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Abude, Clyde Bihag, Serg’s Bryan

Santos, Francis Lawrence Ocampo, Alexander

Emerging Technologies

Example: Quantum computing is a technology that differs significantly from classical computing, that uses quantum
bits or qubits, which can be in a superposition of both 0 and 1 at the same time, allowing for exponentially faster
Quantum computing is a technology that has the potential to revolutionize many fields, such as cryptography,
chemistry, and artificial intelligence, by providing faster and more efficient ways of solving complex problems.

Example: Al is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating machines that can perform tasks that typically require human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision -making, and language translation.
Some of the characteristics of AI include: Machine learning: A systems use algorithms to learn from data and improve their
performance over time. Natural language processing: AI systems can understand and interpret human language, allowing for more
intuitive interactions with computers and devices. Automation: AI systems can automate routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up
humans to focus on more complex and creative work. Personalization: AI systems can personalize experiences based on individual
preferences and behaviors. Predictive analytics: AI systems can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make
predictions. Autonomous systems: AI systems can operate without human intervention, such as self-driving cars and drones.

Cloud computing data and resources must be available, consistent, and current across the cloud ecosystem. It is a
requirement that should be done so for it to be considered to have a high level of coherence with regards to the
said technology. The cloud services of any application or system should be dependable and consistent for the reason
that coherence in cloud computing must be ensured for the utilization of cloud computing to several fields of the
industry, such as e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and many more, is crucial whereas data consistency and
availability are essential.

Blockchain is a distributed digital record that revolutionizes the financial capabilities of several industrial sectors,
making them safe and open. Blockchain is decentralized, meaning a network of nodes or computers maintains a
distributed ledger. It is also immutable as recorded transactions cannot be changed. Blockchain is also transparent
to everyone in the network, allowing them to see and access it with ease. Cryptography is also used to secure
transactions. Blockchain has the potential to influence several industrial sectors such as banking, healthcare, supply
management, and many more as it offers efficient and secure transactions and information management.

The creation of machines that are smart enough to perform tasks that usually requires human intelligence certainly
calls for uncertainty and ambiguity. Privacy, security, data bias, and ethical concerns are some examples of
challenges that artificial intelligence may just face, which may then lead to serious hazards. To ensure that AI is
developed and used in a responsible and sustainable way, it is crucial to address these challenges in a proactive and
transparent manner. This requires thorough research, development, and regulation of the AI technology across
different sectors of society to ensure that AI is used to promote human well-being and prosperity.

Each characteristic of an emerging technology features an example of one that describes their purpose or function
with regards to each respective characteristic. Quantum computing’s radical novelty allowed the concept of calculating data
to improve immensely over time. Artificial intelligence’s continuous process of development certainly enabled itself to have
a relatively fast growth. Cloud computing has the coherent ability to store large amounts of data from various different users
with its cloud storage. Blockchain has a prominent impact to several industrial sectors as it improved the system of
transacting drastically. Lastly, the innovation of artificial intelligence also brought up uncertainty and ambiguity with regards
to safety and ethical concers. Interestingly, the mentioned emerging technologies could also be described using another
characteristic as each innovation is very complex for it to just be limited to one.

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