or right click drag and drop) and selecting eer tae Ey Poy ed Corry] CeCe ane ear} eo a GD anon eee ee eee eee oe ah Sena Lee cael inside of windows, super convenient if you ssh into anything cause setting up ssh on Reena Edit: alot of people are commenting that setting up ssh has gotten easier, and that may be the case as I haven't even tried it in a while since I just use the ubuntu terminal. But even then, there are a lot of things I find the linux terminal more convenient for so I'm gonna keep Reena 22 Ponte Contes fe nea cc 7 Rua eae ety Poy wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) erect y Besse sna oa Istill remember that line. That was the most mind blowing thing as a kid Co Ce Com NaeCH 16 Poe Cots Stay cssock eRe Ce une Cue ecg ro cy ctrl + L for url bar ro I knew Ctrl¥€ to get to the search bar for chrome (has a weird search prefix, I know they are CRC eo Ear? Et) Pn ots See cman eH aetetceey eae ee ce eee LC to do is press random buttons on your keyboard. wiv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD More keyboard shortcuts: When editing text anywhere, you can hold control to move by entire words with the text cursor while pressing the left/right arrow keys instead of just one character. You can also hold shift to select entire words ata time ede ee oe eee Cea eee eee eer kab) F2 to edit a cell in a spreadsheet to do all of the above in Excel/OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Google Sheets has a few limitations though. Ey Coed Ci FS inserts a date/timestamp into Windows notepad. ry Cod ete Mt ok aoa Ce ea Sl Peer Ra RCM eRe ae the ability to leave their laptops and phones the fuck alone (preferably in a different room or CU aa eno a Cot @ cnn reese i Cee ee Ronee CR eco 36 eos rete st sa wiv rods comAskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_somi ware that can totally impress someone? @ sired © OG OQ + awverise MELD @ cottnanceitar r) With the right accuracy and strength, this works for people as wel co Peng On War ad 30 Pots Poy Pe eT PORT eee eet eg SCE Ee cee ea Ma Eee DeMnee oa nee Cau Ey a The Find Command (Control+F). You'd think everyone would know that by now but I am here to tell you, no they don't. Zipping through a 200+ page pdf to instantly find a keyword totally blows Ee recs 1 ie Pee eta ORCI Ma eka ie eT Sa Scns screen again. Sir aCe ener Cae nena Crna) Fe Pod wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD you use a completely different operating system on their computer without traces or eons as F oe Cad Using any commands around parents. They hate it so much that my parents would say to not use them, because it slowed down the computer. By commands I mean ctrl +shift +t or alt+ tab, Peace ons Fy rene eS Ce anes oC eo ace kas eal ea ny It really was just an old slow pc but now my father could shift the blame to me instead of the on Seen Ed Fy Cotes Nee ee Ree Roe en cn ee eT eet Cie ecg eee eran oy ere leat B nerd Aes ed ea ec Fy Rae an G wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (adeno) STD ‘ones were: nfa- no further action, cb- Cambridge, cbs- Cambridgeshire, ftci- files to come in, acb Sena eeu Ea DC Cc ae ee gs Rn eure ag Eee 7 Py CMa a tae ears Cue Te eae me nT? in the dev tools, change the title to whatever you want, and show it to someone and tell them Se earrece Re O nS far ereatc) Doe Rete Rac ea pecan ete Rn RO Neca aso See enc oa} 7 co Oa en Rae eta Ae ecg Fy PO ences arc Had an old boss call CMD "the dark side of windows” rd eee an Gre ae eRe ane ate a Cd infuriated with me because I put "DOS" on his precious Mac. ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ny scraccs ) a Ep ee ee or drives it'll take like minutes to go through all of it and you can make up all sorts of stuff Eee) oa See RCo aR ae 2 ey piuard If you ever want to download an undownloadable video on Firefox, Right click, select View Page Info, select Media, Sort By Type, select the Video you want, and Save As A ay Using Delete key basically is impressive. Using Home, End and others will open you alll the doors Ee eS Ctrl+Backspace to erase by words, Ctrl+Delete to erase words from the front. CU Mies a ee Es Oke aan Set ene ed a Shift+End/Home to select from cursor to the end/beginning of the line. Ctrl¥Shift+End/Home to select from cursor to the end/beginning of the text. Press Alt one time to start using one key control of the program (or smth what its callled idk), for Cea ate Memeo eC ag tele ay enc keane Rey (On desktop (erm, not pc, um, the thing where icons are) and in any place of system afaik you Oe en aaa eee ea eee a) wiv rods comAskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) Using Ctrl+x like i do: I type something, then somebody who I type to asks me something new, I use Ctrl+A > CtrlsX to