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NSTP2 – Activity 2

1. In your own point of view, what is/are the impact of transformational and transactional
leadership in a group/community? State your thoughts (at least 200 words)
The goal of transformational leadership is to inspire and motivate followers to realize
their full potential. This style often involves creating a vision for the future, setting
challenging goals, and empowering followers to take ownership of their work. The impact of
transformational leadership can be significant and long-lasting, and can include increased job
satisfaction, improved morale, increased motivation and commitment, and improved
organizational performance.
Transactional leadership, on the other hand, is a leadership style that focuses on clear
expectations and rewards and punishments based on performance. This style is characterized
by setting clear rules, procedures, and goals, and using rewards and punishments to motivate
followers to achieve them. The impact of transactional leadership can be positive in the short
term, as it provides clear expectations and a structured approach to work. However, over the
long term, transactional leadership can lead to decreased motivation, decreased job
satisfaction, and reduced innovation.
In conclusion, both transformational and transactional leadership can have positive
and negative impacts on groups and communities, depending on the situation and the
individuals involved. The most effective leaders are often those who are able to use a
combination of both styles, adapting their approach to meet the needs of their followers and
the demands of the situation.

2. What are the skills needed to be an effective leader in society? State your thoughts in bullet

Being an effective leader in society requires a combination of personal qualities and practical
skills. Here are some of the key skills and attributes that are typically associated with
effective leadership:

 Communication: Effective leaders are able to communicate their vision and ideas
clearly and effectively, both in writing and in person. They are also good listeners and
are able to build relationships with others by understanding their perspectives and
 Emotional intelligence: Effective leaders are able to understand their own emotions
and the emotions of others and use this knowledge to build positive relationships and
navigate complex situations.
 Decision-making: Effective leaders are able to make difficult decisions, weigh up
options and risks, and take appropriate action, even in uncertain or challenging
 Adaptability: Effective leaders are able to adapt to changing circumstances and are
comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. They are able to pivot their plans and
strategies as needed and keep their organizations moving forward.
 Empathy: Effective leaders are able to understand and connect with the experiences
and needs of others, and use this insight to make decisions that are in the best interests
of all stakeholders.
 Integrity: Effective leaders act with honesty and transparency, and maintain high
ethical standards in all their dealings.
 Strategic thinking: Effective leaders are able to think critically, analyze complex
problems, and develop creative and effective solutions.
 Inspiration: Effective leaders are able to inspire others to achieve their full potential
and to work together towards a common goal.

3. What is the most important goal of transformational leadership? (at least 200 words)

The most important goal of transformational leadership is to inspire and motivate

followers to achieve their full potential and to work towards a shared vision or goal.
Transformational leaders aim to create a positive and energizing work environment that
encourages creativity, innovation, and collaboration. They focus on developing the strengths
and abilities of their followers and helping them to overcome challenges and obstacles.
Transformational leaders often have a clear and inspiring vision for the future, and they work
to engage their followers in this vision. They do this by setting challenging goals,
encouraging creativity and risk-taking, and empowering followers to take ownership of their
work. By fostering a sense of purpose and belonging among their followers, transformational
leaders are able to create a high-performing and motivated team.
One of the key elements of transformational leadership is the development of strong
relationships between leaders and followers. Transformational leaders work to understand the
needs and motivations of their followers, and they use this knowledge to build trust and
respect. They also provide support and guidance to their followers, helping them to develop
new skills and to grow both personally and professionally. Another important aspect of
transformational leadership is the focus on continuous improvement. Transformational
leaders encourage their followers to continuously learn and grow, and they provide
opportunities for professional development and growth. They also encourage their followers
to take on new challenges and to seek out new experiences that will help them to grow and
In conclusion, the most important goal of transformational leadership is to inspire and
motivate followers to achieve their full potential. Transformational leaders work to create a
positive and energizing work environment, foster strong relationships with their followers,
and encourage continuous improvement and personal growth. By doing so, they are able to
build high-performing teams that are capable of achieving great things.

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