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1 -2 - 3 - 4 -5 .. Gall bladder . 6 - 7 - 8 Liver . 9 - 10 - 11 Portal hypertension . 12 ... Spleen . ********** Intestine *******

13 Imporferated anus . Pilonidal sinus , Anal fissure . 14 Hemorrhoid ( Pile ) , Acute perianal hematoma , Anal fistula . 15 . pre anal abscess + meckels diverticulum , T.B. of intestine. 16 Acute intestinal obstruction , Intussusception . 17 . Paralytic ileus , Mesentric vascular occlusion , Volvulus of pelvic colon .. 18 ...Volvulus Neonatoram , Adhesive I.O., Cancer colon. 19 Cong. & acqureid megacolon , diverticular disease of colon , inflamatory bowel dis. (ulcerative colitis , crohns) 20 . Bilharzial Colitis + Rectal Prolapse , Juvenile Polyps , Peuitz Syndrom + Adenomatous Polyps , Familial Polyposis Coli .

******* Oesophegous ******* 21... Anatomy . 22 ...Congental diseases , hiatus hernia .. 23 .. TTT . of hiatus hernia , Reflux esophagitis , Plumer Vinson $ , Esophageal carcinoma 24 Post cricoid carcinoma , pharyngeal pouch ,achlasia , corck screw , nutcracker , esophgeal perforation . 25 . Postcorosive esophegeal stricture , Mallory Weiss $ , esophegeal F.B . ****** THE STOMACH ******* 26 .. Anatomy - Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis . 27-28 . Peptic ulcer. 29 .. Complication of vagotomy , Gastrotomy &Acute Perforation. 30 .. Subacute & chronic perforation of P.u., Fibrous contracture ,Tumour of the stomach 31 .. Tumour of the stomach Gastric volvulus . ************ PANCREAS ********* 32. Acute pancreatitis . 33 Pseudo pancreatic cyst , Tumours of the pancreas , Zollinger Ellison $ , Carcinoma of the pancreas ....

**************** APPENDIX ********** 34 Embryology , Anatomy , Acute appendicitis . 35 Acute appendicitis +Tumors . ********** PERITONEUM ********** 36 The Peritoneum .

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