save previous message, type a fast answer, then Ctrl+V to continue typing Eee Sl Pe Ret PRC U ESN Ca aCe} I can basically operate any computer with a keyboard without a mouse or touchpad and its Tee aCe cd EDIT: Just remembered after looking for some time in comments. If you have many windows ‘opened like: browser, bunch of folders, a film, Ps, Steam, etc. You can drag one window, wiggle ita bit with mouse and other windows will minimize, I myself was impressed it was even a MR ea Te Red G Pd RUC gee tcol Er Te ee a eee ee ceed Makes me wish I had all the certificates learning stuff for Microsoft office. Office has so many oa 3 cr eg tetera Missed a deadline and want to make it seem like you actually finished your work on time? Couple of clicks and it seems like you did, Eta pote wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) ha, i turned all my girlfriend's test scores to 100 using inspect element and walked away, assuming she knew it wasn't real she was like 'you're going to leave it like that?’ thinking i'd somehow hacked the actual scores Fa Se Windows key + D. Takes you right to the desktop instead of having to minimize everything, Ne era Cue a CL Ru Care k ea CE Sy 4 DE ORE eet ee cy 4 1've found that most basic troubleshooting knowledge, even among young people, is sorely lacking, CORE ee ae eS en cn Raa Re Ren cc anecure Even just blocking certain app processes from the network with the firewall. Sometimes I have edit registry values, but you kind of need to know what you're doing when you do that. It's Perec sae Oe ee a eae eae ee ead Pore Cre Cente B Ps wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSN ny scraccs ) G cour Use a minimalist Linux distro with a tiling window manager Sac ean Ua ea Do everything you can through a terminal, SARA eee eek nua ree Ree Ly Poy bones Cr+ Tab for quick forward chrome tabs navigation Co ee ae Fry Pe . re Pe See nee as ea Fy Whatever your preferred OS is -1 assume for most people it’s Windows and almost everyone Renee eee Ce ead Ok, so we are in agreement the computer is pretty much a part of life now and always will be Tee hon aU eer It makes you so much faster, so much more efficient. It should be trivial if you've already OR ee ese tia Te Applications too. If you type a lot learn ever key command in your text editor of choice. It will oe Enea Siar wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ry sicraccs ) Aegan eee Rn een A eka nk Se ee ae Runes All expanded out now though. Alt + H, A, S to drop a signature in office. A Cee Sea nc enue Can D rtrd Thave learned so many keyboard short cuts from my cats walking over the keyboard...and RRC amy Ree eu Cm Res oy Reset Rea Ee ee Sac a7 Pore hace It's always weird when I come up to someone's PC with a broken mouse and am able to navigate with little issue, and they look at me like some sort of wizard. I've had to fix PCs with non-functional mice so frequently that at this point I navigate Windows about 50/50 by Pee EA as ar aL eae eo eae g usually, and is sometimes quicker. Ey ort] Pees anaes ic eine a ate ELC en eC eMac gars 3 wv rods com/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) Py Cre windows key +"X" will open a menu most people haven't seen before. DR ate un eRe Ce ca ea Hit the 3 keys quickly, soon as you sit down will make it look like an admin command prompt eye ee ee Fy Se De eR a as aa ee ORC ae eee cg Reema 3 Co aT FI Pg Dee aecac 2. Open up blender and click random buttons 3. Try to survive against the hordes of breeding partners headed your way eo rotating stuff in paint COMMS CMe Ree Cee) ware that can totally impress someone? ey a) Pd OT Me Ae ane en ete Ue cn ee eee rue Ue ceo Se ee eae ee Fy Ty Ria ars ete et ee ra ae scripting, You shouldn't, but you could. A eet When looking at a website, press F12, scroll through the info that comes up, nod knowingly, and ER ae eee UE ae ce CO a riety 3 Ponty TE a ere nee FI ag Reo arse ae Cac ae aC) like it Fy wv rods com/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ry sicraccs ) ‘on macOS, using the cmd key + spacebar to search for programs without having to dig through the applications folder. It's also a calculator 6 Pry Py © iisidesnowbod If its for your grandmother, getting the printer to work correctly. Usually get a $20 tip for that a A Pen} So this will only blow the mind of a select few. Download Golly, , and explain the rules of Cerne ee el Rk Ce eka ace ae ee ay Deane gS ae tas A errno Ey SOR MRE rcs Er] Foe wv rods com/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (Gadurite) STD Pod Peace) Excel macro recorder. You hit record, it programs a script to repeat your steps exactly. SMe Mea Nae SE eae ech eae ee ok ea you click it, followed by the mouse zipping around the screen and building a report. A