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Its meaning is similar to the meaning of will » and « goal and the deed is not accepted
except with it. The Prophet said: " Actions are only judged according to intentions and
every man shall only have that which he intended." In this context, Ibn Mubarak said: "It
may be that a small action is increased by intention and it may be that a great action is
lessened by intention." if the deed is done for Allah alone without anyone else having any
portion of it, then it is called a sincere deed. If it is done for another than Allah, then it is called
showing off, hypocrisy or something else. The first thing a Muslim must do to make good is to
purify the intention in worship. We should act sincerely for the sake of Allah and dedicate our
deeds to no other, whether by way of idolatry, hypocrisy or ostentation.

We must actively cultivate the virtue of sincerity in our worship and deeds, as it is the
first blessed step on the straight path toward eternal life in the hereafter. In truth, Allah has
commanded us to make our worship sincere for his sake alone. Sincerity is the obligatory
prerequisite for the acceptance of any righteous deeds and not only an encouraged virtue.

A Beneficial Note: All people are going to be fall into destruction except those of
knowledge. And all of them are going to fall into destruction except those who act upon their
knowledge. The first duty upon every servant who wants to obey Allah is to know his intention,
and then he has to correct it through acting upon it after knowing the reality of truthfulness and
sincerity. To act without having an intention is a hardship, having the intention without
sincerity is showing off and sincerity without faith is a waste.

Having a good intention when committing a sin does not make it a good deed...If a
person intends to show off, his deed becomes a sin and a minor shirk.

1. Find the definition of the following words: hypocrisy, hardship and will:
1 A condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression...
2 What a person wants to happen or the power used to control thoughts and actions.
3 A situation in which a person pretends to believe something he doesn't believe or
what is the opposite of what he does or says.

2. Find the words that are the closest in meaning to the followings:

Actions wrongdoing Calamity purpose

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3. Find the antonyms of the following words in the text:

Major Monotheism Decreased

4. Translate into Arabic:

Showing off Hypocrisy Faith minor shirk Sin

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