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Effect of storing milk at 3°C and 7°C on the quality and yield of Cheddar

Article  in  Dairy Industries International · January 1988


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3 authors, including:

Michael Mullan
Dairy Science and Food Technology Services


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WilfredWeatherup, W
!o.-$ SS (q) tb^tS
Michael, A Mullan and
Janos Kormos report from

Effectof storing
Refrigerated storage of raw milk is used
extensively to limit the growth of microor-
ganisms in mitk prior to processing. It has
been suspected for some time that the
quality and yield of cheese produced from
bulk cooled milk may be adversely affected
by this procedure.
The reduced yield and poor quaiity may
be due to physico-chemical changes in the
and yieldof
state of several milk components. Ali,
Andrews and Cheeseman (1980) reporred
that dissocation of micellar casein, mainly
q-casein into
a soluble phase, occurred dur-
.g the first 48 h of storage at 4' and 7'C.
Thisresulted in losses of fat and curd fines,

Gheddarche ese _
weaker curd, more moist curd and a slightly
lower yield. Partial reversal of dissociation
occurred after further storage.

Alternatively, the reduced yield and poor
quality may be caused by the activities of
heat resistant extracellular enzymes pro-
duced by bacteria. Itis well established that
the microflora of refrigerated raw milk con-
sists mainly of psychrotrophic bacteria. *
These bacteria produce heat resistant ex-
tracellular enzymes which attack fat and
protein components of the milk. O'Leary er
a1 (1983) reported thar rhe acriviry of these
enzymes in milk may lead to reduced yields
of cheese and flavour defects.
This study was undertaken in order to
assess the problems associated with the use a, 881
of refrigerated milk in the manufacrure of '{ p.o
Cheddar cheese. lo:r::lii
Methods and materials
Bulk milk from a local creamery was 86.
.tained on day I and divided into three
equal lots. The first lot was used to produce
two vats of cheese while the remaining lots
were stored at 3o and 7"C respectively and Time o{ storage (da1s)
used to produce cheese on day 3 and day 5.
An attempt was made to ensure that fresh (1 t'igure 1 . Variations in the yietd of Cheddar
day old) milk was used but it is probable cheesemanufactured from milk stored at 3'
that the supply contained some alternate day and 7'C. (Each point is the mean of seven
collected milk which would have been 2 replicates.)
days old at the poinr of reception.
Standard cheesemaking procedures were Both fat and total solids recovery de-
adopted and a defined bacteriophage- creased with storage of the milk (figure 2).
insensitive multiple-strain starter was used. This may have resulted from the degtada_-
All process variables were monitored and tion of fat and protein by extacellular en-
samples of raw milk, stored milk, pasteu- zymes produced by psychrotrophic bacteria
rised milk, whey and pressed curd were (Stofer and Hicks, 1983). Degradation of
subiected to detailed chemical and micro- proteins would limit the amount of casein u .50
biological analysis. that ends up in the cheese curd while hyd-
The curd was also sampled and analysed rolysis of fat would result in FFA being lost 'E:ll-,
on a monthly basis throughout ripening. in the whey. riB.r;49
The levels of phosphotungsric acid soluble Alternatively protein recovery may have rE.::'
nitrogen (PTA-soluble N) and free fatty been reduced by physico-chemical changes
acids (FFA) were used to monitor fat and in the state of the protein during storage of
protein degradation during ripening. the milk (Ali et a,l 1980).
Cheese yield. Variations in cheese yield elreese quality. C-treeses were graded at
are shown in figure 1. Storage at both 3" and 1, 3 and 6 months by a commercial cheese
7'C resulted in a significanr decrease in yield grader. The grade scores at 3 months are
(P<0.001). There was no significant differ- shown in figure 3.
ence between the two temperatures (P : Storage for 5 days at both 3" and 7"C gave
0.084). A much greater scatter of values was a highly significant reduction in quality with
found at 3'C than 7'C. This could not be the maiority of the cheeses not achieving a Figure 2. Recovery oflat and total solids in
accounted for by variations in moi;ture con- graded score. In financial terms, this could Cheddar cheese manufactured from milk
nt mean a loss of f 100-200 per tonne. stored at 3o and 7"C. (Mean of 7 replicates.)
February 1988
sure of protein degradation in the fresh curd
and in the cheeses during ripening.