ast} PR a asa Sc) 7 re Ce eta [tae eh ee AT dee eee Cveraaey SO ea Roca CS Cea oun aeaN sel? Nes ee eee et ce aes ek Re Perec er etry Shift + Home followed by Ctrl + C will copy the sentence that you just wrote. (Much more impressive if text box is only one sentence high.) 3 Bron PE eee aeacas its Fy ey Shift + Home followed by Ctrl + C will copy the sentence that you just wrote. (Much more impressive if text box is only one sentence high.) Well, if you want the whole text box, no matter how big, might as well use Ctrl-a. By wv rods com/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? ey on) If ike me you have multiple tabs open, Ctrl/cmd+1-8 will take you to the first, second, through to eighth leftmost tab. Ctrl/cmd+9 will take you to the rightmost tab. A Peg & doinorz0s You can create a working website with plugin for javascript. A Bod Cae Winkey +E - open file explorer Ctr! + L- got to navigation bar (works in Chrome too!) Transcript CU eet eeu Gr ee et) Sean eee ees Vee ec Rt Coc Ree a nS Ci eee a CeO ee Poe Serene rae You can assign a keyboard shortcut to a shortcut by right click > properties. Can be used to write batch or powershell scripts and activate them with ease. eee ea atc ee en Lea Lo kd A Py high2ao eet eee Speaking of, is it possible to install a shortcut/command thing to switch between audio devices eM Caen ee Ma nn eae ck ND A Poe wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ry sicraccs ) SE EL eee ee cE eT Rea time from sending repetitive emails with just enough to change that templates in emails are useless. Seen recone ae ACE Ty a Peg Rea am asco mmeea e Reta aT Almost 300 portable apps inside a launcher app that can be run from a flash drive. Iam a consultant and sometimes I need an app the client either doesn't have or will not let me install, NE ann ace eee ac a heures) Se ake ect aan egal Me eer RS A Py Cee aR n NC naar iy a ee gegen as CCS eka See ee ee a Oe ee A ee Cun cae eee ate a Calling a network call instead of selecting a button. wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: 3:24PM \what are some smooth computer ticks/software that can otly Impress someone? : AskReedelt ry Cw erernacy SMe er F shop avatars ) Coen ERs A co Sea Ceuta ehMac ate ene] Oxia A alternatively, in Ease of Access > Keyboard, you can enable PrtScn to start Snip and Sketch snipping B Pen crest HEE A Py frend Cf Ck Ce ee eC ee OO Me Sinem Oe Run RUCK Rac Rue Coco Cormac A rene ee ee) a Seer) PSR Co Rena aoc eee ERC ea EY ae ap ea etc ae hitpssiwwwredct.comirAskRedetcommentsimu Tuya ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) 3 ey Tee eR Ree See Cue eee Cap aN ee ean) A Ctrl +L (or command + L) will jump your cursor to the url bar and also select the contents so you can navigate away from the current tab without using a mouse/trackpad. Pretty handy! A b-aene Pe RS Re eR 2 Allogiant_Authority Peer Senge ie a In excel ctrl; space ctrl shift; A Ferleeh ica A coy een Alt + ctr + del to make any program run fully optimized or fix any problem youre having ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) Co eae A eer Meier a ee ae nme 2 Pee Windows Key + Left or Right Arrow. This makes a window/program snap to one side of the screen and cuts itin half. It's so good for using multiple programs at once easily. a Ean There are a bunch of Windows key shortcuts, but these are the ones I use the most. Pee Ome SC COR tg Windows key + D to show the desktop Windows key +I to open Settings menu A Pree Hit Windows key and type app name or enough of it that it autofills the rest hit enter. 1.5 seconds, no mouse required. Win#shift+S key your mouse can select a rectangle of screen for screenshot. Its already in clipboard ctrl+v to paste right away or click the popup to edit or mark it up first. Snip & paste 1.5 Ee A CE Peer EN une a Pore wiv ced. com/AskRedaltlcommentsimuTuyBlwhal_are_som E 49183 ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (Gadurite) STD A ea ny RE A emer Alt-code, Dropped one at work the other day while typing up a bid and talking to my boss. Blew PRC EMC Rr cee sey Here is a link for those who don't know what they are. Enjoy [Ntsee eect ents] a CPR RS Gey et a poe sss A Py Using keyboard shortcuts for everything you can. In MS Office you can even create your own shortcuts. I work in excel and only use mouse to navigate pivot table fields. You should see some peoples reaction when I can operate it faster than they can comprehend what am doing a ed wiv rods comAskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) Cre mcd Take your laptop to the park and do a sick kickflip. Works every time. a ccs ied Ensen ae? SO A kee ae ee A pe eS ee) a ey OREO etea aii Paste without formatting, This made life 1% better the day I found it. A Erne) Thave a trick I did in