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Department of Computer Science

CS 110-002 – Programming and Problem Solving (Fall 2018)

Assignment 2 (Assigned: Monday, October 8, 2018, Due: Monday, October 15, 2018)

Exercises (No programming is required. Your submission should be a word or pdf document.)

Question 1: (2 Marks)
Which of the following are valid statements?
1. char ch1 = 47;
2. char ch2 = '65';
3. int ch3 = 'y';
4. string str1 = "1234";
5. string str2 = "1\t2\t3\t4";

Question 2: (2 Marks)
What is wrong with this code?
int v = false;
if (v == true);
cout << " The variable v is true" << endl;

Question 3: (3 Marks)
Write an if-else statement that outputs to the screen the remainder of x/y, where x and y are two
integer variables. If the denominator (y) is zero, it outputs a string “ERROR”; otherwise it outputs the
remainder of x/y. You assume that x and y are already declared and initialized.

Question 4: (2 Marks)
Given the following C++ instruction:
string str = "Welcome to C";

Using string concatenation, add one instruction that changes the content of str into
"Welcome to C++". That is, after adding this instruction, if your send str to the screen, the output
should be: Welcome to C++


Note: Besides a cpp file, your submission should include a screenshot of the execution of the
program using each of the values: mark = 33, 82,120)

1. Program 1: (6 Marks)
Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter a mark between 0 and 100, and outputs its
equivalent in text.
For example, if the user enters 95, the program should output this text: “Exemplary performance”.
If the user enters 71, the output should be: “Proficient performance”, and so on.

 The marks should be declared integer.
 The mark classes are as follows:
[80 - 100]: “Exemplary performance”.
[70 - 79]: “Proficient performance”.
[60 - 69]: “Adequate performance”.
[50 - 59]: “Limited performance”.
[0 - 49]: ”Week performance”.

 If the user enters a mark that is not between 0 and 100, the program outputs the following
text: “This is not a valid mark”
 Hint: use nested if-else statement.

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