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10/10/22, 17:49 Venison medallion with red wine & chocolate sauce - FRESH

Venison medallion with red wine & chocolate sauce

The lean and tender venison medallion barbecued and served with a very special red wine &
chocolate sauce. The quality dark chocolate adds a deep, velvety richness to the already tasty red
wine sauce.

PREP TIME 20 mins COOK TIME 40 mins TOTAL TIME 1 hr

COURSE Dinner, Lunch

SERVINGS 3 people


Salt and pepper 1/2
10/10/22, 17:49 Venison medallion with red wine & chocolate sauce - FRESH

6 New Zealand farm raised venison medallions

1 tbsp butter

For the red wine & chocolate sauce

100 g Farmland thin sliced streaky bacon diced

3 shallots diced

3 cloves garlic crushed

8 black peppercorns lightly crushed

2 sprogs Superb Herb thyme

1 Superb Herb bay leaf

250 ml red wine

350 ml chicken stock

40 g 70% dark chocolate finely grated

1. Make the sauce/ In a saucepan, fry the bacon, shallots, garlic, herbs and peppercorns until the
shallots are translucent. Deglaze the pan with red wine and boil until reduced.

2. Add stock, reduce the temperature to a medium low heat and simmer until reduced by half,
approximately 30 minutes.

3. Pass through a sieve and add finely grated chocolate. Whisk gently.

4. Barbecue venison/ Take the venison out of the fridge to come to the room temperature. Preheat
the barbeque to high.

5. Oil and season the venison medallion. Sear the meat until brown all over.

6. Wrap the meat with a knob of butter in foil and place on the barbecue rack for 8 minutes.

7. Leave to rest for at least 20 minutes.

8. Slice meat and serve with your favourite sides drizzled with the red wine & chocolate sauce.

Tip: Make sure the sauce doesn’t boil when adding the chocolate or it might curdle. 2/2

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