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The definition of liberty is the quality or state of being free. For example the power to do as one
please. Freedom from physical restraint, freedom from arbitrary restraints or restrictions.The positive
enjoyment of various sosial, political, or economic and privileges.Freedom is the only condition of
growth, take that off, the result is degeneration.

Since the outbreak of the first revolution, the fights for liberty are growing in frequency and it does
not tend to stop until today. Along with the civilization of different nations, liberty seems to be a more and
more important aspect. ‘Liberty or death’ becomes a controversial question. In fact, a complete liberty
does not ever exist. Undoubtedly, liberty is essential for both individual and social aspects. It gives
meaning to lives and equity to humans, as well as diversification of culture and knowledge and stability to
social level. For individuals, people without freedom are just like a programmed robot. Never can they
live according to their own wills.Sometimes even if the world does not put any constraint, some people
still constrain themselves. They are allowed to make choices, and they choose to exchange their freedom
for money. Liberty becomes meaningless when they choose to be a machine of making profits. They are
said to be physically free while spiritually slavery.

Swami Viveakananda quotes: Liberty is the condition of growth.Just as man must have liberty to think
and speak, so he must have liberty in food, dress, and marriage, and in every other thing.So long as he
does not injure others.There cannot be any growth without liberty.
Our ancestors freed religious thought, and we have a wonderful religion. But they put a heavy chain on
the feet of society, and our society is, in a word, horrid, diabolical. In the West, society always had
freedom, and looked at them. On the other hand, look at their religion.Liberty is the first condition of
growth. Your ancestors gave every liberty to the soul, and religion grew. They put the body under every
bondage, and society did not grow. The opposite is the case in the West and every liberty to society, none
to religion. Now are falling off the shackles from the feet of Eastern society as from those of Western
religion.You must remember that freedom is the first condition of growth. What you do not make free,
will never grow. The idea that you can make others grow and help their growth, that you can direct and
guide them, always retaining for yourself the freedom of the teacher, is nonsense, a dangerous lie which
has retarded the growth of millions and millions of human beings in this world. Let men have the light of
liberty. That is the only condition of growth.
This year marks the 65th year of our country's independence. Since Malaysia gained its freedom on
August 31st 1957, Malaysia has grown as a strong multiracial nation. The uniqueness and the strength of
the unity among us are the pillars that shape the nation. We are truly blessed to be living in a harmonious
country. We are free to practice our religions and belief in peace. As every religion pushes their believers
towards kindness and positivity, the liberty to embrace a religion allows a person to grow as a better
person in a community. We also have the freedom of speech where we are allowed to voice our opinion
respectfully. These forms of liberty are crucial in growing a peaceful society.

Freedom is when every choice is completely up to the individual. With complete freedom does not
mean without consequences. If a person decided to take something from another individual their only
consequence would be if the individual decided to retaliate. With complete freedom safety is not
guaranteed. Other species live with complete freedom, a squirrel can do whatever he wants to, however,
his life is ruled by survival. Freedom does not provide a quality of life. The only thing you can focus on is

This is even more obviously the case when certain individuals are economically disadvantaged due to
the implementation of unfair economic policy by the government. Whether this policy actively
marginalizes a particular group in society, or simply inhibits social mobility of the poor, this is a
compromise on the liberty of the economically disadvantaged to grow.

Liberty can be defined as freedom from arbitrary and unreasonable restraint upon an individual.
Freedom from restraint refers to more than just physical restraint, but also the freedom to act according to
one's own will .All in all, I wholeheartedly believe that liberty is a great tool to ensure growth in an
individual, society, and nation. Without freedom, an individual loses his sparks to shine and a nation lacks
its catalyst to move forward.
BY : Zulhairy Hakim Bin Abdul Karim
SCHOOL : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Sagu


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