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In today’s world, in order to prevent bigger countries involving your internal matters,

democracy is a requirement, at least on the papers. Since my country is a new one, considering its
newly gained independence, there also need to be a system that contains democracy. It could be
something like authoritarian democracy. The people would still get to choose who they would like to
see as the president or the authority, but also the ones that will be selected would also be mostly
expected, since people think that opposite candidates would not stand a chance. Bringing a whole
new system to the people of a country that they are not quite familiar with the concept of
democracy; every step should be taken cautiously. Because it is not like keeping a tight leash around
the nation’s neck but also, they must be prepared to democracy by the government itself
incrementally. If you try to push thousands of people to do something that they are not familiar with,
they will react to it unexpectedly.

The geographical circumstances are on the behalf of the country but still there is a major
need for cautiousness. The population is not very big, and it is made of many small ethnic groups.
Since most of the population is also conservative, religion, history and customs are the biggest three
factors of control that government could use to preserve order, not even try to push something to
the people but the let them form the order by themselves. By that means, before the law
enforcement, the individuals of the country would act upon their moral codes and social norms, so
that they would be controlled by the society and its expectations in the first place. And controlling a
population that already has been controlled by their norms and self-limitations is quite easy. This
situation provides government many weak points of the population that the government could take
advantage of, and it would be much easier for the government to establish a whole new controlling

Religion is a very strong unifying factor for the population of different ethnic backgrounds.
Because they cannot be unified with nationality-based feelings and when you cannot use nationality
as a mass control mechanism, there is not much left to use but religion. If there is an already-existing
common belief system for the country that would be easier to use on government’s behalf but if
there is not, government would be in the need for imposing on a new one to the people. Also,
religion and strong belief to a creator is a great drug for individuals and masses for governments to
use on them. Lying about and using a concept or thing that nobody has ever seen before is one of the
easiest things on Earth. So that millions of people have been taking the bait for years.

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