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1st Sem/SY2020-2021

Politics and Governance

NAME: Anjela Linggon Baliao DATE: October 21, 2020

Politics and Governance

Politics is about how people living together manage their affairs; it
refers to how citizens' bodies are conducting. The thought is the result of thinking.
Politicians are supposed to work and natural environments for citizens to thrive—all
Citizens in some way or other. And Protect us from the liars and cheats & thieves. I
know today they are not doing their job for us. The basic commonalities that I will
layout refer to power, authority, and influence somehow. So, when attempting to define
politics, those three things have to be at the forefront of one's mind. Politics as a
discipline, and how it is defined, split into two schools of thought, the empiricists and
the normativism. Governance is the structure and processes of responsibilities,
authorities, and accountabilities of an organization. Government is how an organization
does the work and be accountable for what the organization exists to accomplish.
Power can be appalling in an organization resulting in inefficiency, waste, and
corruption. Governance can be outstanding, resulting in an organization that is very
focused, effective, and accountable for what the organization exists to achieve.

Value of Politics
Politics value to educate democracy the system delivers to people to
rule by people. They are forming political parties with the education of democracy to
inform the people to give welfare state and provide Constitution and works to
implement that Constitution on the ground. They were forming institutions based on the
welfare state. This way, the Government for good governance. It determines the future
of our democracy and our entire system, including healthcare. We' are a third-world
country that still lacks even the primary healthcare of the people.
Meanwhile, people have died because they don't have enough money to buy insulin as
a diabetic.. that is appalling. There's still lots of corruption. Currently, big corporations
rule the land by bribing political leaders bribery, and greed is the number one reason
why they were still behind and not moving forward. As the Government is the only
entity that can legitimately take your life, such as by criminal penalty or compulsory
military service, politics are of supreme importance. That requires participation and
ideally democratic rules, that is, processes that allow people to determine community
values meaningfully. It doesn't require the people to vote on all issues to have methods
by which all can participate.

Governance and Government

Government is a group of communities that rule or run the administration
of a country. Governance is the act of governing or ruling. In simple words, we can say
that power is the set of laws and rules which the government implements through state
representatives. Simply put, governance is what the government does. Control is very
much a part of the government, and the two should never be confused. The difference
between the two is the same as the difference between a pilgrim and pilgrimage.
Governance refers to how the government is ruling or instead of looking into the
matters of its people. The way they exercise their power is governance. Government is
a group of people or a system that governs a specific community, organization, or
state. The people can elect people in the government, but it is not necessary at all. It
depends on the type of government. The government's action or manner of governing
a state, organization, country, etc. taken by the government falls under governance.

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