Conrrol f---] CldalsG There was a highly significant difference
a < A-,.,
88 3'C/3 days lUlt$lllt in the soluble nitrogen levels in the fresh
3'' C15 days ffa
- curd (p : 0.001). The grade score at 3
87 months and the levels of PTA-soluble N in
the pressed curd were also highly correlated
(p < 0.001). The levels of PTA-soluble N
increased during ripening but there were no
significant differences between the cheeses
made from milk of different ages and stored
at different temperatures.
This evidence would suggest that ex-
tracellular proteolytic enzymes produced by
psychrotrophs may also be important in the
reduction of cheese quality.
Cheese hardness and colour. The hard-
ness of the fresh curd and cheeses during
ripening rvas assessed using an Instron Uni-
versal Testing Instrument (Model 11'10).
No significant differences in hardness
rvere detected in fresh curd made from
r;su* c));nr,,,,t,, r,}'-on,a, stored milk and. unstored milk. Assessment
) s.
of cheese colour using the Hunteriab Tristi-
'fhe effect was more marked at ,'C than th:: .:g:l:r.":: re','el> rri iree l-attv acids ma1' mulus Colorimeter also revealed no signifi-
3'C (p : 0.045). Storage at 7'C tor -1 davs 1tr.:u: it :r',\ :rilk ri'hen the psvch_rotrophic cant differences between controls and stored
also gave some reduction in qualitv *hile ..,unl 1s sr.::er than 1x 10o cfu/ml. milk cheeses or between cheeses made from
storage at 3'C for 3 da1's led to a slight Jle:s,:; ,ri ihe levels ol FFA in the milk stored for 3 days and 5 days.
improvement (p < 0.001). Al1 r'anatrons in tie:h ;::i "ri in the cheeses during ripen- Some workers have claimed that proteoly-
scores were the result of variations rn t-lavour mg in.i.":ei rhal the ler-el of FFA increased tic degradation of casein by psychrotrophs
and aroma and body and texture. Scores tor *'irh tine :nci temperalure of storage of the causes additional water to be bound by the
colour and finish did not var)'. mili;:<a).001 . altered protein (Hicks, O'Leary and Bucy,
The grading scores at 6 months shou'ed a results is shorvn in figure
-\ n'rl;.r, :ei oi 1977). This could lead to the iegal moisture
similar pattern, with a significant improve- :. Thrs :niicates that the poor quality may content (39%) being exceeded.
ment in quality of the cheese produced from L,e .iue :.. lhe action of extracellular lipolytic Kalogridou-Vassiliadou and Alichanidis
milk stored at 3oC for 3 davs. enz\':r1e: lrLrduced b1' ps1'chrotrophic bac- (1984) found that Teleme cheeses made with
Psychrotrophic count. The psvchro- ieria. Th:s ha' lurrher been confirmed by stored milk tended to hold higher amounts
tophic count (.7"C110 days) in the stored milk erarniiLauon oi rhe FFA profiles which were of moisture throughout manufacture and
inireased rapidly to 1 x 106 cfi-r/ml in -1 n'pic:i rf those resulting from bacterial curing. They attributed the higher moisture
days. The growth rate was slightlv faster at lipa.e a;ur-itr-. levels to pH changes in the milk and altera-
7'C than 3"C and reached a higher level atier Tl:e reiationsfup between the level of tions in the water holding capacity of the
5 days of storage. Lipolytic and proteolvtic FF-\ ir the pressed curd and grade score is protein during storage.
counts showed a similar pattern. The rela- shtr$ r: rn igure 6. This indicates the impor- We did not find a significant increase in
tionship between the psychrotrophic count ranr rLrle oi FFA in cheese quality and would moisture leveis in the cheeses made from
and the grade score is shown in figure -1. suggest rhat the levels of FFA in the pressed refrigerated milk and none of our cheeses
Cheeses which failed to gain the selected cur,f mav be used as an indication of the exceeded the legal limit. Similarly, no signi-
rgrade (85 points) were generallv produced gradrng potential of the final cheese. The ficant differences were detected in process
from milk with a psychrotrophic count oi level of PTA-soluble N was used as a mea- times due to storage of the raw milk.
1x cfir/ml or greater.
106 Continued on page 25
Muir and Phillips (1984 have indicated : r : - -L -
. .
manulactured trom
Fisure 5 . Changes in the levels of free fatty acids Cheddar cheese
mlk stored at i"
and 7"C.
Figure 4. Relationship between the
psychrotrophic count in the raw milk and 80 Cohti'al::. i1.:r,i'ffi,ft.
the grade score at i months. a":i., ;1r;1r,; 1':llr-', .:,1;:-::'I
. y=89.88 0.72{
r: 0.47 ,7.!e.i3,i_d3..:i.i.g
P < 0.001
:9i,. rr:
- .:.
g. ..
,O'i '.:
aU5 a
,!,..,"' ')
,g 84,
.q::.: .

i'^--:= : t: -^---;<

of clean milk quality amongst its members.

