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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hallo everyone, let me introduce myself my name is umi azizah fitriani you can call me umi.

I was born in central java exactly Pekalongan on 3 January 2003 who grew up in Bekasi. Now im 20

im gonna tell you somthing.

At this age I like to keep myself busy such as join some organization, become a private teacher, and
now I work as a data division election voting committee. Become young adult I have to be able to
manage time, be disciplined, responsible, and confident to take all these steps.

Talk about youth, I'm going to tell u bout the adolescence.


Adolescence is a period of change or transition from childhood to adulthood which includes

biological changes, psychological changes, and social changes.

Adolescence is often referred to as a period of searching for identity. Various adolescent problems
can also have an impact on their mental health.

Various changes occur in adolescents as a form of puberty. Usually the weight and height of the child
will increase, pubic hair growth, menstruation (in girls), increased thinking ability, have more
sensitive or emotional feelings, and the last development of vital organs.

It is not surprising that adolescence is one of the most rapid phases of human development.

what are the common teenage problems?

12 common teenage problems

1. Appearance Problems

They also begin to be attracted to the opposite sex. Usually there are skin problems with acne and

2. Eating Disorders

They are afraid of gaining weight so they let themselves starve, neither eat nor drink.

3. Academic problems

4. Depression
Depression is one of the biggest problems in teenagers. Not only physical, mental disorders can also
occur in adolescents.

5. Problems with the closest people

Usually feelings that are more sensitive and unstable arise. For example, when their parents advise
them, they don't accept it and instead fight or even leave the house.

6. Bullying

Already familiar with this word, Bullying that often occurs in the school environment can cause
stress and depression in adolescents. These can make them feel depressed, stressed, or even

7. Problems of love and sexual activity

As a parent, you need to explain about sex education and provide boundaries in this regard.

8. Gadget addiction

Gadget addiction makes children less physically active.

9. Pressure from peers

For example, many school children skip school or fight. If they don't follow them, they can be
shunned by their friends.

10. Smoking

11. Liquor and illegal drugs

This is a material for relieving stress in adolescents

12. Obesity

such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

What should we as parents do?

One thing that parents must hold is that PARENTS MUST BE ABLE TO BE FRIENDS FOR THEIR
CHILDREN. We have to approach children a lot, always giving advice and advising. Telling what is
good and what is bad, don't limit children too much in socializing and exploring. While it's good,
parents should always support all the activities that children do.

Before I close it, I give u my reason.

Why I choose this topic?

Because I am interested in discussing various kinds of teenage problems that often occur, such as
appearance, insecurity which has a negative impact and the most common ones are stress and

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