my schoo! computer lab a few years ago that will annoy the shit out of, cos TERM ae nee eee a ae) website file and will open in Chrome or the default browser. Write this code in it: Peet em Orcas C eee sti’ Ree ie ae eR Ce oe Pee Rags Now, anytime someone opens the browser, it will close immediately making the brov Poe wiv rods comAskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? ey a) Cees ee econ re ku A Poe More specific, but Excel. Seriously. If you learn sumifs and viookups people will act as if you're Ste Eas A Ren ene a ean aa A Pd © caryaryss rs Pe eee ne eta as os Soe ean A Conan) Using "Inspect element” to download images in high resolutions or music from the source code. Or just messing around with the website layout for fun a cr ee ieee ao ero ee a ke ee ak k omc) Ere nac cas) used ctrl+f and tab shortcuts in front of my trainer once and she was like "wait how did you do a Cues wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (Gadurite) STD ec} Don't mind me, just saving all these comments for later A Eat beac aas use Alfred with the power pack extensions. I use the snippets to pre-fill text and sql queries arate eee A colleague came over and I had to run something a little involved, but I just filled in the “blocks” Rona ICA ony 2 occ} a Ee CE a kore cane aa eu ae stuff run, "My god. It says, 'Bad Command or Filename’! This guy is a hacker! Shirley, call the police!" A Cees Ce a UO are ce ila nal A ReaD Most if not all of my classmates are very technologically illiterate so I could probably just open a basic 3D program (i.e, Blender) and do basic mesh editing and they would go batshit crazy over rs ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) Pere Cone an a A Ens Thumbly submit pressing F12 in any MS Word application to enter the "save as" dialog, sparing Oe na cy a Pern SES so Re eae CSR ae CoML a rien ke delete button is like backspace but forward Pee ie ca sa ae Re cea Cries lees oe Ocoee rat) Pe Oe Cee a Meri) Madzogaz Peter ees Link A scenery SO cree Sa i Una eed ure RO eeu nie eee ce Ck a ee Coe A Py wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ny o-) eee a fone’ ee gl ae aN ne aL} settings.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Itwill give you a menu with pretty much all settings in one place, and if you want to get rid of it See Cae Cee ee ACE a eect a Nee ecg See a or cc a Peng Creo CEE eee a ean a ne Ce eae a une Crea seco ecs A SC Se roy ry A wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: SNM ry sicraccs ) Install Linux. Get used to terminal. Rice it. 772. Profit. A Bod See Neg eae Cen! G Bonus tip: winter in most climates = free OC headroom a Coenen eae Co ae Rd use those to play Sonic games, but last week, a bunch of people came over to my house. There were three kids who liked to play Mario. My joy-cons were missing, but one of them was CCC amc cg Mae cca ets Cena een ac ce eae ee ay retiey Well then, you're wrong, as the other kid wanted to play Super Mario 3D All Stars, That game is no longer available for purchase, so then would most likely be the only chance for that kid to play any of those games ever again. So, instead of making turns, Ijust got Super Mario Sunshine off the Dark Web (Vimm's Lair) for DS Reece Later, I found out that the other two kids liked Sonic too. By that time, everyone else had left PRM eM su ee RU Coe scr Pee Ru cea Coes ers ‘Two days ago, I met those two little kids again, as they were my second cousins. Pe ei Ca eae cr Sen a Ce neh G wort rods com/AskRedelcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) @ 2ereeranes ee eee cee eee aes ay access through tor. A Cee RECS a ese eRe ee What I did is technically illegal, but it isn't inforced that much. ° OTe een Ua rn sc Nei 2 Poet s Many (not all, and Office is hit or miss) editors will allow you to block select by holding down the Rene Oe nC Ru eR Ne ke car cond Tee a ae Highlight the first "the" then hold Alt+Shift and use the down arrows to get the next two. You OSn ET ecu 3 CR MES Cae ls age tc Re See EUS nae ee cae 3 wv rods com/AskRedelvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CERAM scr an ) A eee EO ee ite UC oa eeaceds o ra In my intro to Computer Science class (in college!) the teacher was in the command prompt and wanted to run a command again, so she press “up arrow" on the keyboard to recall the previous command. Half the class audibly gasped. es Rens a en eel oe ny en rt ee Rea uke eC eae a saad been taught this in computer class: eee Sc Ree ec ee ce Le there's a gap. If you have a large table that you can't drag and select with a mouse, click the top left do Ctrl+Shift and then press right and down and you'll have the whole table selected, ready ras A Pong Deleting system32 2 ee ead A Co reer) eee Sea Cae Ee Fy wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM ry sicraccs ) PCE aan Seana arcs Fy ee ond RL Ea aCe cE Cs ee weird and the text gets overwritten from the left? Yeah, you accidentally pressed the “Insert” key. Tap it again and Word will go back to normal. Fy ay re pe aN CRON rac ea Fy cy rac) Fy rere) Terao ney A CeCe Pressing AlttF4 while gaming automatically closes background processes and boosts your RAM Fy Conecct Rec uC CC Eo ee ee Cea et eee cena Re See i oa Ree ei ey cool Fy wiv reddit. com/AskRedaltlcommentlmuTuyBlwhal_are_som E ‘59183 ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ry sicraccs ) SOR Ia eRe LCR Ry ce ed A ops typo, its sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade ahaha Fy Rene Se cei A CSS UCZEL Ctrl+C for copy Ctrl + V for paste Town of Salem taught me a lot Ay ceed Control-L in Acrobat for full screen mode. Fy Rey CtrisShift+T reopening closed tabs. Its infuriating watching my girlfriend realize she needs to get back to a page and googles it when she could just reopen the one she just closed a So Windows + Printscreen saves the screen image in a “Screenshots” folder in your pictures a Emer) Re ease Se neh See oa A wv rods com/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (Gaderite) STD WIN + Shift +S and take a screen capture of the exact elements on the screen you want the EN a rere’ Shift + windows + s to take a screenshot of something specific on your screen rather than the RT Ma ee Cre Rena cr ee Soa Fy Peers Cone eee ee eee) a ened Drag a window all the way to the left side of your screen in the middle and it will expand exactly to half your screen, same thing applies to the right side. Drag it to the corner it will expand/limit Rescate am Rr Sra Fy eee Other shortcut for this (if on windows) is to hold the windows key and press one of the arrow POPE ewe Ea ara arcu a Spacebar for marking checkboxes. Fy ee eRe RCC ae a Peed wort rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ry sicraccs ) Pod grabbing a window (for example a explorer window) and shaking it will bring you to desktop. Shaking it again will bring all other programs back Fy oa ee ee ea uae UCC work in automation engineering and I'm always surprised when other computer people don't Ponce Fy Peer? Tve worked at not one, but two agencies that have a specific part of orientation training dedicated to ctri-C and ctrl-V, Not sure I have any tricks outside of basic key shortcuts. But I Poe ae ce UC eeu cae as it. The second one it was about 25% that knew about it. A et] Sere aca nn et ee ae Ee ee Te Sie ey ue eee eee Cee unt raa ge eye kee 10 minutes. I have no idea if the machines still allow cron access but they did at one point a Era) Cool Fy ST ee Just use it works like a charm a wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? PCR Mey scr nn ) Win+number on keyboard opens (or minimizes/maximizes if already open) stuff corresponding to the number on your start bar. Example you have your browser pinned first, you press win+1 and it opens the browser. Pee Cas eee ES Fy Cee ey Run a command or launch a program as administrator Hit the Windows key, type in the command and hold Ctrl-Shift and press Enter. You can launch a program as administrator by holding Ctrl-Shift and clicking on a program's entry in the Start menu or pinned to the taskbar. This doesn't work for double clicking icons on the desktop. Another useful one, you can copy a file's or program's path by holding Shift while you right click. ‘An option to "Copy as Path" appears in the context menu. Fy erty] Obscure keyboard shortcuts in Excel. Ctrl + * (accent, just above the tab key) toggles between Se cee ee ua Rama For bonus points: Alt + F11 to get to the VB editor, then Ctr! + G to view the Immediate pane, Oe Rae aE RCC n I. a rig a nO oe ue Ree ce ee er st EAC eas eee a aaa ae Fy cs middle mouse click on the middle of a tab and you can scroll without moving Fy Eee) ALT-TAB wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? ny a) Isaw a comment saying that pressing Win‘left/right moves the current window to half of the screen. I never knew that, so I tried it out but accidentally held shift as well. Turns out Win+shift+left/right moves the window between monitors (if you have multiple). Fy Cr Holding Ctrl + scrolling on the middle mouse button will resize the viewed page (good for when ee eee nee ti) Clicking on link with middle mouse button will open it in a new window. ema orcs Not sure if it works on all pages but if you need to save a picture quickly sometimes you can just Ne Rue anne ae eR ee ak image search, saves good 0,5 seconds when you need to make a good meme). 