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17/03/2022 Name: Supriya Agarwal

Subject: Digital Design Teacher: Mrs. Chakar Class: 10-A

Criterion B:
Three innovative appliances:

1. Spatial Home Touch

In the early 1920s people could not even imagine about a Television (TV) of being invented for
entertainment and leisure purposes. Imagine going back in a time machine and informing them
that now you will not need to worry about the maintenance of your remote. You can just point
your finger at the TV and move it the direction required for you task to be completed. It will
automatically alter the volume, change the channel, alter the brightness, and many more things.
It uses a technology called TOF sensor also known as Time-Of-Flight camera. It is an infrared
light camera which is invisible to the naked eye. It measures distance and volume along that it
also does object scanning, indoor navigation, and many other things.

2. Motion Pillow 3
This understated pillow represents that people still have generosity left amongst them. This is
device to easy down the tension when our parents are snoring down the house from a tiring
day. It senses the head position of the user and detects sound of snoring. All this trigger’s
airbags inside to inflate so it can optimise the sleepers head position while they remain in a deep
sleep. Hence, it reduces snoring by securing the upper respiratory tract during sleep.

3. Sleep Number Smart Furniture

If the IB students get to know about this device than this will probably go out of stock. This combines AI
technology to detect sleeping patterns and positions so it can adjust the bed accordingly for the optimal
stress-free sleep. Now many people question what does AI technology do in my bed? Well in this case,
AI technology tracks the sleeping and waking patterns of the users, lighting, noise, and the most
comfortable position that will also aid the user physically. Hence, this results in a longer, deeper, and
better sleep. All of this results in slower aging, improved metabolism, less stress, and more organized

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