Table l. Participation is voluntary, but the advan- Table 3.
tages include public recognition of a source Targets for milk comgosition of Saanen-type
Conposition of goat, caw and sheep milk g'car$
Goat Cow Sheep of clean milk, and more business for produc-
o/o Fresh weiglrt
Total solids (%) Il.9 I2.8 19.4 ers who reach the required standard.
Total solids >11.6
Fat (/o) 3,9 3.9 8.3 The scheme involves submitting samples
Fx 3.8
Protein {o/o) 2.9 3.3 5.4 of milk at regular intervals for analysis by an
Protein 3.4
Lactose (o/o) 4.3 4.8 4.8 independent microbiological laboratory.
Laetose 4.3
*sh (%) 0.8 0,8 0.8 Standards are similar to those of MMB Band ,

A producers: Ash 0.8

Source: Wdkinsoa and Stark (1987)
* Total bacterial count less than 20,000 Squrce: rilfi*inson rnd Stark (t987)
per ml
stable, consistent end product. * Coliform organisms less than l0 per ml
Goat producers are recofirmended to pro- Clean Milk Producer status allows the use of a special logo on products.
duce milk of similar hygienic quality to that
achieved by good dairy farmers. The De- Conclusions
partment of Agriculture and Fisheries for Table 2. The dairy goat industry is developing fast.
Scotland has produced an excellent code of Average of rruik from Brrtl'slr Goat milk is no longer a rare commodity
practice on the hygienic control of goat goat brceds available only in health food shops and from
milk, to help to achieve these targets. The Breed Cornposition (u/o) the garden gate. Liquid milk is being sold in
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food S'at Frotein bulk to supermarkets and to specialised
is about to produce a similar code. Crosebred 3,7 2.8 processors who supply a wide range of out-
Even with clean milk, rapid cooling and British SaanenlSaanen 3.7 2.8 lets.
refrigerated storage is essential. Although British Toggenbugl 3.7 2,.7 It is more than ever vital than good com-
goat milk can be frozen, slow freezing can Toggenburg positional quality and hygienic standards are
cause separation of fat globules. Anglo.Nubian 5.0 3,5 achieved by every producer of goat milk and
Milk should also be free of antibiotic British Alpine 4.1 3.0 milk products.
residues. GoldedEnglish 4.i 2.9 Reference
Clean Milk Scheme Guernsey
Source: lfilkinsou and Start (19E7)
!(ilkinson, JM and Stark, BA (1987) Com-
The GPA has launched (July 1987) a Clean mercial Goat Production Oxford: BSP Pro-
Milk Scheme to achieve a uniform standard fessional Books, l59pp.

{ 17 Effect of storing milk at 3o and 7"C on the quality

and yield of Cheddar cheese

88 Figare 6.
Conclusions r : 0.69 fieJarionsfup
l. Storage of the raw milk at 3' and 7'C for P < 0.001 betweea thefree
three or more days reduces the yield of fatty acid leuel in
87 tiepressedcurd
Cheddar cheese.
2. Storage of the raw milk at 7"C for three or and the grading
more days adversely affects the quality of $core ar S rnoxrlrs.
Cheddar cheese as perceived by a com- -8 86
mercial grader. Cheese quality is also c
reduced by storage at 3'C for five days. o
3. Storage at 3'C for 3 days improves the .4 85
quality as perceived by a commercial 'u
4. The available evidence suggests that poor
quality is due to the action of lipolytic 9e+
enzymes produced by psychrotrophic
5. Storage of good quality raw milk at 7"C (J ,83
instead of3"C, for periods ofup to 5 days
does not improve cheese yield.

(1) Ali E Ali, Andrews, A T and Cheese-
man, G C (1980) I. Dairy Res. 47,
(2) Hicks, C L, O'Leary, J and Bucy, J 30
(1977) I. Dairy Sci.60, (Suppl. 1): 170.
(3) Kalogridou-Vassiliadou D and Alichani-
dis E (1984) l. Dairy Res. 51, 629-636.
(4)Muir, D D and Phillips, J D (1984)
Milchwissenschaft, 37, 7 -lL.
(5) O'Leary, J, Hicks, C L, Aylward, E B, Acknowledgements
and Langlois, B E (1983) Proc. Sixth Int !(e are grateful to the scientific staff of the analysis, Mr G McNeill (Agricu-ltural Insti-
Congress Food Sci and Technol. Vol. 1, Food Technology Division for their valuable tute, Moorepark Research Centre, Fermoy,
150-151. assistance with this work and we also wish to Co Cork) for providing free fatty acid pro-
(6) Stofer, \W, and Hicks, C L (1983) Cul thank Dr D Kilpatrick (Queen's University, files of cheeses and Mr J Thompson (NID-
tured Dairy Products,f. 18, ll-14. Belfast) for his assistance with statistical Co) for grading the cheeses.
Dairy Industries International
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