1 RS Pee) Set Re eae Sune ee a Pore Tere PT niay Fy S3gockos3 CU eee ee ee Ra aCe ea mers Ree oa a wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ry sicraccs ) re Me Cate) A oo Just learn to use Vim. That’s enough to take someones pants off. a Ered aU OR cu Sec meade cA aan) rea aCe ae Fy Penny See ee wee ee ane ee eS ie Fy ceed Ctrl+Alttarrow flip the whole display on windows Fy Peet It's kinda funny to weird out old people by COLOR A TREE in CMD and looking like a Hollywood hacker xD A Princeofeatpoop ee ea SN cee ag Run ue Sas closed with ctrlshifttt. You can see their blood run cold when they realize that closing their tabs doesn't hide that they were off-task, (Note this will not work in incognito mode, naturally.) Fy eens wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? ny a) Watching people who are really fluent with Vim makes me feel like they've transce Ta Res) a Crary ECan Red Re DC a ee ac UR ee ae eC ecu eo L An) This device will allow you to plug in those devices, and there's a switch that can send the peripherals to the corresponding computers. ‘Some have video connections for monitors, some are just usb, and some have headset jacks Erna Mine works automatically by sending which computer is on, and since I don't use both at the Seas a a bee For the life of me, I can't figure out why a 1-monitor KVM switch is like $20, but a 2-monitor switch is like $150. I could put two 1-monitor switches in a 3D printed box that pushes the Crea CU ee moe eas ae 3 Peng Seay Let OC aR oc Se Rg ere eR er iCE Fy 2 eee See RE Sar eC ECU near een ee wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Orman ©) SF A + (Gadurite) STD iene) SSE ene Rie ee Re Rea et Rae found the book by pressing just 3 buttons. It also saves a lot of time when you need to quickly OE et Re Cn eau eC Rec aae Rea nS Fy Cowart fits Sot AROMAS nets Meas tatters eet TP eee eer eect ata) Dee Me RCP OR a Ue DER Re eon Lares a ae ong results waaaaay better. ee SEO ORE ea a e ees Cat nee Cercle Fy shadowpierce117 NDE ae ae On Neues eis Fy Posen) PMN eo cone Eke ake Eee een Eee eee ae etek een ae ea AE eas eam nt eR ia Re UI To) e NM str Meee eT a) a Coe ec TN en ee ae eee ere ae ‘email wasn't responding, instead of restarting the entire computer every time the app froze up. Which it froze up 5 times in an hour. Fy fey Page ee Can Meee eee wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? conn On Linux, open a terminal, in full screen (a terminal session is even better). Run cnatrix, profit SOMO eee eee a Coy PN RR ae ee eae cast Fy Pree Te ue ae eee an oe tel aC ey recent open-source forks) on OS X, as well as Clipboard Manager on Android. Being able to copy multiple bits of text, then paste them as needed, is great. I use it when copying text from a website, plus the URL for citation, rather than having to tab back and forth. I can also set up “snippets” of things I commonly paste, which is useful in customer support (I Ponca es el ae cea a ie} POSE Cora Me ego aCe Cn cea ea Fy Peng aes Ses com econ eae see a Mee eect Ve ee Tec a Rem ee ee a oer oe Insc eo cee eer PRT ee ROC eR nc ae een en rece Co Dean Ra RCC a Ce cy Pils eMac ieee TAL That's probably more than you wanted, but as a freebie you can totally impress (enrage) your nerd/geek/techie friend "Emacs is arguably far superior to vi and if it had a smaller build size it Reno ikea wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (Gaderite) STD Cari windows+d to minimize setting a good steam controller config a Cena) erie er Caen ee ean Cun a Cc eR es Fy co a Wek ue een aeneemng ea ea acm eer cs eee ses 1 Peereey The amount of people that I have impressed simply by using ctri+c and ctrl+v has been enough Perea 1 Soy ee CEU Cae RC Ur oe Me) be side-by-side with equal dimensions with just a few key presses. Fy wiv ced. com/AskRedaltlcommentsimuTuyBlwhal_are_som E 2918 Orman ©) SF A + (Gadurite) STD een ore) Rens uci) creat a Ce windows+alt+arrows to flip your screen (doesn't work on every pe) Fy poet fie So Lanter ET] a Er aTee) SOs Mae Cs Fy Ey alt+shift+stamp and then yes will make you a real fake hacker A eC ers a Perret Sau us wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ry sicraccs ) ee] Telling my friends or family that it is an 1D 10 T problem till they get it. Fy Em) PCS [indent}print("Hello World”) a eed Windows key + v to show all of your clipboard contents Fy Ee Ee Bere een race COREL earn! Men Re eros 8 SCO Pee RE em eee eee eens ers A eno It’s a basic one, but CTRL + A select everything in a typing box. Can help a ton when you need to. ene a ued eee ees ce Caray Fy procs wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (eadurite) STD Reetnieet cy mma EL CL eT ae Cres Windows key + D, opens new desktop Fy Nr) OCR once ener Rat Ce nS RCMP Rec s Oe Ee aaa a aad nee See RO moe ea Uo Cun esate ae Fy Peary ‘On windows 10, if you hit Windows Key* Tab itll show you all the windows you