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SEF 2 Reflection

For this week’s topic is all about “Social Media in the Formation of the
Spirituality of the Modern Youth”. Fr. Fiel Pareja showed that in these days’ Social
media platforms are not only used by the people as a source of entertainment, but it
can also be used as a way to spread the word of God to a bigger audience. During this
Pandemic, especially during the start of the lockdowns, churches have been closed and
shutdown for some time, Since then online masses have been popping up on social
media platform. Churches have started to create their own Facebook pages and started
live streaming masses, posting church announcement, events, and more. I believe that
social media platforms have been a great source for the words of God. And not only is
this a new platform to share Jesus to others, but it reaches a lot more people. With a
single click of the mouse, you can instantly share the words of God. With social media it
is also easier to reach a lot more people quickly, especially when these posts become
viral. One single video can reach millions of people, A single video can make other’s
turn to God once again. During the era where technology has been abundant. Churches
have found more ways to interact with others to spread the word of God. There are
times where SocMed platforms have been bad for us like when fake news and all we
see are bad news, but there is a large amount of great content about God. Personally
during this pandemic, I have always been feeling down and depressed, but every day
there are post about God and I see on social media the words of God posted by various
friends or group and this became a reminder for me that God is always with me,
especially during the days where everything feels gloomy. I have seen one of Fr.
Pareja’s post on tiktok this was during the time where I was struggling with my
academics, I saw his post about “Prayer for Encouragement”, It was a short clip that he
has posted where in the content was he taught us a short prayer for us to be
encouraged. That clip alone was very helpful. To conclude this reflection, I believe that
social media platforms are not always bad for us, there are a lot of good content that
we can consume, especially those that preach the words of God, and these posts can
reach a bigger audience.

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