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Describing trends

The graph below shows our company’s sales over a twelve-month period 2021.
Describe it to your partner. They should draw it.

The graph shows our company's sales over a twelve-month period in 2021 began at
14 million pounds in January and decreased steadily to 13 million pounds in April.
There was a dramatic rise to 16 million pounds in May due to the introduction of a
new price discounting scheme. This was followed by a slight fall in June when
sales dropped to 15 million pounds and stood at 15 million pounds until August.
But we ran our company’s sales increased steadily to 17 million pounds from
August to November. But then we experienced problems meeting demand and our
company’s sales sharp in by 15 million pounds in December.

The graph below shows the energy costs of a company over a period 2021 of
twelve months. Describe it to your partner.
The energy costs of a company began the year in 2021 at 6,000 pounds in January,
and this stood at 6,000 pounds until February. There was a sharply decrease to
4,000 pounds from February to April. Our competitors launched a rival product in
spring, and this resulted in the energy costs of a company in a month throughout
April, May until they stood at 4,000 pounds in June. But then we experienced
problems meeting demand and energy costs of a company went down slightly to
2,000 pounds in August. The dramatic rise to 6,000 pounds from August to
November resulted from the launch of our new autumn range, and this stood at
6,000 pounds until December.

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