have open Se eae eon ea Reta eae ae keene words in excel Ay Corns netstat, it's the trick all scammers use. Fy wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: rey on) Sena a cig d Fy Cea Windows key + ; to open emojis panel. Fy Prerrents F2 to edit the name of a file in Windows. No more accidental double clicking and opening, a CCE Press Alt+F4 in a gaming server to get free unlocks a fer Tene eC ea a ee ca) information like tree or ipconfig will make you look like some uber-hacker to anyone that's Deeg ee CaS ce ee enc Re ee believing that the scammer is a computer expert. Fy Pree es Cee can Win+left/right arrow key - to move Windows between section of screen or monitors. It's super Pes Cea ok ae ean ee nt Ye Oak kaa ay Fy wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CSM ny scraccs ) Ctrl + Alt and arrow (Up, down, sideways etc) You can rotate your screen, flip it upside down etc. Turn your coworkers screen upside down when not looking, (Windows OS only) Fy erry CUE RoC aac eC fete TRY Cra is) a Pome to get your hacking on, open command prompt and type in and enter otra Psst) Fy adeon Pretty much anything in Excel. A few I can recall impressing people: Using Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to select all data in an area Pee M en) Dene eee eau Dea ieee ee oe eR ete ea Rc] Fy Peart} Shift + windows key and arrow key of the direction you want will move what's currently in focus to the screen in that location, obviously only works when using multiple screens. Fy you can hear how your entire hard drive sounds like by doing aplay /dev/sda a wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8twhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (eadurite) STD Ctrl-SHIFT-; to stamp current time. Cells should be formatted for date or time Bonus spreadsheet formula =(C3-B3)*24 B3 is start time C3 is end time Formula converts es en a Tee ete eS a 11:57am to 12:12pm would be .25 (quarter hour) Great for Time Sheets, invoicing by the hour, TV producer show rundown, etc, Fy Cay Go Into command prompt, use either the ping or tracert command and they won't know what's EOE Ren eee a Se Cee eT ee Fy pont) en oe AUN ea eo] Fy Carey a ean eae ee ee Ca ee nce A Porm! (On a Mac, you can open terminal and type: say “any text you want" and a voice will read the Ree a cunts aac ec ce mene Ley Fra a Dome) Not using cursor at all or using terminal. Fy wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? Omani ©) SF A + (eadurite) STD SE ee eee Re ECR ec ace a Fy Bcc ese e ee eT ey 2) a beeen Drea a Naz rt Fy Anything requiring a command prompt or earlier. Fy Peet) Anything done through a command terminal Tenn CU! GRR SORE Cero n Fy Conor T blew my Father-in-law’s mind during the Masters when I showed him how he could use Chromecast on his SONY Smart TV. Coverage on TV hadn't started yet and CBS Sports had Cee a ee eee a BAM it’s magically streaming on your (Android Smart) TV. Most modern mobile applications Cun MO Se ne Rh eRe ec ne ka RU Rc Ce SURED Fy rot wiv rods com/AskRedelcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? ny a) OctaneTroopers, Apparently the fucking search function at my workplace. I often get asked to find something for someone and find it in less than a minute followed with "how did you find that” a Sed Pees Dea kr cn ee a ee Ron po) a monitor that is turned off. I have a triple monitor setup, but typically only use 1-2 monitors at Ere atc Fy Pret) Oe nCU en aaee nUn SC e ee Rc cg eee A ener Te Ore om es aoe aa a ge aa eee Cy endlessly useful and efficient, and they make doing mundane stuff in the PC a bit more fun due ee sonny Dee Oca Mec nc (erecta een oo eae LEE ey cacy) oun curt usc eS A ace SUR NO Cc) Ctrl + Return deletes the word behind your "typing cursor” while you type (Ctrl + Del deletes the Cree) Ctrl + Left Right Arrows helps you navigate text faster while you type (Moves word to word rather than letter to letter) Cee ei eae Meee Reason wiv rods com/AskRedelcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: CNM ny scraccs ) Ctrl + Up/Down Arrows moves you to the top/end of the page (Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down selects the Re ce ens eg) Fy Co Cree RR ae eee Loe Ey ry Tiny square in bottom right corner of the screen will minimize everything and show desktop. Go Pec ORE Re eS aE TS Fy PEC g Use a microfiber cloth and you will have the the smoothest computer ever! A Pee eonicey Running Windows powershell as administrator and typing mind-blowing commands. My dad did this on my laptop the other day to change the date and time and did some extra cool shiz and It Een eins} Fy Pare) If someone has an application that is not responding anymore, you can kill much more Teh ee Re Ca ee oe Google is your friend for other