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Construction material exit exam Questions and Answers for 2015 graduate

HWRE BSc student

1. Slump test for concrete is carried out to determine
A. Strength
B. Durability
C. Workability
D. Water Content
Answer: C
2. The main objective of compaction of concrete is
A. To eliminate air holes
B. To achieve maximum density
C. To provide intimate contact between the concrete and embedded
D. All
Answer: D
3. The concrete mix which causes difficulty in obtaining a smooth finish
A. Segregation
B. Internal friction
C. Harshness
D. Bleeding
Answer: C
4. Setting time of cement increases by adding
A. Gypsum
B. Hydrogen peroxide
C. Calcium chloride
D. Sodium oxide
Answer: A
5. Which one of the following statement is not correct about adding
admixture in to a concrete
A. Admixtures accelerate hydration
B. Admixtures make concrete water proof
C. Admixtures make concrete acid proof
D. Admixtures give high strength
Answer: A
6. Strength of concrete with passage of time
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Fluctuates
D. Remains constant
Answer: A
7. Ordinary Portland cement is manufactured from
A. Lime stone and pozzolana
B. Gypsum and lime
C. Gypsum and pozzolana
D. Lime only
Answer: B
8. Concrete gains its strength due to
A. Chemical reaction of cement with sand and course aggregate
B. Evaporation of water from concrete
C. Hydration of cement
D. Increasing temperature
Answer: C
9. Workability of concrete mix with low water cement ratio is determined
A. Tensile strength test
B. Slump test
C. Compaction factor test
D. Flexural strength test
Answer: C
10.The cement whose strength is little lower than the ordinary cement during
the first few months but attains afterwards the same strength is known as
A. Low-heat Portland cement
B. Rapid hardening Portland cement
C. Portland blast slag cement
D. Portland pozzolana cement
Answer: A
11.Separation of water or water sand cement from a freshly concrete is
known as
A. Segregation
B. Bleeding
C. Cracking
D. Creeping
Answer: B
12. The process of hardening the concrete by keeping its surface moist is
known as
A. Wetting
B. Curing
C. Placing
D. Compacting
Answer: B
13.Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar is known as
A. Bleeding
B. Segregation
C. Cracking
D. Shrinkage
Answer: B
14. Plywood is made from
A. Common timber
B. Bamboo fibre
C. Teak wood only
D. Asbestos sheets
Answer: C
15. Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be
A. Heavy
B. Hard
C. Soft
D. Light
Answer: A
16.Which one of the following is not correct statement about tests carried for
A. Acid test is done to find out the weathering quality of stone
B. Attrition test is done to find out the rate of wear of stone which are
used in road construction
C. Crushing test is done to find out the tensile strength of stone
D. Impact test is done to find out the toughness of stone
Answer: C
17. Portland pozzolana cement possesses
A. High resistance to chemical attack
B. Lower heat of hydration
C. Lower shrinkage on drying
D. All
Answer: D
18.The main grouting material for construction is
A. Mortar
B. Concrete
C. Cement with water
D. Sand with water
Answer: C
19. A good quality brick does not contain much amount of
A. Lime
B. Silica
C. Alumina
D. Alkalis
Answer: D
20. Nowadays, formwork construction can be done preferably by using
A. Timbers
B. Plastics
C. Glass
D. Scaffoldings
Answer: D
21. A good cement quality contains much amount of
A. Tri-calcium silicate
B. Di-calcium silicate
C. Tri-calcium aluminate
D. Tetra-calcium alumino ferrite
Answer: A
22.The Vicat Apparatus is used to check
A. Compressive strength of cement
B. Fineness of cement
C. Setting time of cement
D. Soundness of Cement
Answer: C
23. A useful test carried out for concrete that has very low workability is
A. Flow Table Test
B. Vee-Bee Test
C. Compacting factor test
D. Gradation test
Answer: B
24. The only natural, harder and commonly used construction stone is
A. Basalt
B. Marble
C. Granite
D. Slate
Answer: C
25.The jar test for sand is used to check
A. Gradation of sand
B. Strength of sand
C. Clay and silt content of sand
D. B & C
Answer: C
26. The main difference between Ordinary Portland cement and Pozzolana
Portland cement is
A. Pozzolana Portland cement has higher resistance to chemical
agencies (good resistance to Sulphate attack) and to sea water
because of absence of lime
B. Pozzolana Portland cement possesses less resistance to the erosion
and weathering action
C. Pozzolana Portland cement imparts higher degree of water
tightness and it is cheap
D. All
Answer: D

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