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Liberty is growth

As a teenage girl in an asian household, I am allowed to be out on my own only until 6

in the evening. That might be the liberty I have at home or also can be referred as my freedom.
Speaking of the word ‘liberty’, its defined in the oxford dictionary as the state of being free
within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life,
behaviour, or political views. The word liberty itself means free which is derived from Latin
word ‘Liber’. As years passed, liberty as gone through phases of revolution. 30 years ago,
women only given the responsibility to take care of the house and had many restrictions in life.
Now, the role of women in society is being equalised with men. They have the liberty of making
own decisions in their life. Till today, people have agreements and disagreements on liberty.
Its all in the perspective and our view about it. This reminds me of the quote, “it is better to be
blind than to see things from only one point of view”. The real question in society today is,
“liberty is growth?”.

To begin with, liberty can be associated with economic condition. According to

hundreds of studies by professionals, liberty has caused a great positive impact on economic
growth. Economic growth is defined as an increase in the production of goods and services in
an economy. It is proven that liberty leads to economical growth by the ability of individuals
to make economical decisions and involve in giving their view and ideas. Futhermore, liberty
that our citizens have had made individuals involve themselves in economical sectors
regardless of gender, race, religion and age. Everyone has the rights to voice out their
perspective. To say that liberty is clearly seen by the involvement of women in economical
industries. Women are given the freedom to make economical decisions and contribute towards
growth of our country. For instance, Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof, who is a mother, model and
the co-founder of the iconic multimillion-dollar online retail Fashion Valet which is an icon in
her own right. If she was not given the freedom of entering fashion field, she might just be an
ordinary person and the country would have lost the benefits. Therefore, its crystal clear that
liberty had given the exposure to a new level of economical growth in our country.

Moving on with liberty, Liberty had caused self-improvement of individuals. Self-

development is achieved when a person develops her talents, abilities, capacities, and faculties.
Liberty had given the chance to develop inner natures and capacities. Perhaps, life without
liberty is just like a pre-programmed robot;just following all the commands given. One can
never be free to voice note their opinion or live according to own wills. Unlike, those old days
where people had restricted liberty, society now is emphasising on equality of liberty to
everyone regardless of their social status. Lifestyle of indivuals had become had become more
blissful by having own rights. As examples, the right to privacy, right to freedom of speech,
right to marry and the right to be free from self-incrimination. If a person if being abused in
maritial life, they have the liberty to end the relationship by getting divorce and release
themselves from the miserable life. Liberty had saved many individuals from dreadful
situations and given them oppurtunity to make a living of their dream. Taking all these into
account, liberty had played a major role in self-improvements of individuals that leads to

Consequently, liberty had given rise to stable and vibrant society. Liberty had increased
contentment of individuals. It gives motivation to take more riskd that artistically leads to more
vibrant society. A society where everyone enjoys a rich,happy and fulfilling life as a strong
foundation for economic prosperity. Individuals has the rights to socialise without any
curtailment. Morover, everyone gas equal rights in today’s society. It all depend on the hand
of user whether to use it in a positive way or otherwise. The outcome and consuquence will be
based on own action. When one is free to express their disagreement or frasturation they often
air their grievances to the autorities will open up to stable society. Nevertheless, this is very
important in a multicultural country like Malaysia. This will maintain the unity between the
races in our country and make the less chaotic. To add on, liberty also produces a high level
cooperation and creativity that ensures human beings to flourish. To be taken as an example,
when racism takes place at a public place, the victim has the liberty to defence themselves and
others have the right to stand out to them. Therefore, liberty had shown growth in leading
towards a stable and vibrant society.

Everything considered and referring back to the question in the beginning, I strongly
agree that liberty is growth. Liberty had made way to economical growth, self growth and
society’s growth. We also need to keep in mind that liberty comes with great responsibility and
disciplin. Liberty in hands of wrong person becomes a harbinger leading to disaster. Liberty is
to make life more to us and our surroundings, people should be able to explore their highest
levels of transcendence. Liberty should not be submitted to a cost-benefit analysis: it is more
fundamental. It is the oxygen mixed into the very air that we breathe, and it gives vigor to our
passions for exploration, discovery and invention. The word ‘liberty’ nevertheless turns out to
be an exceptionally tricky word, as slippery as it is powerful, and its ambiguity undergirds the
widely differing understandings. Eventhough, in some parts of the world, Liberty is not known
and people being slave to someone, I really hope that soon their condition changes and they
get to know their rights. Individuals should be filling themselves with knowledge of the liberty
they have in life in order not to lose control of their own life. Last but not least, not to forget
that, liberty should always be a protection not a weapon.

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