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Firearms Combat Maneuvers

The greatest advantage of modern personal firearms is not their lethality (getting hit with a greataxe is plenty lethal,
even compared to being shot), but their compact nature and relative ease of use. As a result, you can perform com-
bat maneuvers with modern personal firearms that are not an option for other weapons, as detailed below.
Burst Fire: Some modern personal firearms have the ability to burst fire (indicated by the burst special feature on
Table 2: Modern Weapons). As a standard action, make a CMB check against your opponent’s CMD. On a success-
ful check, you hit the target. For every 5 your CMB check exceeds the target’s CMD, the target is hit by an additional
attack. Burst fire requires you expend at least 3 rounds of ammunition, and you can expend up to 10 rounds (if your
weapon has that much ammunition). You cannot hit the target with more attacks than rounds of ammunition ex-
pended. You cannot deal precision damage (including sneak attacks, and any damage type that specifies it does not
work beyond 30 feet) with a burst fire attack.
Double Tap: Any modern firearm (PL 4 or higher) can be fired much more rapidly than a bow can be shot, and in-
deed more quickly than typical melee weapons can be used to make attacks. To represent this, a character can
make a single attack with such weapons as a move action, though with a -2 attack penalty. If combined with making
a single attack as a standard action, this allows even 1st-level characters to make two attacks per round with a mod-
ern personal firearm (one at his normal attack bonus as a standard action, and an unload attack at -2 as a move ac-

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