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Course : Val Ed 133- Transformative Education
1. What does UNCED stands for?
• United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
2. Which is the lead agency for sustainable development?
3. What does UNDESD mean?
• UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
4. When was UNDESD declared?
• Year 2002
5. What period covers UNEDSD?
• 2005-2014
• 6. When did it end?
• 2015
7. What is the continuing strategy after 2014?
• Mainstream ESD in the post 2015 development agenda.
8. What is Sustainable Development?
• SD is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
9. What is the vision of ESD in the 2030 Agenda?
• To implement SDG 4
10. What are the emphases of Sustainable Development?
• Environment, social justice, fight against poverty
11. What are the three pillars of SD?
• Economy, society and environment
• 12. What is meant by Agenda 21?
• Action Programme for the 21st Century adopted by governments at the United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development (also known as Earth Summit in 1992
• 13. What are the aims of ESD?
• A)To enable people to make decisions and carry out actions to improve our quality of life without
compromising the planet. B) aims to integrate the values inherent in sustainable developmentinto all
aspects and levels of learning
14. What are the key themes in ESD?
• a) environmental concerns b) poverty alleviation c) citizenship d) peace, e) ethics f) responsibility in
local and global context g) democracy and governance h) justice i) human rights j) gender equality k)
corporate responsibility l) natural resource management m) biological diversity
What are the characteristics for the successful
implementation of ESD?
1. Be embedded in the curriculum in an interdisciplinary and holistic manner (whole
institution approach)
2. Share the values and principles
3. Promote critical thinking, problem solving and action
4. Employ a variety of educational methods and avoid jargon-ridden language
5. Allow learners to participate in decision-making on the design and content of educational
6. Address local as well as global issues
7. Look to the future (medium term and long-term planning)
What are the 17 SDGs?
1) No poverty 10) Reduced inequalities
2) Zero hunger 11) Sustainable cities and communities
3) Good health and well-being 12) Responsible consumption and
4) Quality education production
5) Gender equality 13) Climate action
6) Clear water and sanitation 14) Life below water
7) Affordable and clean energy 15) Life on land
8) Decent work and economic growth 16) peace, justice and strong institutions
9) Industry, innovation and
17) Partnership s for the goals

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