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Social media platforms have the ability to magnify election-related information that’s why

political parties may leverage TikTok's influence for their campaign activities. However, social media,
like conventional media, can be a double-edged sword, as per Atienza, a political science professor at the
University of the Philippines. Because while some supporters may use TikTok to educate the public about
their political views and ideology, others can use it to fabricate and propagate misleading information and
intense hatred. These adverse scenarios are circulating in the discourse community and it certainly needs
a countermeasure.
In TikTok, the utilization of hashtags is recognized as a convention, making it much easier for
users to share and discover content as well as participate in conversations about topics that interest them.
Even though some users are vulnerable to disinformation distributed by troll accounts for the advantage
of the candidate they support, others remain vigilant about the news and information they see on the
platform. It is both dismaying and infuriating that some individuals are willing to put their conscience and
morality on the line to deceive the public for political gain, since disinformation fosters misinformation,
especially among those who are easily fooled and manipulated. But then, within the discourse
community, there are content creators that adopt the hashtags #notodisinformation and
#notohistoricalrevisionism for their video content which is made to raise awareness and shed emphasis on
the misleading nature of the propaganda that is terrifyingly becoming part of the normalcy.
TikTok creators make use of their platform by providing content that denounces and critiques
other videos which disseminate spliced videos and misleading and inaccurate information. They refute
these claims by citing sources from textbooks and explaining the complete context of an issue. Discourses
also take place in the comment section, and from there, various users take a stance in the debate
depending on whom they support or oppose. Some present facts with rationale and credible sources, while
others spit out absurd claims with no ground. Nevertheless, there are still others who engage in a
constructive debate that significantly contributes to the shift of a political viewpoint. The number of
individuals and users eager to utilize their voice and stature and to enforce their morality and principles to
combat disinformation offers reason for hope and points to a positive political election result.
ByteDance. (2016). TikTok (Version 23.1.4) [Mobile App]. Play Store. Retrieved from
Ordoñez, J.V. & Tan, J.E. (2022). Presidential candidates harness TikTok during Philippine ‘silly season’.
BusinessWorld. Retrieved from

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