systems). Co eu ear AC a a DT ete) CU eta eS UE aD} Find the corresponding process and look for his PID (1-6 digits, second column in the display). wiv rods com/AskRedelcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? SNM Cry scraccs ) eee nec Fy Cher type text adventure in the google search bar and then do ctrl+shit+j to play a video game easter cy also ctrl¥g or ctrlf to search for keywords(if you do it you will understand what I mean) A ee) In Windows Notepad - when you hit F5 it will put in a time and date stamp in for you. Ifind it TCS Cun ae cee Mae pee at akc? Fy Pameray eel Fy osnrr Talways impress the guys at work with the tree command Fy Pod Screeners Ate ue ER Reg) Fy peoeecy Cree eC ear eee ee en sae gr 8 wiv reddit. com/AskRedaltlcommentlmuTuyBlwhal_are_som E 73183 ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ny scraccs ) ET ae RCN eae A Sony I don't know about impressing someone, but a funny way to get revenge (which might also impress them) is to replace all their icons with shutdown commands. Use Notepad to create an executable batch file, using the command @ echo (no space between @ and echo, by the way) Bane oy Save the file somewhere in the computer using the File Explorer and start making shortcuts. eee a eae eRe eee Rec aC co Ree Rec eee tc eae cu ane Seis nS Re De aes ee oC eee RE etna eet) Rinse and repeat with as many icons as you wish. Go back to the File Explorer and hide the PERS Rs ceca dca Rae ed Reet ea ee Re eer ee Re a ee A STs iors rer Ear eee eu ae asa oe a gan CoN Alt H © A will automatically set all row heights to the height of the tallest entry in that row. Really useful when you're looking at a sheet with people in a meeting and you just want to make Pca A Seo PC a eu a Then in the command prompt, type ‘telnet towel.blinkenlights.nt wv rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ny scraccs ) CNS RO a a ae ee Oe acca "Turn Windows Features on and off" and click the box next to Telnet. Click Ok.) Fy Sees A surprising amount of people don't seem to realize that pressing the windows key and left arrow will send your current application to occupy the left half of the screen exactly, and Oe he MRC CEM ace Re eee ag See ae Se LO et Cet a Ur See eden Pree aol eeu Men tae a cae I showed my grandmother and aunt how I edit videos on Adobe Premiere and they said it was Re ae Rae Re ure aU Rae Raa Ae Due Cnr Ree ane ce seen eco) Oecd Fy eee Typing ‘tree’ in CMD Fy irra SO uC tee EU Cun, an Badass way to start paint and will impress, a Alternatively windows#R gets you straight to the run window. 2 ww rods comf/AskRedlcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: ware that can totally impress someone? CNM ny scraccs ) BCU ea Sa Oa eG Ea rue ReneS ee oR ea eee aoe ca TT og RO ete ore aa ed Cee LOC Curae Ad versions ago. If you happen to need the symbol for Angstroms, it's Alt+0197. If you have never seen it before, Meas Ree eS ee Renee ee 1 Pod @ cee , scr} SOL Naa te 20 PRINT Econ A Pees coo eee eet ee ie aaa een cy -Ctrl + left/right arrow allows you to move the text pointer word by word instead of letter by letter. -Ifyou keep Ctrl + Shit pressed while writing, and move the text pointer with the arrows, it will select everything the pointer walks through, this can be combined with the previous trick to select and copy paste stuff without having to point the cursor. -Ctrl + tab switches the tabs in most explorers and Windows + tab does the same thing with nen -Ctrl + Shift + T reopens the last closed tab on most explorers, and if you close the window itself, ER aka cee RM aU casa cS use ee Succ -Tab selects the first element in the screen, and everytime is tapped it selects the following element. This is useful for example while logging in websites, instead of typing your name, and wv rods comf/AskRedelcommentsimutuy8tuhat_are_som: Peer Ca ea ner Fy ec Meant kay Fy Procd eR Ee We Ue ak stake Fy STenECLry Thaven't seen anyone mention Windows + V. It opens a scroll-able clipboard so you can access past things you have copied. I find this really handing when setting up account at work and I PC Sc oe ene ee RC cae SN CU aOR Re st ce Cus RRs ey eee Pees ane Rn Cec cc McRae ec multiple virtual desktops. Think if you are working on something like research or writing papers and you have a bunch of PDFs, browser tabs/windows, a word editor... and you are done with that for the day, you don't want to close it because you'll need to pick up where you left off De aa CC a ane ce eee o Cee acs Rue aN ase cca case aa sed aa ea Sue Te Regu OA RE ead research/productivity mode just as you left it yesterday (don't shut down or restart) a Pony KingFurykiller Very Fy ey wv rods com/AskRedlvcommentsimutuyBtuhat_are_som:

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