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Name :Irhan Wardana Wahyu Syaputra (14)


Class :2 PPB-A

1. Four Levels of Organizational Culture

An explanation that is too short and there is no description such as an example will be a
future evaluation. In the video, it is quite concise and clear, so it is easy to understand what
is conveyed in the video. For what theory can be seen in the video that an organization has
four levels of organitatoin culture. Organizational culture is a shared system of values,
norms, and assumptions that guide the attitudes and behavior of members. The 4 levels
include artifacts (mainfestation of culture), assumptions (unconscious sources), espoused
values (stated values), and enacted values (behaviors exhibited).

2. What is Corporate Culture? The Importance of a Positive Corporate Culture

in the video the presentation is quite interesting with narration combined with animated
animation so that the delivery of theory is easy to understand. we can understand that
Corporate culture is the collection of values, beliefs, ethics and attitudes that characterize an
organization and guide its practices. An organization's corporate culture is shaped by a
variety of elements, including the physical environment, hierarchy, and HR practices, as well
as a company's emphasis on more abstract elements such as process, innovation,
collaboration, competition, community involvement, and social engagement. A strong,
positive, and clearly-defined corporate culture can help businesses succeed. And hiring
employees that fit well with the corporate culture typically results in commitment and
productivity. Negative corporate cultures can even cause serious problems, ranging from
hyper competitive coworkers to immoral leadership and criminal corporate activity.

3. What is Organizational Culture?

in the presentation of the video with animation which tells the life of a child, this theory is
more interesting. The theories that we can learn include organizational culture is influenced
by beliefs and assumptions what do we mean by beliefs and assumptions beliefs and
assumptions come from the things that we hear observe and learn. but in order to
succeedorganizations need to be able to adapt. underneath the surface of an organizational
culture we have assumptions beliefs perceptions thoughts and feelings these are taken for
granted we can't see them.

4. What Is Corporate Culture?

In the video, quite interesting illustrations are presented with pencil sketch animations and
with the presentation of the opinion of the characters. presentation which in my opinion is
fast enough to become an important evaluation. from the video made of instinctive
repetitive habits and emotional responses a company's culture is the collection of self-
sustaining patterns of behaving feeling thinking and believing that determine the way we do
things around here. with changes through procedures and with proper emotional control
can change to a better culture for the next generation.

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