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Name: Rada, Karl Hendricks B. Date: 10/9/20

Grade & Section: 12 – Efficiency Teacher: Sir Eric S. Fungo

Module Task

Process Questions:

1. What is the rationale of Aristotle by saying “Man is by nature a political animal”?

Humans are social being. He knows that man is dependent to one another and he cannot
live alone. Aristotle stated that, “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is
unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human.
Society is something that precedes the individual.”

2. Which do you prefer, politics is an art or politics is a science?

Politics is an art. Even though it creates a systematic approach that constitutes standards
and norms for the society that undergo process through scientific methods, it does not
mean that it is a science. Politics has no definite answer as opposed to science and its
component. It comes from reasoning and a personal perspective about society. Politics
cannot provide a specific idea to what and how the public must be, as humans are complex
and reasonable. It does not have laws and theorems that can predict what society can do
or what results from it will do. As art is a skill gained by experience, study, or observation,
it is also referring to the conscious use of skill and creative imagination. In art, it influences
people through its design, colors, and other aesthetics that can please one’s eyes. In
politics, it persuades the people by providing an ideology or perspective that is pleasing
to many. Thus, I conclude that Politics is an art.

3. How can we measure a good governance in our country? Provide particular examples.

Good governance is not only based on the government or the one who has the authority
to control society as it is also concerned with the people who belong to being governed.
And to measure governance, we must look if its characteristics are being adhered to. There
are eight characteristics in good governance: participatory, consensus-oriented,
accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable, and inclusive.
These are essential in having positive supervision as it assures the reduction of corruption
and abuse of authority, and the voices of the whole taken into account. For example,
transparency gives people to investigate the decisions and enforcements the government
does. It is important because it manifests the government’s will to be checked if there is
unnecessary action being done by them. Second is participation. As I stated, governance
does not only rely on the ruler as it is also involved the people because it is a shared
responsibility both by the governors and the governed. The government cannot
accomplish things without the help of its people. The same goes for the people. By these
characteristics, we can assess if good governance is being done in our country.

Worksheet Tasks

First Day: Understanding Politics

1. Government. It is a group of people who rule or run the administration of a country.

2. Politics. Aims at improving the welfare and conditions of all citizens and at promoting
and implementing constructive policies.

3. Public. Refers to an institution of the state which is funded by the people at large through
their taxes to satisfy their common interest.

4. Politics. It refers to the state of affairs of a country and includes all aspects of government.

5. Private. It refers to the civil society that is privately funded to support their own interest.

6. Political Science. It provides the tools and theoretical background needed to understand
reality and to foresee political choices.

7. Aristotle. He said that man is by nature a political animal and he cannot leave in isolation.

8. Governance. The act of governing and ruling. It is the set of rules and laws framed by
the government that are to be implemented through the representatives of the state.

9. Politics. It is the master science through which individuals collectively set structures,
purpose, and ideals in their lives.

10. City-State. These are small countries regarded as centers of culture and civilization
where people interact under a unified government.

Process Question:

1. What is the importance of politics to you as a Senior High School student?

Politics run in all the group of people. It can be an organization, religion, or country. It is
significant as it teaches us that we need to participate and to take action on the things
related to the happening in the society as it can affect everything. It helps us to be
responsible for the things we decide. As politics is all about the set of activities that are
associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between
individuals, we should engage in our role and have an initiative for the society as it is all
for the common good.

2. Can you live without politics?

Politics has an impact on everyone as to Aristotle, collective life necessitates a political

mechanism of rules, regulations, and leadership. An organized society needs some
system to make and enforce rules for orderly behavior in society. Politics is made to
control the people in the state, which I am part of. It will cause havoc if there is no system
maker or if anyone will not abide by the system created. Thus, I cannot live without politics.

3. With the kind of government and the way Pres. Duterte govern our country are there solutions
in your mind that will be given or advice for the betterment of educational system in our country?

As we are going towards the trends of using gadgets and internet for learning, I
recommend that pushing through his plans with the Department of Information
Communication and Technology for the National Broadband Plan that will fasten the
internet connectivity in the country that will help for the advancement of our education.

Second day: Know the difference of governance to government

1. Polis. F. City-State

2. Governance. H. It is a concept that can be followed in an organization of any size

3. Politikos I. It means amongst others or, for, or relating to citizens, civil, civic,
belonging the state

4. Harold Lasswell G. According to definition of politics underscores the reality of

scarcity in the society.

5. Government C. It is the medium through which the power of the state is employed.

6. Man A. By nature, is a political animal

7. Political Science B. It entails a higher degree of abstraction and would not exist
without politics

8. Politics J. Refers to the concrete legislative process and it could not exist without
the theoretical foundation of political science.

9. Ponton and Gill. E. Politics is the way in which social affairs are understood and
ordered, and by which people acquire greater control over the situation.

10. Aristotle. D. Politics is the master science through which individuals collectively set
structure, purpose, and ideas in their lives.

Process Questions:

1. Why is interaction in our society a necessity for a meaningful life?

We, as a social being are dependent to one another. There is no human that can live
alone nor be truly independent. From being an embryo in our mother’s womb, to
becoming a person who has a capacity to reason out. All of it comes from the
persons we depend on. We need to interact in order to survive. We learn things
from the people surrounding around us that will helps us develop our minds and
lead to a meaningful life.

2. Can we survive in a civilized world if there is no government? Yes or No, then how?

No, we cannot possibly live in a world without a government even though we’re
civilized. Government are the ones who establish and controls the law and its
enforcement. It cannot be a guarantee that the people of a civilized society can live
in peace and harmony as no one in authority can prohibit an action of a person. You
may say that the people know the right and wrong, however, abuses and injustices
can happen. Even when the government is in control, oppression and transgression
is still prevalent, but justice can be served to the rightful. Furthermore, as there is
no person in control, struggle for the possession of power will rise. And that will
cause a problem as pseudo-leadership can be abusive and exploitive. For this
reason, government is an essential component of a civilized world. As Cicero
stated, “We are slaves of the law so that we may be able to be free.”

3. If you will be given a chance to rule in our country, what is your primary concern and why?

Improvement of our economy would be the primary goal of my administration as it

will be a domino effect that can resolve other issues that the country faces. The first
thing to be done is to create more Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations
to provide jobs for the labor force that would be beneficial to the economy as it will
reduce unemployment and poverty. Second, amending economic laws for foreign
investors that can encourage them to invest in the country. Lastly, building
infrastructure and roads that can be used by the business sector to have easy
access to provide their service to the consumers. Through this, it can help to
alleviate our education sector, agricultural sector, and other private and public
sectors in the country.

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